Функциональная грамотность 5-9
материал по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)

Мазина Татьяна Сергеевна

Формирование функциональной грамотности в 5-9 классах (Spotlight )


Предварительный просмотр:

Естественно-научная грамотность в основной школе на примере УМК  "Английский в фокусе" (5-9) издательство «Просвещение»

умение: научно объяснять явления.



Примеры заданий в УМК

Определить, предложить и оценить объяснения широкого спектра научных и технологических явлений

Решить учебные задачи естественно-научного содержания, выявить причинно-следственные связи.

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (E) ex.5. Look at Stuart’s letter in Ex. 1. Imagine you received it and want to write him a letter giving him advice. Answer the questions.  3) Match the advice (1-5) below to the results(a-e).

Student’s Book 6 Module 4 (Extensive Reading) ex.1. Read the title. How is it related to the pictures? What do you think the text is about? Read and check.

Объяснить физические процессы и свойства тел.

Выявить причинно-следственные связи

Student’s Book 7 Module 8 (A) ex 8. Work in groups. Collect information using the Internet about what we can do to solve the problem of acid rain and present it to the class. Draw pictures to show some of the things we can do.

Установить взаимосвязь живых организмов в природных сообществах

Student’s Book 7 Module 8 (Extensive Reading) ex 1. Look at the graph. Which animal only eats plants (herbivore)? eats other animals (carnivore)? eats both plants and animals (omnivore)?

Student’s Book 5 Module 5 (D) ex 1. What is the animal in the picture? Where does it live? What does it eat and drink? Listen, read and check.

Привести примеры поведения человека в природе и объяснить значение природоохранной деятельности человека

Student’s Book 9 Module 2 (Going Green) ex 8. How can we make sure that the countryside remains unspoiled and that more habitats are not destroyed? Spend three minutes writing a few sentences on the topic. Discuss your sentences with your partner.

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (A) ex 2. Read the title and the introduction to the texts. How do some young people help animals? Listen, read and check.

Student’s Book 9 Module 8 (Going Green) ex 5. Why is it important for us to protect Antarctica? How can we do this? Spend three minutes writing a few sentences on the topic.  Read them to the class.  

Умение: сформировать личную позицию по отношению к науке

Сформировать личную точку зрения относительно науки, которая проявляется через интерес к науке и технике, к проблемам окружающей среды

Привести примеры практического использования естественно-научных знаний в повседневной жизни

Student’s Book 7 Module 8 (C) ex 6. Use the ideas in Ex. 5 to write an essay about the pros/cons of keeping wild animals as pets. Start your essay with a direct question.

Воспользоваться приобретенными знаниями и умениями в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни.

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (Going Green) ex 6. Project: Work in pairs. Use the information in the text to persuade your friend to buy eco-friendly clothes.

Умение: формировать предметные естественно-научные знания

Сформировать систему естественно-научных знаний

Сформировать ценностное отношение к живой природе, к своему организму

Student’s Book 9 Module 8 (Going Green) ex 7. How can you use less energy? In three minutes, complete the spidergram with as many idea as possible.  Compare with your partner, then report back to the class.

Student’s Book 7 Module 9 (A) ex 6. Portfolio: List all the foods/drinks you have had in the last two days. Has your diet been healthy? Write a menu of your typical breakfast/ lunch / dinner.

Student’s Book 6 Module 9 (Extensive Reading) ex 1. Look at the food pyramid. What do you know about these foods? Which help us keep healthy?

Student’s Book 9 Module 7 (D) ex 1. How can we stay healthy? How healthy do you think you are? Do the quiz to check. Do you agree with the score?

Понимать, как формируются знания. Применить знания о методах научного познания. Понимать практическое применение знаний

Сформировать основы экологической грамотности.

Student’s Book 8 Module 2 (Going Green) ex 7. Portfolio: Your partner uses plastic bags. Using the diagram, try to persuade them to switch to reusable ones. Use the information in the text. Record yourselves.

Student’s Book 7 Module 8 (B) ex 3. a) Look at the title and the picture. What does “eco-helpers” mean? Listen, read and check.

Student’s Book 8 Module 5 (E) ex 6.You had a discussion in class about the amount of litter we produce. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay offering suggestions related to the problem and their results. Write your essay. Follow the plan below.

