Рекомендации к написанию эссе "За и против"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Евстифеева Любовь Валентиновна

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Слайд 1

For & Against Essays («За и Против »)

Слайд 2

“ For and Against ” - “ pros and cons essay/advantages and disadvantages essay ” В данном виде эссе ученику нужно обсудить аргументы за и против и написать вывод.

Слайд 3

Введение — обозначить тему, подчеркнуть данные позиции на тему без выражения собственного мнения. Аргументы за — привести аргументы в поддержку суждения. Аргументы против — привести аргументы в опровержение суждения. Заключение — обозначить своё мнение, сформулировать сбалансированный вывод.

Слайд 4

Первый абзац – вступление – включает в себя несколько предложений, которые представляют тему и выражают ее двойственный характер . Можно использовать следующий языковой материал : People say / believe that …, It is said / believed that …, According to …, It is a hot question , There is a discussion about …

Слайд 5

Almost everyone owns a mobile phone nowadays and people without a mobile phone are thought of as eccentric. They have a lot of features that make our life easier. However, there are both numerous benefits and pitfalls that come with mobile phones. Whether it is on TV, radio or hoardings at the side of the road, advertisements have become a part of our lives, advertising simply a means of informing the public or does it encourage consumers to purchase products they do not really need? Whatever smokers may tell you, smoking is an anti-social habit. While the smokers themselves may enjoy their cigarettes, their enjoyment often causes much discomfort around them. The time has come to forbid smoking in all public places.

Слайд 6

Высказывая несколько аргументов «за» или «против», мы ставим их в логической последовательности, соединяя их союзами или союзными словами. Второй , третий аргументы, подтверждая и расширяя первый, водят следующие союзы и союзные слова : In addition ( to this , that ), What’s more , Moreover , As well as this Besides Apart from the fact that …

Слайд 7

В основной части эссе мы также употребляем союзы и союзные обороты, выражения: so , as a result , therefore , thus , to begin with , firstly ( secondly , thirdly ), in my opinion , as far as I am concerned , for example , for instance (such as , like).

Слайд 8

There are significant advantages that mobile phones bring into our lives. First of all, they are portable. Therefore, it is convenient for us to carry mobile phones and keep in contact with others at any time. For example, when we are outdoors, where there are no telephones, we can use our handy mobile phone. Secondly, mobile phones enable us to call for help during times of emergency. For instance, if you are involved in an accident or if you witness a crime taking place, you can call the police immediately using your mobile phone. Last of all, mobiles are not only a great time-saving device, but they are a source of entertainment, too. They have several functions such as MP3 players, radios and games. One of the main arguments for advertising is that it generates wealth for a country. That is to say, taxes paid on goods sold, help governments to pay for essential services such as education and health care. Moreover, the number of jobs created for producing , marketing and servicing these goods helps to reduce the unemployment problem, which is also a great advantage for a country's economy. What is more, advertising raises money for a huge number of sporting events and artistic performances which would otherwise not be held. Without sponsorship from companies who advertise their products, these events would disappear due to lack of funding. In other words, although consumerism is promoted through advertising, it is beneficial to both the consumer and society. On the one hand, those who are against the prohibition of smoking- usually the smokers themselves-tend to claim this is a move against their personal liberty. They say that smokers form a large part of the population and that no one has the right to tell them where or when they can smoke. Moreover, they state that if their smoke annoys non-smokers, the nonsmokers can always move to another (smoker-free) place.

Слайд 9

On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of using mobile phones. Although mobile phones are convenient, they can be lost easily since they are quite small. Talking on mobile phones can also be expensive because we need to pay high roaming costs when we are overseas. In addition, mobiles are believed by some people to give out radioactive waves and some scientists believe that this radioactivity can cause brain tumors or damage our ears. Finally, people can easily become addicted to mobile phones since they are now multi-purposed with different functions. On the other hand , advertisements can cause people to be dissatisfied with what they already have, and make them want more. Being exposed again and again to products which one cannot afford produces frustration and dissatisfaction. Further more, not all parents are in a position to afford the goods which their children see advertised and want to possess. This often leads to feelings of inadequacy, especially among the less well-off. On the other hand, those who believe that smoking should be prohibited in public places say that it is not always possible to move away from smokers. What happens if a smoker lights up at the table next to you in your favourite restaurant? The most important factor for nonsmokers is probably not the inconvenience- it is the health hazard from passive smoking. A non-smoker who spends a lot of time in a smoke-filled atmosphere is seriously endangering his or her health.

Слайд 10

В заключении четко можно выразить свое мнение. Используем выражения: in conclusion , to sum up ( finally , therefore ), in general , in summary , all in all .

Слайд 11

In conclusion, I think that mobile phones are indispensable tools that we cannot live without, but we should avoid abusing them. Therefore, we should think carefully about the advantages and drawbacks before purchasing a mobile phone, and ask ourselves why we need a mobile phone and whether we will be able to use it responsibly. To sum up , it is true to say that advertising does provide some benefits. However, do you not agree that the drawbacks of a greedy, materialistic society far outweigh the advantages, and we need to be careful that we do not lose sight of what is most important - a spirit of co-operation rather than competition? In conclusion, it is obvious that health must come before personal pleasure. I strongly believe that governments should act to make smoking illegal in public places.

Слайд 12

Оцени своё эссе по данным параметрам: Содержание Убедись, что использованы подходящие выражения для представления аргументов в пользу и в опровержение суждения. Начинать эссе необходимо с обозначения текущей темы. Аргументация Аргументы и доказательства должны относиться к заданной теме. Заключительный абзац должен включать сбалансированную точку зрения. Организация Эссе должно быть логично построено. Личное мнение может быть выражено только в заключительном абзаце. Выбор лексики Используй слова для выражения мнения только в заключительном абзаце. Проверь эссе на пунктуационные, грамматические и лексические ошибки.

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