презентация "British food"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Сергеева Роза Тальгатовна

В презентации даны фото, названия и описания английских блюд.


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Слайд 1

British food

Слайд 2

Wales lamb Food: Many people thought of the British food conjures up a picture of severe unappetizing fare, which lies a stone in the stomach and taste buds are left alone. But times and tastes change. A new generation of talented British chefs breathed new life into old recipes to include French and other foreign influences, which led to the creation of a lighter and more refined cuisine. It uses the best products, which gives British land. This, for example, juicy young lamb Wales, excellent with mint sauce, and wonderful fruits and vegetables grown in Kent, the Garden of England

Слайд 3

curry Today, Curry - a business with a turnover of 3 billion pounds, which provides 150,000 jobs. It is estimated that in order to dine in all nine thousand British curry houses at once, you will need almost 25 years! Indian curries have long pushed the traditional British fish and chips - fish and chips. For example, the famous dish of chicken in spices (chicken tikka masala , or abbreviated CTM) has recently had two thirds of all orders in restaurants and take away. Now, Curry had to make room in the first place, losing to the popular Chinese noodles chowmein .

Слайд 4

Krambl with autumn apples and port wine and vanilla ice cream Krambl - very simple and popular British dessert that is a stretch of the imagination be called a pie, that's his version of the classic simple retsept.V tantalized fresh fruit in the pan for about five minutes, and then shift into a mold and sprinkle with crumbs from the test. And put in the oven for 45 minutes. Brilliant recipe for fresh fruit, such as our baked apples with honey, sugar or jam. Moreover, the British put in krambl not only apples, but at the beginning of summer - strawberries and rhubarb, and a little later - peaches and plums.

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