Выбрать целевые и смысловые установки в своих поступках по отношению к природе, здоровью и здоровью окружающих

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (Going Green) ex 7. Read the quote. What do you think H.G. Wells meant by this? Do you agree with him? Discuss in groups. “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”

Student’s Book 7 Module 10 (C) ex 4.You work for a teen magazine. What advice would you give to Computer Freak?

Student’s Book 8 Module 8 (Going Green) ex 6.  Project: Work in groups. Your school wants to participate in Project AWARE International Clean-up Day. Decide on the activities you would do and prepare a leaflet. In the leaflet mention: Name of the event, Date, Activities, Time, Contact information. Tell the class.

Student’s Book 6 Module 9 (Extensive Reading) ex 3. a) Present the food pyramid in Ex. 1 to the class. Say what each food group gives us.

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (A) ex 6. Imagine you work at an animal shelter. Use  the  information  in  the  texts  to  persuade your partner to join you at the shelter.

Student’s Book 5 Module 8 (Extensive Reading) ex 4. Portfolio: Work in groups. Use the information on this page and information from the Internet to make a list of dos and don’ts for the kitchen. Use your list to make a poster called ‘Be safe in the kitchen!’

Сделать выводы, интерпретировать результаты наблюдений и опытов.

Student’s Book 7 Module 8 (Extensive Reading) ex 4.Read again. Use the diagram to explain the food chain to your classmates.

Умение: научно интерпретировать данные и доказательства

Преобразовать данные с помощью разных способов представления данных.

Проанализировать и интерпретировать данные, сделать соответствующие заключения.

Оценить научные рассуждения и доказательства из разных источников

Использовать схемы и схематичные рисунки изученных технических устройств, измерительных приборов и технологических процессов при решении учебно-практических задач

Student’s Book 8 Module 7 (D) ex 9. Use the pictures to tell the class how paper is made.

Создать собственные письменные и устные сообщения, обобщая информацию из нескольких источников, грамотно используя понятийный аппарат и сопровождая выступление презентацией

Student’s Book 6 Module 2 (C) ex 4. Draw a street map of your neighbourhood and label the buildings. Then write a short paragraph describing it. Use Ex. 3 as a model.

Предварительный просмотр:

Математическая грамотность в основной школе на примере УМК  "Английский в фокусе" (5-9) издательство «Просвещение»

умение: применить математические понятия, фактов, действий и аргументации.



Примеры заданий в УМК

Построить обобщение на основе результатов применения математических процедур в процессе решения задачи

Применить несложные формулы в простейших ситуациях повседневной жизни

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (C) ex.5. Read the two examples. Which sentence is illustrated in the picture? Which means that someone else did something for Tom?

Student’s Book 8 Module 5 (D) ex.10. Look at the two pictures and compare them.

Follow the plan in the Study Skills box.

Student’s Book 7 Module 6 (C) ex. 1.  a)  Look at the postcard. Who is sending it? To whom? Where is each person?

Student’s Book 7 Module 4 (English in Use) ex.1. 7) Look at the TV guide. 2) What type of programmes can you watch?

Использовать различные представления информации в процессе решения задачи. Использовать цифровую, графическую информацию и данные статистики.

Извлечь, интерпретировать и преобразовать информацию, представленную в таблицах и на диаграммах, которая отражает свойства и характеристики реальных процессов и явлений

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (D) ex.3. Use the graph to tell the class what high-tech gadgets British teenagers have in their bedrooms.

Student’s Book 7 Module 2 (Going Green) ex.2. Look at the chart below and copy it into your notebooks. Read the title of the text and complete the first two rows of the chart.

Student’s Book 6 Module 4 (B) ex.2. Read the pie chart. What do American teenagers like watching on TV?

19%of American teenagers like watching dramas.

Student’s Book 6 Module 4 (Extensive Reading) ex.6. In pairs carry out a survey about an important aspect of your school life (sports, clubs, school meals). Make a graph to show the results. Present it to the class.

Student’s book 9 Module 4 (D) ex. 6.  Read the statistics.  Which of the activities do you and other members of your family use the Internet for? Do you use it for anything else?

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (D) ex.2. a) Read the text again and study the

graph. Then, answer the questions. 1) What percentage of teens own a DVD player? 4) What percentage of kids own a digital TV?

