Практические рекомендации по формированию фонетических навыков обучающихся при изучении английского языка
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Малюченко Евгения Владимировна

Разработанное пособие является продуктом серъезного анализа проблемы обучения фонетике английского языка. Сложивишийся сборник-результат глубокого теоретического изучения вопроса, консультаций специалистов-логопедов, рационального отбора материала. Пособие позволяет построить работу таким образом, чтобы не только облегчить для обучающихся процесс овладения звуками и интонацией, но и помочь им преодолеть тудности, связанные с индивидуальными особенностями формирования артикуляционного аппарата  и фонематического слуха каждого.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема 1:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика  GOOD MORNING

Пальцы согнуты в кулак, показываем по одному пальцу, следуя ритму стихотворения.
Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.
Убираемпоодномупальцу, следуяритмустихотворения.
Good morning, good morning, I’m glad to see you.

  1. The song “Knock Knock Hello”

Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand.] Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.] Come in. [Motion to come inside.] Let’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone. ] Let’s play. [Run in place.] Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand.] Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.] Knock, knock, knock. [Pretend to knock on a door.] Come on in! [Motion for someone to come inside.] Let’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone.] And play. [Run in place.] And learn together. [Tap your finger on your temple.] Knock, knock! [Thrustyourfistintheair.]

  1. The song Good bye

  1. The song  Colours

  1.  Poems

One, two,three,

One, two,three,

I count well,

As you can see!


Time to get up!


Good morning to you!!

Sing, sing, sing a song

  Sing, sing, sing

   Hello, summer!

     Good-bye, spring!

      One, one, one,

Little dog run.

      Two, two, two,

      Cats see you.

Тема 2:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика A FISH

Кончиками пальцев обеих рук ударяем на счет по столу.
One, two, three, four, fi ve…
Соединяем ладони, выполняем волнообразные движения вперед „Рыбка“.
I caught a fishalive.
Кончиками пальцев обеих рук ударяем на счет по столу.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

 Соединяем ладони, выполняем волнообразные движения вперед „Рыбка“.
I letitgoagain.

  1. The song “ What is your name?”

  1. Poems

I am Jack.

You are Jill.

She is Kate.

He is Bill.

I am a boy.

I am ten.

I like to play

With my brother Ben.

Willy, Willy! Tell me true,

Willy, Willy, who are you?

  • I am a little boy.

I am a  girl,

A little one.

I like to play.

I like to run.

I am a little girl,

Yes, that’s me;

And my hair is black

As you can see.

It is a fox.

It is a box.

It is a mouse.

It is a house.

It is a doll.

It is a ball.

It is a bear.

It is a chair.

Is it a dog?

Is it a cat ? Is it a monkey? Is it a rat?

Тема 3:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика TOGETHER

Держим руки на уровне груди. Пальцы сжаты в кулаки. Выполняем    вращательныедвиженияксебе, отсебя.
Together, together
                    Together all day,
Together, together
                    We work and we play.

  1. The song “What’s this?”

  1. The song “ Make a circle”

Time to make a circle. (Everyone rushes to the center of the room and holds hands in a circle.)

Make a circle, big bigbig. (Make the circle bigger.) Small smallsmall. (Make the circle smaller.) Big bigbig. (Make the circle bigger.) Make a circle, small smallsmall. (Make the circle smaller.) Hello hellohello. (Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with all of the children.)

Make a circle, round and round. (Holding hands, walk around in a big circle.) Round and round. Round and round. (If you like, move the circle in the other direction.)  Make a circle, round and round. Hello hellohello. (Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with all of the children.)

Make a circle, up upup. (While holding hands, everyone reaches up high!) Down downdown. (Crouch down low.) Up upup. (Reach high!) Make a circle, down downdown. (Crouch low.) Now sit down. (Everyonesitsdown.)

  1. Poems

What’s this?

It’s a schoolbag.

What’s that?

It’s a pencil.

What’s this?

It’s a pen.

