КВН 7-8 классы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Черных Лада Владимировна

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Слайд 1

КВН 7 -8 КЛАСС Англоязычные Страны

Слайд 2

English is an international language. But what do you know about countries and cities of English-speaking countries? Look at the cards and say which number is wrong? a) Canada b) Mexico c) New Zealand d) The USA e) Great Britain f) Australia

Слайд 3

I think these are the countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If you don’t agree with me, tell me, which numbers are wrong? a) Scotland b)Wales c) Alaska d)England e) Texas f) Northern Ireland

Слайд 4

Which is the largest state of the USA? Texas Illinois Alabama Alaska Kansas Montana

Слайд 5

What are the colors of the British flag? blue green red white yellow orange black pink

Слайд 6

Scotland is the … part of Great Britain Sothern Northern Eastern Western

Слайд 7

Robert Burns is the … poet English Scots Welsh American Canadian

Слайд 8

The oldest university of Great Britain is … Cambridge Oxford Harvard

Слайд 9

The Tower of London is the … now. Prison Museum Royal residence

Слайд 10

The museum of Madame Tussauds is famous of … Jewellery Wax figures Pictures

Слайд 11

During the reign of what king the knights gathered at the round table? Arthur Henry the fourth Edward the second

Слайд 12

A double decker ” is … Plane Train Bus

Слайд 13

The Royal crown is in the … The Tower Buckingham Palace The British Museum.

Слайд 14

What are the names of the most famous clocks in the UK? Big Albert Big Ben Big Stephen

Слайд 15

Where is situated Glasgow? In Scotland In England In Wales In Ireland

Слайд 16

What is the name of the London underground? Metro Tube Subway

Слайд 17

Who is the head of Great Britain? Primer minister President Lord Chancellor Governor General

Слайд 18

What is the Liverpool Quartet ? "The Beatles“ The "Rolling Stones“ Meeting of the heads of States at the highest level M embers of the club "rotary"

Слайд 19

. What is the name of the street of London, famous for its shops? Oxford Street Fleet Street Charing Cross Street

Слайд 20

What is located in the centre of Piccadilly? The statue of Eros The Statue Of Pan The Statue Of Cromwell

Слайд 21

Who was Benjamin Britten ? An Architect A Composer A writer

Слайд 22

What is the name of the eldest son of the Queen of great Britain? Philip Edward Charles

Слайд 23

. Where is the official residence of the Queen of great Britain? The Palace of Westminster Buckingham Palace Tower

Слайд 24

What is the statue located in the centre of Trafalgar square? Cromwell Colon Nelson Statue of the Queen

Слайд 25

On what river is London? The Avon The Severn The Thames The Volga

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