Student’s book 9 Module 2 (C) ex. 8. Study the table. Then look at the chart. Choose the correct words in bold to complete each sentence below. Make more sentences using the chart and appropriate quantifiers.

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (D) ex.1. Look at the graph and the title of the

text. What do you think the text is about? Listen, read and check.

Student’s Book 8 Module 7 (A)  ex.8. Look at the graph carefully and answer the questions. 2) What percentage of young people use the Internet on a daily basis? 2)  How many of the types of media mentioned are electronic media?

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (D) ex.4. Carry out a survey on what high-tech equipment your classmates own. Write a questionnaire and ask the rest of the class to complete it. Then make a bar graph like the one in Ex. 1 showing the results. Your graph should contain the following information. Report the results using the graph.

Построить графики, диаграммы. Получить математическую информацию из них

Построить графики. Использовать графики реальных процессов для решения задач

Student’s Book 7 Module 9 (Extensive Reading) ex.5. Work in groups. Conduct a survey to find out what your classmates have bought lately and the reasons why they bought it. Make a graph and present the results to the class.

Student’s book 6 Module 4 (B) ex. 11. Carry out a class survey. Ask your classmates about their favourite TV programmes. Keep notes then write a paragraph.

Оперировать алгебраическими выражениями.

Словесно интерпретировать алгебраические выражения. Использовать для решения задач арифметические операции и их условные обозначения.

Выполнить расчеты по формулам

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (B) ex.2. Look at the symbols below. Which of them

relate to: sightseeing, transport, services?

Выполнить несложные преобразования  целых, дробно-рациональных  выражений.

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (F) ex.3. Find the correct word, then make a sentence with the other one.

Student’s Book 7 Module 1 (D) ex.1. Look at the map of the United Kingdom. What is the capital of each country (part)?

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (Extensive Reading) ex.2. a) Read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap 1-5. Listen and check. b)  Answer the questions in your notebooks. 1) What is a computer simulation? 2) Why are simulations useful? 3) Who can use simulations?

Student’s book 9 Module 8 (E) ex. 1. Read the advert and find the most important information, then answer the questions. 1) What is the purpose of the advert? 4) What qualities/experience  do  you  need  if  you  want to apply?

Сформированность представлений о пространстве и форме, о неопределённости данных

оперировать понятиями количества и величины, которые относятся к таким явлениям, как время, деньги, вес, температура, расстояние, площадь, объем, производные величины и их числовое описание

Student’s book 5 Module 6 (A) ex. 2. b) Work in pairs. Use the table and the clocks to ask each other the time.

Student’s book 8 Module 3 (Culture Corner) ex. 1. Do you know who any of these people are? How are they related to money in Britain? Read to find out.

Student’s book 5 Module 4 (Extensive Reading) ex. 5. Which animal simile best matches you? Which similes match other members of your family?

Student’s book 7 Module 1 (Extensive Reading) ex.4. Collect information using the Internet, then write a ‘special report’ on Moscow/St. Petersburg or your town/city for the Geo-Kids website. Include positive and negative points.

Применить проценты, соотношения и пропорции для решения проблем

Student’s book 9 Module 4 (D) ex.6. a) Read the statistics.  Which of the activities do you and other members of your family use the Internet for? Do you use it for anything else? Compare answers with your partner.

Собрать, представить и интерпретировать данные

Student’s book 5 Module 9 (A) ex.6. Write a short paragraph about your/your friend’s favourite shop. Write: where it is, what it sells, when you/your friend were last there.

Student’s book 9 Module 1 (C) ex.12. Exchange school news with your partner. Find out about recent events, things going on at the moment and anything planned for the near future.  Use present tenses and the adverbs in the list.

Student’s book 6 Module 2 (A) ex.7. a) Interview your classmates about their birthdays and write down the answers

Student’s book 7 Module 9 (Extensive Reading) ex.5. Work in groups. Conduct a survey to find out what your classmates have bought lately and the reasons why they bought it. Make a graph and present the results to the class.

 Контексты задач

Индивидуальный контекст

Решить задачи, которые сфокусированы на деятельности отдельного человека, его семьи или группы сверстников: приготовление пищи, покупки, игры, здоровье, личный транспорт, спорт, путешествия, расписание дня, личные финансы и др.

