Урок в 7 классе. The famouse people
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)


Урок - конспект 7 класса. Глагол to be в прошлом


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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект для урока 7 класса

«Famous people ”

Цель урока: активизировать знания учеников об известных людях .

Обучающие задачи:

- совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме « Биографии известных людей».

 - развивать умения и навыки говорения, аудирования.

- закрепить умения образования существительных, обозначающих профессии.

Развивающие задачи: развивать фонематический слух, внимание.

Воспитательная задача: привить интерес к ценностям национальной культуры.










Деятельность учащихся

Вводная часть








Предъявляет слад №2

Отгадывают изображение, отвечают на вопросы

Этап разгрузки учебного материала




Объясняет задание на аудирование

Заполня.т диалог с цифрами и датами

Основная часть


Предъявляет слад №3

Задают вопросы в парах


Предъявляет слайды № 4, 5, 6, 7

Распознают и называют людей на фотографиях


Знакомит со способами образования существительных обозначающих профессии

Составляют сложные предложения по постановочной таблице


Проверяет ответы учащихся

Заключительная часть

Объясняет домашнее задание

Ход урока

Вводная часть:

  1. Good afternoon, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you! Welcome to our lesson! Focus on the photo of Moun Rushmore with the heads of four famous US president . ( the 2nd slide ) Elicit that they are all presidents of the USA. Ask if anyone knows where the heads are (South Dakota, USA)  
  2. Now focus on the dialogue. Stress that the missing words are either numbers or dates. Give SS a few moments to go through the dialogue before they listen.

Guide – We are now at Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, and you can see in front of you, from left to right, the heads of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. As you know, all four men were presidents of the United States of America. George Washington was the first president.

G – The second head is of Thomas Jefferson. He was President of the United States from 1801 to 1809    

T 1 When was he born?

G He was born in 1743, in Virginia. His parents were very rich.

T1 Was the President after Wasgington?

G No, he was the third President.

T2 What’s Jefferson famous for?

G Well, he’s famous for writing the Declaration of Independence – that was when he was 33, before he was President – and for buying the state of Louisiana from Napoleon in 1803.

  1. Grammar was/were

Slide 3, 4

  1. Reading

Slide 5, 6, 7

Focus on the photos, names and cities. Set a time limit for SS in pairs to match the names, places and photos. Check answers.

  1. Chopin Warsaw
  2. Joan of Arc Paris
  3. Nelson London
  4. Garibaldi Rome

Chopin was born in Mazovia in Poland in 1810. When he was seven years old he was already a brilliant pianist. He was a great composer and his piano music is world famous and very popular.

Joan of Arc was born in 1412 in the village of Domremi in France. She was only a young girl but she was also a soldier and a famous leader in the war against the England.

Nelson was born in Norfolk, England in 1758. He was a great sailor. He was famous for his victory against the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. His statue is in Trafalgar Square.

Garibaldi was born in 1807. His family were from Genoa in Italy. He was a famous politician and soldier and a great leader.

-Now let’s revise the ways of formation of professions. (The teacher shows the 38th slide).

(The pupils do the exercise in pairs for 2-3 minutes. Checking the results.)

1) The person who sings in the opera is a …

2) The person who dances in the ballet is a …

3) The person who smokes much is a …

4) The person who sells goods is a …

5) The person who goes in for boxing is a …

6) The person who drives a car is a …

7) The person who collects stamps is a …

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Famous People When were they born? Who were they? What did they do?

Слайд 2

Who were they?

Слайд 3

The Verb to Be in the Past I was – I wasn’t - Was I? You were – You weren’t – Were you? He was – He wasn’t – Was he? She was – She wasn’t – Was she? It was – It wasn’t – Was it? We were – we weren’t – were we? They were – they weren’t – were they?

Слайд 4

When were you born? Where were you born? Where was your mother / father born? Where were your grandparents born?

Слайд 9

WORD FORMATION Verb Person Paint paint er Act act or Write writ er Noun Person Art art ist Music muic ian

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