Внеклассное мероприятие "Морской бой"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Мотина Юлия Александровна

Игра- соревнование


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Предварительный просмотр:

Морской бой.


  1. Поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка.
  2. Тренировка лексических навыков.
  3. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и чтения.
  4. Развитие языковой догадки и логического мышления.

Оборудование:  картинки, кроссворды для команд, плакат с зашифрованным высказыванием, задания на карточках, плакат с игровым полем для игры «Морской бой».

Ход мероприятия.

  1. Организационный момент.
  • Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает цель мероприятия.  Учащиеся делятся на 2 команды по 5-7 человек.

- Today  we shall play the game “Sea battle”. We have two teams. I hope you know how to play this game.  You will try to win the ship. In order to win it  you will have to do the task. If the pupils of the team do the task better, they will have the ship. At the end of the game the teams will count the ships and we shall find out who the winner is.

Учитель привлекает внимание детей к игровому полю, заранее вывешенному на доске, и напоминает детям правила игры. Команды по очереди открывают клетки игрового поля, на котором расположено 6 кораблей. Каждый корабль занимает 1 клетку игрового поля. Если команда назвала номер клетки, на котором расположен корабль, обе команды  задание. Команда, выполнившая задание лучше и успешнее, получает корабль. Выигрывает команда, которая «захватила» больше кораблей.

Примерное игровое поле.



























  1. Корабль А4. Конкурс «Кто больше?» (тема «Спорт»)

Let’s remember different kinds of sports and games. You will have 2 minutes to write down the names of different kinds of sports and games. It is important to write the words correctly. Are you ready to start?

Учитель объясняет учащимся первое задание: команды получают листок бумаги, на котором в течение двух минут записывают по-английски названия видов спорта или спортивных игр. После выполнения задания ученики сдают листок на проверку жюри.

  1. Корабль В1. Конкурс «Согласись или не согласись».

The next task for our teams is to agree or disagree with my statements. If the statement is false, correct it, please. If it is true, repeat it after me. Our teams will do this task one by one.

Командам предлагается по очереди выразить согласие или несогласие с утверждениями учителя.

Примерные утверждения:

  1. American English doesn’t differ from the English spoken in Great Britain. (False)
  2. There are two English-speaking countries in the world. (False)
  3. English has taken the position of the world language.(True).
  4. There are many borrowings from other languages in English (true).
  5. The English language has a vocabulary of about 300 000 words (false. 500 000).
  6. All dictionaries are always made in two languages ( false. Some dictionaries…)
  7. Some words came to Russian from English. (true).
  8. There are 36 letters in the English alphabet (false).
  9. English is one of the most popular foreign languages in Russia (true).
  10.  People who speak English have worse job opportunities (false).
  11.  750 million  people all over the world speak English as a mother tongue. (false, half of 750 million people…)
  12.  English is the official language of the Olympics (true)

  1. Корабль С3. Конкурс «Guess the fairy tale».

As I know people of different ages like to read fairytales. Do you like to read them? Now I shall describe the fairy tale and you will guess it. Are you ready to start?

Ведущий предлагает ученикам заслушать краткое описание различных сказок и отгадать их названия.

Примерные рассказы.

  1.  These story is about three brothers. They wanted to build three houses in the wood. But the wolf destroyed two of them. (three little pigs).
  2.  This poor girl had no mother but she had a stepmother and two stepsisters. She was unhappy and worked a lot but at the end of the story the prince married her. (Cinderella).
  3. The girl wanted to visit her grandmother but she had many problems on the way. The hunters helped her to see her granny (Little Red Riding Hood).
  4. This beautiful girl lived in water. She fell in love with the young man. She couldn’t live among people and was very unhappy. (Little Mermaid).
  5. The bear had many friends. They lived in the forest and this fairytale is about their adventures. (Winnie-the Pooh).
  6. This fish could do everything the old man and his wife wanted her to do. But the old woman was greedy and selfish and finally they lost their property. (Golden Fish).
  7. This boy didn’t want to become a grown-up. He could fly and visit different places (Peter Pen)

  1. Корабль D5. Конкурс «Новогодний фейерверк».

Read the short texts how people celebrate the New Year in different countries and choose the correct variant.

Ученики выполняют задание: прочитат текст и выбрать правильный вариант ответа.

Примерные тексты:

  1. In this city a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple” fall. The “Big Fall” isn’t a real apple. It’s a moving picture of an apple on the side of one of the big buildings in Times Square. Every New Year’s Eve during the last few seconds before midnight it starts to fall down the building, and when it gets to the bottom it’s the start of the new year.

(Madrid, New York, Moscow)

  1. In this country housewives start cooking special food for New Year’s Day and all the members of the family do a big cleaning up. The idea is to get rid of the dirt of the past year, and welcome the new year without it. On the TV or radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say “Happy New Year”. People eat the special food and drink rice wine during the meal.

(Japan, Italy, China).