Student’s book 6 Module 3 (A) ex.9. Make a leaflet of dos and don’ts to tell school students what to do when playing outside.

Student’s book 7 Module 4 (D) ex.5. In small groups, do a survey on favourite teenage magazines for boys&girls in your class. Make a graph. Use it to report the results.

социальный контекст

решить задачи, которые сфокусированы на сообществе:  системы голосования, общественный транспорт, государственная политика, демография, реклама, статистика, экономика и др.

Student’s book 8 Module 6 (D) ex.12. Project: Sapsan is a high-speed train from Moscow to Saint Petersburg and back. Why is it very popular in Russia? Look for information and tell the class about it. Use the new words from the lesson.

Student’s book 8 Module 5 (B) ex.5. b) What do you think can be done to end child labour? Can you think of anything you can do to help? Why?/Why not? 

Предварительный просмотр:

Читательская грамотность в основной школе на примере УМК  "Английский в фокусе" (5-9) издательство «Просвещение»

Читательское умение (PISA)

Читательское умение: найти в тексте и извлечь информацию,  сообщенную в явном виде.

Задания (PISA)


Примеры заданий в УМК

определить информационное пространство,

 где содержится необходимая информация (справочная литература, the Internet, словарь)

умение пользоваться лингво-страноведческим справочником

умение пользоваться справочной литературой

умение вычленять место поиска нужной информации в избыточном контексте

Student’s Book 5 Module 1 (A) ex.2. a) Look at the map of Green School and the timetable. Find the classroom for each subject.

Student’s Book 8 Module 3 (B) ex.6. a) Look at the job advertisement below. What type of information is missing? Ask questions about the missing information.

Student’s Book 6 Module 5 (C) ex.4. Use the Internet to prepare a speech about a special day in your country. Complete the notes about this day.

Student’s Book 6 Module 1 (A) ex 3. a)  Look at the text. What is it? Who is it from? Read the first paragraph. Does Bill know Miguel?

Student’s Book 9 Module 3 (D) ex 2. a) Why  do  we  not  always  see  things  as they really are? Read the text to check.

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (B) ex 3. a) Read the first exchange in the dialogue. Where are Clara and Fiona: at the theatre? at a party? Which characters in Ex. 1 were in the play? Listen, read and check.

Student’s Book 9 Module 2 (Culture Corner) ex 6. Project: Do some research about a famous house/building in your country, then write a short article about it.

Student’s Book 5 Module 2 (A) ex 3. Use the list of geographical names at the back

of the book to add one more to each group.

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (D) ex 6. Collect information using the Internet about a popular tourist attraction in your country where you can see people in special uniforms. Write an email to your English pen friend.  

Student’s Book 6 Module 3 (Extensive Reading) ex 3. Project: What does red symbolise in your country? Research on the Internet and make notes. Present it to the class.

извлечь явную и скрытую информацию,

Умение понимать синонимические замены в вопросах

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (A) ex 2. a) Read the texts and choose the best answer: A, B or C. Explain the words in bold.

Student’s Book 5 Module 3 (Progress Check) ex 2. Find the odd word.

Student’s Book 8 Module 1 (B) ex 9. Read the box. Then listen and choose the adjective that best describes each speaker’s attitude. Is their intonation rising or falling?

Student’s Book 7 Module 7 (C) ex 2.  a) Choose the words/phrases that refer only to music.

Student’s Book 7 Module 1 (A) ex 3. a) Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or NS(not stated). Then explain the words in bold.

Student’s Book 6 Module 5 (English in Use) ex 5. a) Listen and choose the word that does not sound the same as the others. Listen again and repeat.

Student’s Book 8 Module 1 (D) ex 6. Listen to two friends describing the people in the pictures. Number the people in the order you hear the descriptions. What is each person’s name?

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (B) ex 9. b) Listen to two different ways of saying the sentences below. Which syllable is stressed each time? How does the meaning change?

Умение читать графическую информацию

Student’s Book 6 Module 2 (A) ex 1. a) Listen to and read the invitations A-D. What is the occasion? Who is inviting whom? When do the events take place?

Student’s Book 7 Module 4 (English in Use) ex 1. Look at the TV guide. Where could you see It? What type of programmes can you watch? What similar programmes do you. have in your country?