For a pupil I am.

My pretty doll

Is very small.

I love a pretty

Little doll.

Short or tall,

Big or small

Shadows dance

Upon the wall.

Look at the mouse!

It is in the house.

Look at the fox!

It is in the box.

I have a hare,

I have a bear,

My toys are here,

My toys are there.

Тема 4:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика HUMPTY-DUMPTY

 Держим руки на уровне груди, пальцы слегка согнуты горкой. Правая ладонь     прикрывает левую.
На каждое слово меняем положение рук. Движениевыполняетсявбыстромтемпе.
          Sat on a wall,
Had a great fall.

  1. The song “ How are you? – I’m fine.

  1. The song “ Polite words”

  1. Poems

  • I am thirsty.
  • Have some tea.
  • I’m bored.
  • Watch TV.

  • I’m wet.
  • Go to bed.
  • I’m sad.
  • Talk with your Dad.

                     I’m sorry.

                     I’m busy.

                     I’m late.

                     Don’t be late!

                     Hello, hello, hello to you

                     Hello, hello, How are you?

How do you do, Hatty?

How do you do?

                     I hope you are well, Hatty,

                     I hope you are too.

Тема 5:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика FIVE CHEEKY MONKEYS

 Держим руки на уровне груди. Машемрасправленнойладошкой.

Прикладываембольшойпалецккончикуноса, покачиваемпальцами.
Складываемладонивместе, изображаемплывущегокрокодила.
Along came Mr Crocodile,
Quiet as can be.
Повторяем те же движения, только уже с 4 пальцами на руке. Можно менять руки.

Four cheeky monkeys
Two cheeky monkeys
Sitting in a tree,
Sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr Crocodile,
Teasing Mr Crocodile,
“You can’t catch me.”
“You can’t catch me.”
Along came MrCrocodile,
Along came Mr Crocodile,
Quiet as can be.
Quiet as can be.
Three cheeky monkeys
One cheeky monkey
Sitting in a tree
Sitting in a tree,
Teasing Mr Crocodile,
Teasing Mr Crocodile,
“You can’t catch me.”
“You can’t catch me.”
Along came MrCrocodile,
Along came Mr Crocodile,
Quiet as can be.
Quiet as can be.
No more cheeky monkeys
Sitting in a tree.

  1. The song “  Feeling Song”

  1. The song “ If you are happy “

  1. Poems

Sally, Sally, tell me true,

Sally, Sally, who are you?

I’m a little girl.

Billy, Billy, tell me true,

Billy, Billy, who are you?

I’m a little boy.

Little boy

Full of joy;

Little girl

Sweet and small.

I’m a pupil.

He is a writer.

She is a teacher.

He is a figter.

I am Ann,

You are Dan,

He is Peter,

She is Rita.

Тема 6:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика BIRDS

 Держим руки на уровне груди, сложить клюв из пальцев на левой и правой руке.
There were two birds
            Sitting on a hill.
Вращаем кисти от себя, к себе.
The one named Jack,
            The other named Jill.
            Fly away, Jack!
            Fly away, Jill!
            Come again, Jack!
            Come again, Jill!

  1. The songs “ Are you hungry?” and “Vegetables”

  1. Poems

One, two, three

Let me see,

Who likes coffee

Who likes tea.

One, two, three.

Oh, now I see:

You like coffee

And you like tea.

Mary, Mary,

Take your seat,

Drink your tea

And eat your meat.

Jam is good to eat

For Jim and for Pete.

What is white?

I want to know.

Milk is white,

And so is snow.

To cook a splendid

Dish of fish

Here is the very

Thing you wish.

There is a rat under the hat.

There is a hare in front of the chair.

There is a doll near the ball.

There is a fox behind the box.

There are bees in the trees.

There are cats in the flats.

There are flags in the bags.

There are foxes in the boxes.