  1. People call the New Year’s Eve “Hogmanay”. They visit their friends’ houses just after midnight on the New Year’s night. The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike 12, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has led the old year out and let the New Year in.

(The USA, Scotland, India).

  1. This country is sometimes called “the upside down world”. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean. On the 31st of December many people go to the country for the picnic. In January the temperature are from 20to  30 above zero or higher.

(Egypt, Ireland, Australia).

  1. In this country it can be dangerous to have a walk at night at the end of December. People usually throw the old things from the house through the window: broken cups and plates, old clothes and boots and sometimes different pieces of furniture. People believe that on the New Year’s Eve the magician Befaniya comes to  the houses through the chimney and put the presents for children in their stockings and shoes.

( France, Italy, Germany).

Ключи: 1. New York. 2. Japan. 3. Scotland. 4. Australia. 5. Italy.

  1. Корабль E6.  Конкурс “English writers and poets”.

Now let’s see which of you knows English literature better. The task for you is to match the names of the books with their writers.

Учащимся предлагается сопоставить названия книг с их авторами.

Примерные художественные произведения.

  1. Gulliver’s Travels- Jonathan Swift.
  2. Alice in Wonderland –Lewis Carroll
  3. The Prince and the Pauper- Mark Twain.
  4. The Jungle Book- Rudyard Kipling
  5. The Old Man and the Sea- Ernest Hemingway
  6. Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte
  7. Winnie-the-Pooh- Alan Alexander Milne
  8. Rusland and Lyudmila- Alexander Pushkin
  9. Hamlen- William Shakespear
  10. Ivanhoe- Walter Scott
  11. David Copperfield- Charles Dickens
  12.  The Count of Monter Cristo- Alexandre Dumas.

  1. Корабль F2. Конкурс «Расшифруй высказывание».

Look at your task. You can see some numbers there. You must read the saying using the code.

Ученикам предлагается расшифровать запись, используя код.

Примерная запись на плакате.

52*61 43095 &30#1&

Код для расшифровки пословицы:

p-2; t-1; s-5; n-9; e-3; m-4; r-6; o-*; 1-#; a-0; h-&.

  1. Корабль G3.  Конкурс “Complete the sentences”.

Use the words: lost-and-found department, carriage, customs, sea, booking office, cable car, porter, left luggage office.

  1. You make a voyage if you travel by…
  2. A person in a hotel, station or airport who carries your luggage is a …
  3. Lost things can be found in the…
  4. If a person goes abroad, he has to go through the…
  5. The word that has nothing to do with trains is…
  6. … is a word used mostly in British English.
  7. At the railway station you can leave your luggage at the …
  8. People usually get travel tickets at the…

Ключи: 1. Sea 2. Porter 3. Lost-and-found department 4. Customs 5. Cable car 6. Carriage 7. Left luggage office 8. Booking office.

  1. Корабль H5. Конкурс “Tongue twisters”.

It’s time to practice tongue twisters. Each team will choose one member and they’ll have to read the following poems quickly and correctly and in a natural manner.

Каждая команда представляет 1 игрока для участия в конкурсе. Ученики получают по 1 стихотворению, читают его в течение 2 минут, а затем представляют на суд жюри.

Примерные скороковорки.

Robert Rowley rolled

A round roll round,

A round roll Robert

Rowley rolled round,

Where did the round roll roll

Robert Rowley rolled round?

Peter Piper picked a peck

Of pickled peppers;

A peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck

Of pickled peppers,

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked?

  1.  Корабль I7. Конкурс “Guess the word”.

You can see some English words. But the letters are not in the right order. Will you make up the words using these letters?

Учитель предлагает ученикам составить слова, расположив буквы в нужном порядке.

Seitsuca (suitcase)

Viontitain (invitation)

Promeamgr (programme)

Endekwe (weekend)

Geranar (arrange)

Tereinsingt (interesting)

Dahoysli (holidays)

Maneci (cinema)

Lingveltra (travelling)

Tutisiaon (situation)

Nerrtpa (partner)

Neyurjo (journey).

  1.  Корабль J1. Конкурс “English proverbs”.

I want you to match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents.

Учитель предлагает детям сопоставить английские пословицы с их русскими эквивалентами.

  1. Live and learn (Век живи, век учись)
  2. To know everything is to know nothing. (Знать все- значит ничего не знать)
  3. Repetition is the mother of learning. ( Повторение –мать учения)
  4. Knowledge is power. (Ученье- свет, а неученье-тьма)
  5. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. ( Ешь вволю, пей вмеру)
  6. A new broom sweeps clean. ( Новая метла чисто метет)
  7. Still waters run deep. ( В тихом омуте черти водятся)
  8. Forbidden fruit is sweet. ( Запретный плод сладок)
  9. Two heads are better than one. (Ум хорошо, а два лучше)
  10. First think, then speak. ( Слово не воробей, вылетит- не поймаешь).

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