урок английского языка по теме "New Zealand"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Родина Наталья Владимировна

урок английского языка по теме "New Zealand"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка по теме “New Zealand”


    Обучающая: поддержать интерес к изучению английского языка, стране изучаемого языка, совершенствование лексических навыков чтения и говорения

Воспитательные – воспитание общей культуры через знакомство с историей развития народа и историческими памятниками, воспитание культуры речи, воспитание интереса к изучаемому материалу.

Познавательные: расширить знания обучающихся об англоязычных странах.

Учебные: совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, формирование грамматических навыков. 

Планируемые результаты:

Совершенствование навыков работы с текстом, навыков употребления лексики в речи

Личностные УУД:

- воспитывать интернационализм, толерантность, уважительное отношение к обычаям и традициям народов других стран;

- развивать мотивы учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл учения;

- расширить кругозор по теме: «Новая Зеландия»;

- приобщать учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран, изучаемого языка;

- воспитывать понимание важности изучения английского языка в современном мире.

Регулятивные УУД:

-определение общей цели и путей ее достижения;

-оценивать собственное поведение и поведение окружающих, развивать навыки оценивания правильности решения учебной задачи;

- развитие умения слушать и слышать собеседника, вести диалог, излагать свою точку зрения и аргументировать ее;

Познавательные УУД:

-развитие  навыков чтения про себя, умения извлекать информацию из текста;

-развитие умения отбирать и структурировать полученную информацию;

-развитие навыков говорения и аудирования;

- развитие умения пользоваться ранее изученным материалом;

Коммуникативные УУД:

-развитие умения продуктивно взаимодействовать со сверстниками, работать в группе;

-развитие умения планировать и согласованно выполнять совместную деятельность.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент урока.

Warming up:

  1. What countries would you like to visit?
  2. What animals do you know in Australia?
  3. Where is Big Ben situated?

Make up some sentences: (студенты должны догадаться, о какой стране идет речь)

  1. The capital, Wellington, is …
  2. Are there many sheep.
  3. The Southern end, of Northern Island , is situated.

What country is it about?

Listening Comprehension.

The city of Wellington.

Wellington has been the capital of New Zealand since 1865. It is one of the busiest port. It is situated at the southern end of North Island. The population of Wellington is about 350 thousand people. The New Zealand parliament and government buildings are situated in Wellington. It also has an international airport. In the suburbs of Wellington there are important machine-building plants and factories. They produce milk, meat, wool and tobacco.

Преподаватель предлагает студентам закончить предложения:

1. Wellington has been the capital…

2. It is one of…

3. It is situated at…

4. The population of Wellington…

5. The New Zealand parliament and government buildings…

6. It also has…

7. In the suburbs of Wellington there are…

8. They produce…

What are we going to speak about?

Students: We are going to speak about New Zealand.

Now read and translate the text:

New Zealand

You can swim in the sea, ski down mountains, climb glaciers or sit in hot water springs - all at the same time of the year in miraculous New Zealand.


There are only about 4.2 million people in New Zealand. There are more sheep than people there! Most people live on North Island in the capital, Wellington, or in Auckland. Most people in New Zealand are from European families who came to the country over 200 years ago but Maoris are the original people of New Zealand.


Maoris perform traditional songs and dances at meeting places called Maraes; they have a special dance called the Haka when they stick their tongues out to frighten their enemies.


New Zealanders are very proud of their rugby team, the Ali Blacks. They are very successful.

New Zealand is the home of extreme sports; bungee jumping began here.


The national symbol of New Zealand is the kiwi - a bird which has no wings and can't fly. Kiwis

can't see very well and they sleep for 20 hours a day. 'Kiwi' is the nickname for a person from New Zealand. There are also strange lizards called tuataras. They have been in New Zealand for 200 million years!


New Zealand has volcanoes and hot springs and bubbling mud pools. On North Island there is a place called Hot Water Beach. Steam rises from the sand and you can dig a hole in the sand which fills with hot water and then you can sit in it and relax! You can see the Southern Alps in the Lord of the Rings films. They are on South Island. The highest mountain is called Mr.  Cook. There's a 27km glacier in the .Southern Alps called the Tasman Glacier.

Answer my questions:

  1. What is the population of New Zealand?
  2. What are the original people of New Zealand?
  3. Is the name of the capital called Washington?

What is the name of the capital?

  1. What is the national symbol of New Zealand?
  2. What is the name of a very successful rugby team?
  3. What kind of animals are tuataras?

Write the answers to these questions the last letter of each answer begins the next answer.

  1. What is the capital of New Zealand?

  1. Which island do most people in New Zealand live on?

  1. You can sit in a pool full of hot water on_____ Water Beach.

  1. What is the name of the largest glacier in New Zealand?

  1. New Zealand is very___ to Australia.

  1. What is the name of the Ali Blacks' sport?

  1. Europeans colonised New Zealand three hundred ___ago.

  1. There are thousands of these animals on farms in New Zealand.

  1. Which ocean is New Zealand in?

  1. The highest mountain in New Zealand is called Mt_____

  1. What's the nickname for someone who comes from New Zealand?

  1. What are glaciers made of?

  1. What language do people speak in New Zealand?

  1. Now let’s remember the use of the Past Simple and Past Perfect Tenses.

There are special words which help us to recognize this time:


( two years) ago

Last ( month, year, Sunday)

In ( 1999)

E. I met my friend yesterday.

She was a student two years ago.

We had a good time last Sunday.

They went to Italy in 1999.

There is some scheme of forming this time:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they + V ed

E. She worked last Friday

There is a group of words which has special forms. We have to remember them.

E. give – gave

Eat – ate

Know – knew

See – saw

Find – found

He found his pen yesterday.

We use  Past Perfect to describe the action which is finished and its result is important right now.

E. He has come.
I have done it.

There are special words which help us to recognize this time:







Today, this morning ( week, month, year)

I have already read the book

Have you ever seen the film?

He has just written a story.

There is some scheme of forming this time:

I, you, we, they + have+V3

She, he, it+ has+V3
E. She has never taken the book.

Have you ever been to London?

Special forms of some words we also can find in the dictionary.

E. go – went – gone

Sue has already gone home.

Now I will give you a list. You will have to read and translate the sentences. Comment the use of the Present Perfect Tense.

1. I know the news. She has just told it to me.

2. She has already gone out.

3. She has not come yet.

4. I have always loved animals.

5. I have not seen him since 11 this morning.

6. I have known him since he was born.

7. Where has she been for an hour?

8. I have been ill for two weeks.

Now choose the correct verb form (Past Simple or Present Perfect).

The Maoris are the original people of New Zealand. They /lived /have lived in New Zealand for over 600 years. They 2 travelled /have travelled to New Zealand in canoes from the Polynesian islands in 1350. For a long time they / were /have been/ the only people in New Zealand. They / drew /have drawn pictures on rocks that told stories about their lives. Stories / were always/ have always been important. European travellers /came /have come/ to New Zealand in the 19th century. Life/ changed /has changed/ for the Maoris when the travellers / took /have taken/ a lot of Maori land. Now Maoris and European New Zealanders / lived /have lived/ together for over 200 years and the government 10 returned 1has returned the Maori land. Although most Maoris speak English, they /didn't forget /haven't forgotten/ their traditions, customs, songs, dances and language.

Your hometask is to make up a report about New Zealand, to do ex. 9p. 156

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