Spotlight 7 module 1 тест
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Авдеева Оксана Адгуровна

Spotlight 7 module 1 тест 


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Listen to the narrator and choose the right answer

1. The narrator says that many people come to London _________.

A. to take a boat trip B. to see Buckingham Palace C. to see the London Eye

2. The narrator thinks that the best tourist attraction in London is_______.

A. Oxford Street B. the River Thames C. the famous buildings

3. According to the narrator the River Thames flows _________.

A. into the North Sea B. to the west C. to the south

4. The narrator says that Westminster Bridge is popular with tourists because_____.

A. they can take selfies and photographs of it B. it is situated not far from the Houses of Parliament C. it connects the north and south of the city

5. The narrator says that St Paul’s Cathedral was _________.

A. destroyed in the Fire of London B. built in place of the former cathedral C. restored after the World War II

  1. Fill in the correct preposition

  1. I ran ............ an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.
  2. We ran out ............ milk, so can you buy some when you’re at the supermarket?
  3. I saw two policemen running ............ a robber.

  1. Translate the sentences
  1. Ты можешь увидеть красивые пейзажи в моей деревне
  2. Дом моей бабушки находится на оживленной улице
  3. Я переезжаю в другой город, потому что хочу иметь высокое качество жизни

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
  1. We .......................... (feed) the chickens every morning at 6:30.
  2. He ................. (think) of changing his job.
  3. I really have to go now. My plane .............. (leave) at 10:30.
  4. We ........................... (go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to come with us?
  5. I ................. (study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later.
  6. Hurry up! The play ................................ (start) in ten minutes.
  7. He ........................... (leave) early in the morning every Friday.
  8. I ............................... (cook) dinner this evening, so please don’t be late.
  9. She ..................... (visit) her grandmother every Sunday afternoon.
  10. He ......................... (write) a book about the high cost of living.

4. Match the titles with the texts

1. Polite Neighbours

2. A Working TV set

3. Night Visitors

4. Anxious Night

5. Ready to Defend Myself

6. Strangers in the Garden


A. Last night, at about three o’clock in the morning, I heard a strange noise downstairs. I got out of bed and put on my dressing gown. With my heart beating fast, I slowly went to the top of the stairs. It sounded like there were people talking in the kitchen.

B. I didn’t know what to do. Finally, I decided to go downstairs. I made my way quietly down the stairs and listened at the kitchen door. A man asked: “Did you kill him?” and a woman replied: “Yes, I shot him.” Then the man asked: ’’Why did you do that?” Suddenly I realised that there were not really any people in the kitchen. It was just the TV. But why did it turn itself on in the middle of the night?

C. While I was standing in the kitchen wondering about the TV, I looked out of the window. It was dark, but I could see a figure outside. Someone was walking slowly across the garden! He whispered something. He was talking to another person! What were they doing in my garden?

D. I was wondering what to do when they started walking towards the kitchen window. They were coming towards me! I didn’t know what to do so I grabbed a knife and waited. They were getting closer and closer. I was so frightened. They came right up to the window, and I saw their faces. It was my neighbours, Anna and Larry!

E. They obviously were not trying to break into my house, so why were they talking in my garden in the middle of the night? I opened the kitchen door and Anna and Larry came in. They sat down, and I made them both a cup of coffee. This is what Anna told me: “We were sleeping in our bedroom when we heard a loud noise coming from your kitchen. So Alan and I decided to investigate. We came down to your garden, but couldn’t see any lights on.

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