Информационная карта урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

План урока  английского языка для 8 класса по УМК Forward 8 // М.Вербицкая по теме "Телефонные звонки и сообщения" раздела "The World of Work".


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Информационная карта урока

_английский язык____ в ______8А___классе  МАОУ СОШ № 46 с УИОП   ________12.04.2022______________________

ФИО учителя, категория: Машина Альбина Викторовна, 1 квалиф. кат.

Обязательное организационное обеспечение урока

Тематический модуль (раздел)     «The World of Work»

Тема урока:    Телефонные звонки и сообщения.

Целеполагание для ученика (ЗУН – что надо узнать, чему научиться  за урок)  

Целеполагание для учителя (в управленческих формулировка): организовать, научить, помочь осознать и т.д.)

  1. 1.Научиться работать по инструкции.

2. Научиться принимать и оставлять сообщения по телефону для третьего лица.

3. Освоить основные принципы организации групповой деятельности.

1.  Формировать навыки работы по инструкции.

2. Способствовать развитию навыков диалогической речи в рамках заданной тематики.

3. Развитие навыков умения сотрудничать.

     Домашнее задание: упр.1, 2 стр.72

            Этапы урока

Деятельность учащихся

Дидактическое обеспечение

Формы и виды работы

Формируемые УУД

  1. 1.Организационный момент.
  2. 2.Фонетическая разминка.

  1. 3. Активизация лексики

4 Актуализация темы урока.

6. Работа в группах.


8. Итоги урока


What did we learn to do at the last lesson?

…(We learnt new words and phrases which are necessary when talking on the phone…………………………)…

So, our aims today are: 1) to practice making calls, leaving and taking messages; 2) to work by instruction.

  1. Аудирование с целью нахождения нужной информации (Т14 из РТ). Фронтальная работа:

Listen to the record and answer the questions on the board:

  1. Who is making a call?
  2. What does the person want?
  3. What’s in the message?
  1. Аудирование с целью записи нужной информации в пропуски. (Т15 из РТ)

Индивидуальная работа с сильным учащимся:

Один ученик работает у доски, заполняя пробелы в сообщениях, остальные – в


  1. - Do you remember what the dialogue with Marco Baresi was about?

… (Yes, a person wanted to contact Marco to learn some information about the hotel he had worked at the previous year…)

  • It’s common that young people, students have a part-time job or a summer job. Do you think, it’s easy to find a good part-time job?

… (No…)

  • Who can help you with it?

… (Sometimes people around you can do it, maybe your friends who have already had some job experience…)

Работа парная, в группах:

  1. - Absolutely right. I’d like you to imagine that you have a classmate whose friend had a part-time job. You want the same job. You need to contact this person and your friend can help you with it.
  2. – Now we are getting divided into 4 groups to prepare a big conversation which will consist of 4 small dialogues. You will make phone calls, leave and take messages and find out information about a part-time job.
  3. – Each group gets a card. You read the instruction and choose roles. Then you have 10 minutes to prepare 4 short dialogues.
  4. – The time is over. Our feedback is that you listen to the dialogues of other groups and fill in the gaps in the table I’m giving you.

Фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа с сильными учениками:

  1. – Our final feedback is that you analyze the information in the table and try to guess if a summer-job-seeker will agree to the job he thought of and why.


- Чему вы сегодня научились на уроке, когда и в какой ситуации сможете применить знания?

… (повторяют фразы-клише телефонного разговора, дают ответы )…

Регулятивные: умение определять цели и задачи, фокусироваться на средствах и методах, необходимых для достижения поставленных целей и задач.

Познавательные: умение анализировать полученную информацию и делать обоснованные предположения.

Коммуникативные: умение формулировать цель телефонного звонка, умение выяснять цель телефонного звонка, умение участвовать в диалоге с целью передачи информации третьему лицу.

Предметные: закрепление лексико-грамматических структур, необходимых для поддержания диалога по телефону с незнакомым собеседником.



  1. Who is making a call?
  2. What does the person want?
  3. What’s in the message?


  1. While you were out




  1. Stella, ____ called.
  2. Tim, _____, ________.
  3. David, _____________.

Раздаточный материал – заранее подготовленные учителем карточки (см. Приложение 1)

Раздаточный материал –  карточки, заранее подготовленные учителем (см. Приложение 2)

Приложение 1

1) A tells B about his/her friend's last year's job. (this friend is someone C). B asks questions about details of this job but A doesn't know them. A gives C's number to B.

2) B phones C to ask about his/her last year's job but C isn't in. C's flatmate (this flatmate is someone D) answers the call and takes a message for C from B. The message has information about B's name, phone number and email.

3) C comes home and D passes him/her the message from B.

4) C phones B to talk about details of his/her last year's job.

B worked as a waiter in a cafe on the beach in summer. The salary wasn't great but tips were OK. Working time was 4 hours a day. The boss wasn't kind and sacked 3 waiters because they were lazy and took long breaks.

1) A tells B about his/her friend's last year's job. (this friend is someone C). B asks questions about details of this job but A doesn't know them. A gives C's number to B.

2) B phones C to ask about his/her last year's job but C isn't in. C's flatmate (this flatmate is someone D) answers the call and takes a message for C from B. The message has information about B's name, phone number and email.

3) C comes home and D passes him/her the message from B.

4) C phones B to talk about details of his/her last year's job.

B worked as a fruit picker in Poland. He/She picked strawberries in the field. They worked 8 hours a day in any weather. It was very tiring. But they didn't work at weekends and had good wages. Their wages depended on how many kilos of berries they picked a day.

1) A tells B about his/her friend's last year's job. (this friend is someone C). B asks questions about details of this job but A doesn't know them. A gives C's number to B.

2) B phones C to ask about his/her last year's job but C isn't in. C's flatmate (this flatmate is someone D) answers the call and takes a message for C from B. The message has information about B's name, phone number and email.

3) C comes home and D passes him/her the message from B.

4) C phones B to talk about details of his/her last year's job.

B worked as a delivery driver. B delivered food from a takeaway restaurant around the city. B had day and night shifts (смены) 8 hours long. The money was OK but sometimes customers were angry because he/she was not able to deliver their order on time and complained to the manager.

1) A tells B about his/her friend's last year's job. (this friend is someone C). B asks questions about details of this job but A doesn't know them. A gives C's number to B.

2) B phones C to ask about his/her last year's job but C isn't in. C's flatmate (this flatmate is someone D) answers the call and takes a message for C from B. The message has information about B's name, phone number and email.

3) C comes home and D passes him/her the message from B.

4) C phones B to talk about details of his/her last year's job.

B worked as a salesperson at the newsagent's that sold souvenirs. There were many foreign tourists and B needed fluent English. Unfortunately, his/her knowledge of English was so-so and B had problems in communication with customers. Working days started at 11:00 am. There was no break during the day until 8 pm. B couldn't earn good money because of problems with English.

Приложение 2

B’s name


В’s number

B’s email

C’s job last summer

Advantages of C’s job

Disadvantages of C’s job                  

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