Тема 7:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика HOMES

 Сложить ладошки чашечкой, изображая гнездо.
This is a nest for Mr Bluebird.
Сложитькулачкивместе, изображаяулей.
 Соединить кончики пальцев двух рук, изображаявход в норку для кролика.
This is a hole for funny rabbit.
Сложитьруки „домиком“ надголовой.
And this is a house for me.

  1. The song “ How old are you?”

  1. The song “ Happy Birthday”

  1. Poems

May your birthday be bright

From the morning till night!

May your birthday be bright

From the morning till night!

I fly like a bird.

I swim like a fish.

I hop like a frog.

I jump like a dog.

In the pool the little fish

Swim about-swish, swish.

Fly, little bird, fly,

Fly into the blue sky!

One, two, three,

You are free!

  1. Role-play “ AttheZoo” (дети в масках показывают животных)

A black cat

Sat on a mat

And ate

A fat rat.

My dog has four legs.

I have only two.

My dog likes to run.

I like to run too.

The cow says “Moo, moo!”

“I have some milk for you”.

Tiger, tiger, burning bright

In the forest of the night.

 I am big and

I am strong,

And my trunk

Is very long.

I am not sad,

I am always funny.

Best of all I like

Some honey.

Тема 8:

  1. ПальчиковаягимнастикаTHE BALL

 Держим руки на уровне груди, вращаем маленький мячик или грецкий орех на           ладони, прижимая его ладонью другой руки. Праваярукасверху.
           Oh, where is the ball?
           Oh, whereistheball?
Держим руки на уровне груди, вращаем маленькиймячик или грецкий орех на ладони, прижимая еголадонью другой руки. Леваярукасверху.
            Oh, where is my ball?
Under the table, near the wall.

  1. The song “ Where is it? “

  1. Poems

Where? Where?

Where is my bear?

I can’t find it anywhere.

Look! It is under the chair.

There is a ball behind the chair.

There is a ball behind the bed.

There is a ball behind the sofa.

There is a ball behind the TV-set.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Says a clock.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Be quick!

Paper on the floor,

Paper on the floor.

Pick it up, pick it up,

Paper on the floor.

This is a doll,

And that is apen.

This is my house,

Its number is ten.

I see a window and a door.

I see a ceiling and a floor.

Тема 9:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика MY FAMILY

Учитывая ритм стихотворения, поочередно поглаживаем большим пальцем каждый     пальчик от основания к ногтю на обеих руках одновременно.
Father, mother, sister, brother,
           Hand in hand with one another.

  1. The song “Family“

  1. Poems

This is mother,

This is father,

This is sister,

This is brother,

Mother, Father,

Sister, Brother

Hand in hand

With one another.

Mother is busy

From morning till night,

Keeping her family

Happy and bright.

I love my mother,

She’s kind and gay.

She reads me books

And helps to play.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

I’ve got a mother.

I’ve got a father.

I’ve got a sister.

I’ve got a brother.

We live together.

We love each other.

Dear, Bett,

Have you got a brother?

Have you got a friend?

Have you got a sister?

Have you got a pet?

Тема 10:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика A CLOCK

 Держим руки на уровне груди. На каждое слово пальчики поочередно   прижимаются к большому пальцу.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
 При произнесении слов tick-tock качаем ладошками вправо и влево. Сначаламедленно, затембыстро.
Little clock ticks double quick:

  1. The song “Ice Cream song“

  1. The song “I like”

  1. Poems

She’s got a doll.

She’s got a ball.

She’s got a hare.

She’s got a teddy bear.

He’s got a car.

He’s got a star.

He’s got a stamp.

He’s got a lamp.

Has he got a table?

Has he got a bed?

Has he got a chair?

Has he got a flat?

Nick and Andy

Sugar and candy.

If you, Sandy,

Have two candies,

Give one candy

To Andy, Sandy!

I scream,

You scream,

We all scream

For ice-cream!

Тема 11:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика WITH MY MOUTH

 Обводим пальцем несколько раз вокруг лица.
I can show you my face,
Where everything is on it’s place
Нюхаем носом.