Student’s Book 8 Module 7 (A) ex 8. a) Look at the graph carefully and answer the questions. 1) Which type of media do young people use: most? the least?  2) Which activities   do teens spend the same amount of time doing? 3)How many of the types of media mentioned are not electronic in nature? 4) Which of the activities mentioned do you do in a typical day?

Умение составить план, таблицу, схему

Student’s Book 9 Module 8 (E) ex 2. Imagine you want to apply to be a volunteer at a rescue centre this summer. Complete the application form below.

Student’s Book 8 Module 2 (C) ex 8. Study the table. Then look at the chart. Choose the correct words in bold to complete each sentence below. Make more sentences using the chart and appropriate quantifiers.

Student’s Book 5 Module 4 (D) ex 2. Read the text and the Royal Family tree again and complete the Queen’s profile given.

Student’s Book 5, Spotlight On Russia, Our Country, activities p 4. Fill out a fact file like this about each of the two republics above. Find out about another nationality with its own republic. Fill out a fact file, thenwrite a short paragraph about it.

Student’s Book 5 Module 1 (D) ex 3. Portfolio:  Make a similar diagram about the education system in your country. How similar is it to England’s? Use the Internet to find the information.

Student’s Book 6 Module 1 (A) ex 2.b) Read the dialogue and complete the membership card.

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (D) ex 4. Project: Carry out a survey on what high-tech equipment your classmates own. Write a questionnaire and ask the rest of the class to complete it. Then make a bar graph like the one in Ex. 1 showing the results. Your graph should contain the following information. Report the results using the graph.

Читательское умение: интегрировать и интерпретировать идеи и информацию текста

Вывести простое умозаключение из информации, содержащейся в тексте

Определить основную мысль, понять взаимоотношения между частями текста

Student’s Book 6 Module 2 (B) ex 6. a) Read the first three exchanges. Where are Laura, Steve and John? What are they about to do? What’s their relationship?

Student’s Book 5 Module 4 (D) ex 2. Read the text and the Royal Family tree again and complete the Queen’s profile given.

Student’s Book 8 Module 3 (History) ex 3. Read the text and put the sentences about Drake’s journey in the correct order.

Student’s Book 8 Module 6 (Culture Corner) ex 3. Find the main idea in each paragraph. In pairs, think of appropriate headings for each paragraph. Compare with another pair.

Student’s Book 9 Module 3 (E) ex 3. Read  the  story  and  put  the  events  in  the order they happened.

Student’s Book 6 Module 3 (A) ex. 4. a) Read the text and match the titles A-D to the sections 1-4. Then explain the words in bold.

Student’s Book 7 Module 1 (Extensive Reading) ex. 2. b) Read again and label sections 1-5 with headings A-F. Listen and check. Then explain the words in bold. One is extra.

Student’s Book 5 Module 4 (B) ex 1. a) Match the descriptions to the characters. List the words from the descriptions under the headings.

Student’s Book 7 Module 4 (С) ex 1.  а) Look at the pictures. What do you think the news article is about? Listen and check. b)  Read and match the topics to the paragraphs.

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (С) ex 5. Use the headings to complete the paragraph plan in your notebooks.

интерпретировать литературные произведения, понимать мотивы поведения и поступков героев

Умение устанавливать причинно-следственные связи

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (B) ex 5. Lisa is going to a party. What is she going to wear? Listen, read and say.

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (Literature) ex 3. Read the extract and answer the questions. 1) Why does Shylock praise the lawyer? 2) Why does Bassanio praise the lawyer? 3) Why does Shylock change his mind and ask for the money?

Student’s Book 7 Module 2 (С) ex 2. a) Read again and answer the questions. 1) Where were the children? 2) What was the weather like? 3) Did anyone see Andy leave the house?

Student’s Book 8 Module 3 (D) ex 2. b) Listen to and read the text again. Why does the writer consider Marie Curieto have been successful?

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (D) ex 4. a) Why are the following mentioned in the text?

Student’s Book 6 Module 4 (C) ex 3. a) Find the words in the text which show the order things happen.

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (B) ex 3. a) Read the first exchange in the dialogue. Where are Clara and Fiona: at the theatre? at a party? Which characters in Ex. 1were in the play? Listen, read and check.

