План-конспект урока . Verbals. Revision.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)

Обзорное повторение и упражнения по теме Неличные глагольные формы.


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Предварительный просмотр:


 Match the statements 1-10. Use one rule twice.

We use gerunds

a as the subject/object of a sentence.

b with go to talk about physical activities.

c after prepositions.

d after verbs of liking or disliking (except when the verb goes with would, e.g. would like, would prefer).

e after certain verbs like admit, avoid, consider, deny, involve, risk, suggest.

We use infinitives

f to explain why somebody does something.

g immediately after adjectives.

h after too, enough, the first, the last.

I after certain verbs like agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, encourage, force, manage, decide, expect, help, need, promise, want.

Work with a partner. Read these statements made by students about revising for exams. Which ones do you think are a good idea?

  1. 'Reading your notes again and again is useful.'
  2. 'It's good to revise with other students.'
  3. 'I always go to the library to revise.'
  4. 'I revise by reading my notes and then asking somebody to test me.'
  5. 'I can't stand revising so I leave all my revision to the last week before the exams.'
  6. 'I feel tired and stressed when I revise so I go running or swimming to help me to relax.'
  7. 'My revision strategy involves drinking lots of coffee and going to bed really late.'
  8. 'I always need to take a break after 45 or 50 minutes of study.'
  9. 'The last thing I do before the real exam is to do a practice exam.'
  10. 'I avoid revising a lot of subjects before the exam. I just revise some of the points and hope they come up in the exam.

Choose the correct alternative.

Efficient revision

It's incredible (a) thinking/ think we do hundreds of exams at school and university, but many students never pay much attention to how they revise. Here are just some ideas to help you (b) revising/to revise efficiently.

Some people think that (c) revising/to revise is a question of (d) sitting/to sit down for hours and hours with their notes. It isn't. It's essential (e) taking/to take frequent (but short!) breaks. This way our mind stays alert and active. Just (f) reading and reading/ to read and read is not very sensible either. After a while we think we know everything and we no longer pay attention to what we are reading. Instead of (g) doing/to do this, read and then stop and answer questions. Why? (h) Seeing/ To see if you have really understood what you have read.

That's one reason why it can be a really good idea to work with other students. Some people don't mind (i) revising/to revise alone but some people hate it. The good news for those people is that (j) discussing/ to discuss past exam questions with other students can really help (k) checking/to check that you know what you're doing. And when you don't understand something, don't be too frightened (I) asking/to ask other people for help.

Lastly, don't forget (m) keeping/to keep healthy. Eat good food. Find enough time (n) sleeping and taking/ to sleep and take exercise. When your brain stops functioning, do sport, go (o) cycling/to cycle, move your body. You know what the Romans said - a healthy mind in a healthy body!

 What do you think of the ideas in this text?

 Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs given.

  1. Plan your time at the start to make sure that you have enough time _________ (finish)        the exam.
  2. _________ (Start) the exam before you have read all the questions can be a bad idea.
  3. We suggest _________ (take) more than one pen or pencil into the exam.
  4. Don't write too fast or carelessly. You risk _______ (create) a bad impression.
  5. Think about _______ (leave) yourself time         _______ (check) your work before you hand it in.
  6. Avoid ________ (write) your opinion unless the question specifically asks for it.
  7. When a question involves ________ (answer) two or more different parts, make sure you answer them all.
  8. Check that you know how many questions you need ________ (complete) because sometimes not all questions are obligatory.
  9. Attempt _______ (answer)        all the questions that are obligatory.

 Work with a partner. Think of more good advice for taking exams.

Find eight mistakes with gerunds or infinitives in this text.

