Мой класс
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку (7 класс)

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Предварительный просмотр:

Цель. Обеспечить использование активной лексики по теме “изучение английского языка” в

серии речевых упражнений (условно-коммуникативных и собственно-коммуникативных).


1. Образовательная:

тренировка произносительных навыков;

развитие навыков словообразования;

развитие коммуникативных умений (находить нужную информацию из текста, отвечать на


развитие навыков аудирования;

развивать умение коллективной, познавательно – поисковой деятельности (построить


развивать умение кратко высказываться на данную тему: выражать мнение группы по поводу

необходимости изучать английский язык;

2. Воспитательная:

воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;

воспитание культуры общения;

воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;

формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах


3. Развивающая:

развитие внимания, памяти; развитие навыков работы в группе; дальнейшее развитие

коммуникативной компетенции.

Оснащение урока:

доска, компьютер, аудиоприложение, мультимедиа проектор, презентация PowerPoint, видео

“Why should we study English”;

карточки (зелѐного и синего цвета), 2 коробки синего и зеленого цвета, жетоны для подсчѐта

очков, раздаточный материал (Приложение1-7), магниты, маркеры(зелѐный и синий), бэджики с

именами учеников и социолога, набор для эмоциональной оценки (смайлики);

УМК “Enjoy English” 7 класс: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, тетрадь для записей.

Технологии: ИКТ, технология концентрированного погружения (модель

суггестологического погружения), игровая технология, технология целепологания, технология

коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, фасилитация, здоровьесберегающая

технология, технология сотрудничества (colobaration), технология групповой деятельности

(коллективно-творческое решение проблемы).

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.(2 мин.)

Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you here. My name is EP. I’m a researcher. To work more successfully we have three teams today: I need to collect some information for my research. And I hope you will help me. Ok?

2. Целепологание. (3 мин.)

Teacher: Let me introduce my young assistant… He would like to share with you short results of his research. Let`s show his presentation.  While watching you will try to guess what the topic of my research is.

Assistant: Good day my feature associate. Students from different classes share with you their ideas. Look at the presentation and listen to them.

Assistant: I hope the student’s wishes will help you in your research. I`ll stay here because I interested in your thoughts. You can ask me for help.

Teacher: So, class, what shall we talk about today?

Class: My imaginary school.

Teacher: Yes, you’re right. What are the pupils would like to have in their classroom?

Student 1: 

Student 2: 

Student 3: 

Teacher: So, what would you like to have in your classroom?

Student 4: I would like to have…

Student 5: I would like to have…

Student 6: I think our classroom needs…

Teacher: These are good suggestions. Moreover, I am interested in the question “What children want to have in their classroom?” Your help is very useful for me.

3. Фонетическая разминка (2 мин)

Teacher: Let`s play a game. A student from the first team ask question to the second team, the second to the third and so on. OK?

  • Is your classroom big or small?
  • How many windows do you have?
  • Where is the blackboard?

4. Проверка домашнего задания (5 мин.)

Teacher: At home you had to take ex 6 page 119.  Open your student`s books and copybooks and let`s check. Sergey, read the task, please. I need two pupils from each team. (учащиеся выходят к доске)

This is the classroom and classroom furniture. Your classmates read their sentences and you have to fill in the room. OK?     (НАПЕЧАТАТЬ КАРТИНКИ)

6. Развитие навыков аудирования (около 9мин.)

Teacher: While doing my research, I ask my question and interviews students from different classes. Now, boys and girls, let’s listen to some speakers. They are talking about their imagine classroom. Take card № 3. Read the task to exercise. Student 1 reads the task.

Teacher: Each team gets points for right answers.

Makes work easier

Help to make/ translate sentences

Take the classroom bright/ cosy/ comfortable

To improve mood (повышать настроение)

Help to communicate/chat/write off

To find information

Fresh up (привести себя в порядок)

To keep books/copybooks

Task. Listen to students. Fill in the table with information about what would students like to have in their classroom.












Teacher: Listen to Michael, Hans and Janis and write down in your notebooks the answers. (Students listen to audio file twice and then the teacher monitors)

Teacher: Let’s check.  проверяет помошник






One big desk


Help to communicate/chat/write off


One big desk

Take the classroom bright/ cosy/ comfortable

Good for vision


Next to sink

Fresh up


Not messy class




By the back wall

To keep books/copybooks

Books and dictionaries

To find information

Help to make/ translate sentences



On the wall

Make work easier

7. Коллективная работа в группах (развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи) (9мин)

Teacher: We see that there are many wishes for design of classroom. What would you like to have or change in your classroom? Which points are important to you? (slide 7) Work in your teams, complete the table. When your graph is ready, make a summary using “Useful phrases”. Work, please. You have 3-4 minutes. (Teacher watches the work in teams, directing the steps)




We would like to have…

We think our classroom needs…

because it

Teacher: Your time is up. 2 representatives from each team come out to the board, please(slide 8). One draws the graph and the other reports the results.

After listening to the reports teacher gives points to the teams: I have very useful information for my research now. Thanks for your work.

8. Введение и отработка словообразовательных моделей (5 мин)

Teacher: In your information map in ex.42 on page 44 there were some words like

“communication, information, solution” and so on. Now let’s listen to the words from ex.47 on page 45

and repeat them. (audio file 27)

Teacher: What part of speech are these words?

Student 1: They are nouns.

Teacher: Yes, but how are they formed? Look at the board –there are some word formation

models. (slide 9)

The board:

to inform + tion, to develop+ ment, to feel+ing, to perform+ance

Teacher: Comment, please. What part of speech do we take and how can we make a new one?

Student 2: We add suffixes (tion, ment, ing, ance) to verbs and have nouns.

Teacher: Great! Now new model and your explanation, please.

(slide 10)Board: curious+ity, honest+ty

Student 3: We add the suffix –ty to the adjective and form abstract noun.

Teacher: Very good. You get the point to your team.

(slide 11)Board: to creat+or, to teach +er

 journalist, dentist, chemist

Teacher: What are these words?

Student 4: These are jobs.

Teacher: Now let’s play a word game “BINGO”. (slide 12) There 14 verbs on the board. Choose 5

you like, make nouns and write them into the grids.

Class completes the grids with nouns.

Teacher: I shall dictate the verbs, you tick the nouns you have in your cards. The person who finds

all the nouns first is the winner. You say “Bingo”, we stop the game and check. His or her team will get

an extra point. OK? Let’s start. (class plays “Bingo”)

 Teacher: to inform, to cross, to move, to solve, to perform, to collect, to meet, to feel, to impress, to

create, to develop, to govern, to state, to teach.

Student 1: Bingo!

Teacher: Ok. Let’s stop our game and check. Please, come out to the board and read your nouns. Class,

check, please. (slide 13)

9. Рефлексия и подведение итогов урока (1,5 мин)

Teacher: We have worked hard today. And I wonder if you liked the lesson. And now mark on self-assessment lists what you can do now. Don’t forget to write your surname. Leave the self-assessment lists on the desks. (slide 15)

10. Инструктаж выполнения домашнего задания (1,5 мин.)

Teacher: It was pleasure to work with you. I’ve counted the points and would like to tell you the results and show your recommendations to teacher. Your marks for the lesson today are the following: blue team gets “5” and green team gets “4”.

And your home task will be from Student’s book: ex.18 p.57 (slide 16 with homework) НАПИСАТЬ ЗАДАНИЕ Good luck ! Thanks for help.

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