Презентация Призрак Оперы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Ершова Людмила Сергеевна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Passive Voice

Слайд 3

1. The Phantom of the Opera ………………….in 1910. 2. The Phantom of the Opera ………………..by Gaston Leroux. 3. The Phantom of the Opera ………………………into English in 1911. 4. It ………………………..into several films since then. create write translate make was created was written was translated has been made

Слайд 4

Where did the story take place? Who are the main characters of the novel? Is this story about a real love? Does the story have a happy end? Were the main characters happy?

Слайд 5

Where did the story take place? Who are the main characters of the novel? Is this story about a real love? Does the story have a happy end? Were the main characters happy?

Слайд 6

The life of Christine Daae , a 1_____________(SOLO) of the Paris Opera House , was a mystery. Her 2 _______________ (BEAUTY) voice appealed to the hearts and minds of people. But there was something strange in her: sometimes she disappeared from the Opera House or she acted as if she were led by an 3 _____________ ( KNOW) force. Strange things happened at the Opera House but the company knew whose fault it was: the Phantom of the Opera House. Christine loved Raoul de Chagny but she 4_______________(UNDERSTAND) that they had no future because a French aristocrat could not marry a girl whose parents had been humble people. But Raoul believed that his love for Christine could break the prejudices. He learned that not only prejudices prevented Christine from 5_________________(DATE) him: a ghost who lived in the basement of the Opera House and loved her was her 6_______________ (MUSIC) teacher. This Phantom had great power over her and guarded her 7________________(CARE). soloist beautiful unknown understood music caring date

Слайд 8

Your homework will be to imagine you are the Phantom to write an account of your life in the theatre and what you see and do there . The lesson is over .

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