Five years ago we were doing a chemistry exam at school when the teacher found a boy who was looking at his notes during the exam. The boy, whose name was Oliver, admitted to cheat. Naturally, the teacher forced him to resit the exam the week after. Nobody expected Oliver passing. I was good at chemistry and I liked Oliver so I decided to help him by study with him. We spent the next week studying really hard. Oliver didn't feel very confident about passing. I suggested to study together the day before the exam and we agreed meeting in the evening. Then we also arranged to meet on the morning before the exam. While we were walking to school, I asked him questions. By this time he knew all the answers and was feeling good. The exam began at nine o'clock and Oliver appeared finding the exam easy. In fact, he was one of the first to finish. He managed passing the exam with 90%. He was really grateful and asked me if there was anything he could give me as a present. I just asked him to promise not cheating again. I'm really proud of Oliver because now he's at university, studying chemistry!

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words.

  1. Don't do that because there's a chance you'll fail.                          RISK

Don't do that because you        ________________                        

  1. He loves to ride his bike at the weekend.                                         GO

He loves to ________ at the weekend.

  1. I think it's terrible to get up early.                                                   STAND

I __________________ early.

  1. I think it's essential to have a valid passport.                                  PASSPORT

I think _______________ is essential.

  1. Please think about joining our club.                                                 CONSIDER

Please ____________ our club.

  1. Nobody finished the exam before Sarah.                                        FIRST

Sarah was        ______________ the exam.

  1. It would be great to see him in concert next week.                            LOVE

I ____________________ him in concert next week.

Match the verbs + gerund/infinitive with the correct meaning.

  1. stop to do
  2. stop doing

a you stop one activity because you want or need to do another activity

b you are doing something and then you stop

  1. remember to do
  2. remember doing

a you do something and then you remember it later

b you remember you need to do something and then you do it

  1. forget to do
  2. forget doing

a you don't do something that you intended to do

b you did something but now you don't remember it

  1. try to do
  2. try doing

a  you do something as an experiment

b you do your best, attempt      

  1. like to do
  2. like doing

a you do something because you enjoy doing it

b you do something because you think it's a good idea

try to do: you do your best, attempt

try doing: you do something as an experiment

stop to do:                  you stop one activity because you want or need to do another activity

stop doing:        you are doing something and then you stop

remember to do: you remember you need to do something and then you do it

remember doing: you do something and then you remember it later

forget to do:        you        don't do something that you intended to do

forget doing:        you        did something but now you don't remember it

like to do:        you        do something because you think it's a good idea

like doing:        you        do something because you enjoy doing it

Choose the correct alternative.

  1. I remember to play/playing in the sand when I was young.
  2. The teacher's angry because I forgot to do/doing my homework.
  3. I like to go/going to the dentist twice a year.
  4. We stopped to eat/eating because we were hungry.
  5. Did you forget to bring/bringing a pen? Don't worry, I've got a spare one.
  6. Can you remember to give/giving this to Danny when you see him tomorrow?
  7. You look really healthy now that you've stopped to smoke/ smoking.
  8. My dad likes to get/getting up early because that means he can finish work early too.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.

  1. Can you remember _________ (switch) off the light when you leave?
  2. She really likes ________ (dance). It's her favourite hobby.
  3. We stopped ________ (write) when the exam finished.
  4. Don't forget ________ (go) to the meeting tomorrow.
  5. I know Harry was at school yesterday because I remember _________ (see) him.
  6. I like        ________ (do) my homework on Friday evening so that I'm free at the weekend.
  7. The musicians stopped ________ (play) because they'd already been playing for two hours.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words.

  1. I didn’t send that letter yesterday because I didn't remember.                                         FORGOT


  1. He thinks it's important to wear a tie for interviews.                                                         LIKES

He ________________________________ for        interviews.

  1. You always call me when I'm at work. Please don't!                                                           STOP

Please ___________________________ when        I'm at work!

  1. Don't worry. Yesterday I sent that email. I didn't forget.                                                   REMEMBERED

Don't worry. Yesterday ____________________ that        email.

  1. I think watching football is really good fun.                                                                       LIKE

I _____________________ football.

  1. My mum stopped work and had a coffee.                                                                           HAVE

My mum stopped work ________________________ a coffee.

  1. I saw that group in concert. I'll never forget.                                                                     REMEMBER

I ___________________________ that group in concert.

  1. Make the dinner tonight. Please don't forget!                                                                 REMEMBER

Please ___________________ the dinner tonight.

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