Тест на Условные предложения 2 и 3 типа
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Забелло Акташ Анастасия Сергеевна

Тест на Условные предложения 2 и 3 типа. Может использоваться в среднем звене, например, 8 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 8th grades: Conditionals 2,3, mixed

Complete the second conditional sentences.

  1. If the students (pay) … more attention in class, the teacher (not/be) … so frustrated.
  2. You (save) … so much money if you (not/eat) … out all the time.
  3. (not/be) … so stressed if you (help) … me sometimes.
  4. If you (ask) … them nicely, they (not/be able to) … say no.
  5. We … (go) to Spain this winter if we … (have) enough money.

Complete the sentences using the third conditional.

  1. If you (look) … more carefully, you (find) … your house keys.
  2. Don’t worry, the dog (eat) … if he (be) … hungry.
  3. If we (wait) … any longer, we (burn) … the cookies.
  4. It was definitely a UFO! You (think) … the same if you (see) … it too!
  5. I think she (say) … no if you (ask) … her on a date.

Complete the sentences using Mixed Conditionals

  1. If I __________ (not go) on my business trip next week, I ____________ (accept) that assignment at work yesterday.
  2. If Sam ________ (take) an aspirin, she _________ (have) a headache now.
  3. If Kate ______ (have) enough money, she________ (can do) this trip to Hawaii last year.
  4. If he __________ (not be) such a poor dancer, Nickolas __________ (get) a job in that musical last week.
  5. If you (be) _______ smarter, you (borrow) ________ money from Sam.

Complete the second conditional sentences.

  1. If the students (pay) … more attention in class, the teacher (not/be) … so frustrated.
  2. You (save) … so much money if you (not/eat) … out all the time.
  3. (not/be) … so stressed if you (help) … me sometimes.
  4. If you (ask) … them nicely, they (not/be able to) … say no.
  5. We … (go) to Spain this winter if we … (have) enough money.

Complete the sentences using the third conditional.

  1. If you (look) … more carefully, you (find) … your house keys.
  2. Don’t worry, the dog (eat) … if he (be) … hungry.
  3. If we (wait) … any longer, we (burn) … the cookies.
  4. It was definitely a UFO! You (think) … the same if you (see) … it too!
  5. I think she (say) … no if you (ask) … her on a date.

Complete the sentences using Mixed Conditionals

  1. If I __________ (not go) on my business trip next week, I ____________ (accept) that assignment at work yesterday.
  2. If Sam ________ (take) an aspirin, she _________ (have) a headache now.
  3. If Kate ______ (have) enough money, she________ (can do) this trip to Hawaii last year.
  4. If he __________ (not be) such a poor dancer, Nickolas __________ (get) a job in that musical last week.
  5. If you (be) _______ smarter, you (borrow) ________ money from Sam.

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