Withmynose I cansmell
Показываем на предметы вокруг себя.
Прикладываем ладонь ко лбу козырьком и всматриваемся вдаль.
Withmyeyes I lookaround.

 Смотрим, как топают наши ноги.
Watch my feet and stamp the ground.
Прикладываем ладонь к уху и прислушиваемся, что делает наш сосед рядом.
With my ear I can hear,
What my friend is doing near.
Делаем движение, как будто едим ложкой суп.
Withmymouth I caneat.
 Улыбаемся довольно и гладим рукой по животу, как будто съели что-то вкусное.

  1. The song “ Walking, walking “

Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.] *Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.] Running, running, running.Running, running, running. [Run.] Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]

Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.] *Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.] Running, running, running.Running, running, running. [Run.] Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]

Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe. [Tiptoe.] Jump jumpjump. Jump jumpjump. [Jump.] Swimming swimmingswimming. [Make a swimming motion.] Now let’s sleep. Now let’s sleep. [Rest your head against your hands or lie down on the ground and pretend to sleep.]

Wake up! [Eyes open! Look alert!] It’s time to go! [Look at your watch.] Are you ready to go fast? [Run in place quickly.]

[quickly] Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.] *Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.] Running, running, running.Running, running, running. [Run.] Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]

Walking, walking. Walking, walking. [Walk in a circle.] *Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop. [Hop.] Running, running, running.Running, running, running. [Run.] Now let’s stop. Now let's stop. [Place both hands out in front of you, palms facing forward.]

Whew! [Wipe your brow with your forearm]

  1. The song “Action song”

  1. Poems

Little grey mouse,

Where is your house?

I live under the floor,

My flat has no door.

Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Look at the mouse!

It is in the house.

Look at the fox!

It is in the box.

I can swim like a fish,

I can run like a dog,

I can jump like a frog,

I can fly like a bird.

I can read.

I can write.

I can speak English, too.

And what about you?

Touch your nose,

Touch your knees,

Touch your ears,

Say “Please”.

Тема 12:

  1. Пальчиковая гимнастика RAIN

 Поочередно соединяем все пальцы левой руки с большим пальцем.
Rain, rain, goaway,
 Проделываем то же самое на правой руке.
Come again another day,
                         Little Tommy wants to play.

  1. The song “ How’s the weather?”

(Chorus) How’s the weather?  How’s the weather? How’s the weather today? [similar to the American Sign Language sign for “weather”, make a ‘W’ with your middle three fingers on each hand, point them towards each other, and twist back and forth] Is it sunny? [make a big circle over your head with your arms] Is it rainy? [move your hands down in front of you, simulating rain] Is it cloudy? [“puff” two imaginary pillows above your head] Is it snowy? [move your hands down in front of you in a slow, wavy motion] How’s the weather today? [make the twisting Ws with your fingers]

Let’s look outside. [put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window] How’s the weather? [Twisting Ws with your fingers] Is it sunny today? [make a big circle over your head with your arms] Let’s look outside. [put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window]  How’s the weather? [Twisting Ws with your fingers]  Is it rainy today? [move your hands down in front of you, simulating rain] Let’s look outside. [put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window] How’s the weather? [Twisting Ws with your fingers]  Is it cloudy today? [“puff” two imaginary pillows above your head] Let’s look outside. [put your hand above your eyes and peer out of the window]  Is it snowy today? [move your hands down in front of you in a slow, wavy motion]


  1. Poems

Summer time

Is time for play.

We are happy

All the day.

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day and all night.

Rain on the grass,

And rain on the tree,

Rain on the house tops,

But not on me!

I always see-

Stars in the sky,

So near to me-

And yet so high.

Rain, rain, go to Spain,

Never show your face again!!!

Under the sky

And under the trees,

My friend and I

Often play in the breeze.

I love the wind,

It makes me run.

I think it is

Lot’s of fun.

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