Magical Britain
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Слайд 1

Magical Britain Составила: Чернова Е.М. учитель ГБОУ БИЮЛИ

Слайд 2

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an amazing country with beautiful landscapes and interesting traditions. Also, British Isles are full of fairy tales, myths and legends.

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Folk tales Every nation has its own fairy tales. They reflect the soul of the people, their wisdom and thoughts . In England, folk tales were collected and recorded much later. The first collections of English folk tales appeared in the late 19th century. First collected and published two volumes of English folk tales by Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916), President of the English folk club. It was difficult for Joseph Jacobs to collect fairy tales, as many of them were forgotten.

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Do you know these fairy tales ? From early childhood, everyone knows the famous fairy tale "Three little pigs". And this is also an English fairy tale! S. V. Mikhalkov translated and processed it.

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears Jack and the Beanstalk

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Lewis Carrol It is his nickname. His real name is Lewis Charles Dodgson. It is his nickname. His real name is Lewis Charles Dodgson. He was born in 1832. He had 10 sisters and brothers. His friend had 5 daughters and one of them was 4 years-old Alice. Later Lewis wrote his “Alice in Wonderland” especially for her.

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James Matthew Barrie He was born in 1860 in Scotland. He was a journalist and worked for London newspapers. Matthew Barrie is famous by his book “Peter Pen”. The story is about a boy who ignored to grow and wanted always to be a little boy. The scene of this fairy- tale we are going to show you.

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Joanne Rowling Is one of the most famous modern writers. Is one of the most famous modern writers. She was born in 1965. We know her with the help of the book “Harry Potter”- a boy who was sent to school of magic. Harry strikes for justice and the truth. We all love him very much.

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Myths and magic creatures England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are countries which are rich in ancient legends, myths and stories. The origin of these stories and legends is often not known but these tales have been around for many centuries often passed down through the generations by the spoken word alone.

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Fairy Fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as supernatural. Fairies do kind actions and help people. They become godmothers of princes and princesses and give magical abilities to them. Fairies have magical sticks with the help of which they make their miracles. They are naughty and kind, sometimes sensitive. Fairies like music and dancing. They respect faithfulness. Fairies don’t like iron.

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Brownie Brownie is a legendary creature popular in folklore around Scotland and England. A brownie resembles the hob. Brownies are said to inhabit houses and aid in tasks around the house. However, they do not like to be seen and will only work at night, traditionally in exchange for small gifts of food. Among food, they especially enjoy porridge and honey.

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Bug Bug is a magic spirit of an evil fairy. He has several names : the bug, the bugaboo, boggle-Boo. According to legends, the bug is a "childish" bogeyman, even in our time, English women frighten their children with it. Usually these creatures have the appearance of shaggy monsters with matted shaggy hair. Many English children believe that bugs can get into rooms by using open chimneys. However, these creatures are completely non-aggressive and practically harmless, since they have neither sharp teeth nor long claws. They can only scare in one way – by making a terrible ugly face.

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Gwyllgi (Welsh Mythology) Think of this creature as the faerie dog’s demonic, scarier, and darker cousin. All of Britain has legends of black dogs that portend certain doom, but Wales has one with a much better title—the dog of darkness. As with all scary, black, ethereal dogs, they are said to haunt lonely country roads and scare the living daylights out of travelers. The dog’s appearance is said to be a dark omen, but isn’t that obvious?

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Banshee (Scottish Mythology) A banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member . Sometimes she has long streaming hair and wears a gray cloak over a green dress, and her eyes are red from continual weeping. Sometimes ghosts look in the windows of the home for a few hours or even days before death. Other options are blood – stained clothing. This activity lasts all night. It is dangerous to approach them – it is fraught with death or injury to an overly curious person.

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Leprechaun (Irish Mythology) Leprechaun is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat. The Leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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King Arthur King Arthur and Merlin are two of the most famous mythical heroes in England. There have been novels, plays, movies, and many pieces of art that were inspired by King Arthur and the legends surrounding his life and deeds. Merlin, a wizard, has received just as much attention, even with movies solely focused on the life of the fascinating character – sometimes as a young man, sometimes as the old wise wizard. There are many places in England where you can delve deeper into the legends surrounding King Arthur, floating between his reality and fiction. You can visit his probable place of birth, visit castles, and check out the place where he was supposedly buried.

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Robin Hood Robin Hood, Nottingham We all know this one. Or do we? The outlaw hero and expert archer who robs the rich to feed the poor is about as English as tea and crumpets. But surprisingly little is known about the man himself. So don your suit of green, assemble some merry men and head to Nottingham to see if you can discover this elusive chap yourself. You might find him at the Major Oak, the ancient tree in Sherwood Forest rumoured to be his hideout.

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The End

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Ресурсы Ресурсы: http:// леприкон русалка гоблин эльф гном фея 1 фея 2 великан домовой тролль Народные сказки Британских островов. – М.: Радуга, 1987. Методическое пособие по истории Британской литературы. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2003.

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