Student’s Book 5 Module 9 (C) ex 3. How does Samantha recommend the film? Which two sentences below can she use instead?

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (E) ex 2. Read the letter. Who is it for? What advice does Claire give? What are the possible results of each piece of advice.

Student’s Book 7 Module 2 (D) ex 4. What information does the text give about: Finn Mac Cumhal, the Fianna, leprechauns?

Student’s Book 6 Module 9 (A) ex 7. b)Read and match the headings to the paragraphs. How many types of food/drink shown in the picture in Ex. 1can you find in the text?  Then, explain the words in bold.

Student’s Book 5 Module 7 (C) ex 3. Read the first paragraph of the postcard. Where’s Sandra? What do you think she is doing there? Listen and read to find out.

соотнести различные источники

Умение находить сходство в разных точках зрения

Student’s Book 6 Module 2 (English in Use) ex 2. Listen and read. What problems do Mrs Brown and Jane have?

Student’s Book 9 Module 3 (C) ex 7. Listen and find what Sam and Cathy used to do when they were young  and what they didn’t use to do. Then write sentences.

Student’s Book 6 Module 6 (B) ex 3. a) Read the dialogue. How many games are mentioned? What did Jim and Tom decide to do in the end?

связывать элементы информации текста,

опора на собственный опыт и знания

Отвечать на вопрос, имеющий несколько правильных ответов

Student’s Book 5 Module 10 (B) ex 7. a) Look at the photograph. What do you think they will do after they finish their breakfast? What do you think they did two days ago.

Student’s Book 7 Module 10 (B) ex 1. Have you ever had any of the accidents below? How/ When did it happen?

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (Extensive Reading) ex 5. Discuss the following. 1) Do you think it was right for children to do these kinds of jobs? 2) Why do you think children did these jobs?  How did they feel? 3) Would you do any of these jobs? Why (not)?

Student’s Book 6 Module 5 (A) ex 8. Imagine it is New Year’s Eve in your country. What are you/your family doing? Discuss it in small groups.

Student’s book 8 Module 4 (A )ex 6. Is there anything you would like to change about

the way you look? Use phrases from Exs 4 & 5 to tell your partner.

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (Culture Corner) ex 5. Does Sydney sound like an interesting city to visit? Tell your partner giving reasons why.

интерпретировать значение слова или фразы, которые придают тексту определённый смысл

Отличать авторскую трактовку события

Student’s Book 8 Module 3 (History) ex 7. Read the saying. What does it mean to you? Discuss.

Student’s Book 8 Module 2 (Culture Corner) ex 1. What does the title of the text mean?

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (Culture Corner) ex 3. b) Listen to and read the text. What is the author’s purpose?

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (Going Green) ex 7. Read the quote. What do you think H.G. Wells meant by this? Do you agree with him? Discuss in groups.

опознать в произведении иные культурные традиции, найти их сходство и различие с родными традициями

Учитывать особенности общения с представителями других культур

Student’s Book 9 Module 1 (PSHE) ex 2. What do you think the British remember on

Remembrance Day? How do they do this? Read through the text to check.

Student’s Book 6 Module 4 (D) ex 1. b) How do you think British teenagers spend their free time? Read the text to check.

Student’s Book 9 Module 6 (A) ex 7. Imagine   you   have   just   started   doing   some volunteer work after school.  Write an email to your English pen friend persuading him/her to do some volunteer work too. Say: what kind of volunteering you are doing, when & how often, what kind of jobs you do, why you think your friend should join you (60-80 words).

Student’s Book 5 Module 7 (English in Use) ex 3. Look at the UK clothing sizes. Are sizes the same in your country?

Student’s Book 8 Module 1 (Culture Corner) ex 6. Project: Write a short article for an international school magazine explaining what someone should do to greet people, make small talk or visit people in your country. Use your answers from Ex. 5.

Student’s Book 7 Module 1 (D) ex 1. Look at the map of the United Kingdom. What is the capital of each country (part)? What do you know about these countries?

Student’s Book 5 Module 1 (D) ex 3. Portfolio: Make a similar diagram about the education system in your country. How similar is it to England’s? Use the Internet to find the information.

Student’s Book 6 Module 3 (Extensive Reading) ex 4. Are there words in the text that are the same or similar in your language?

Student’s Book 7 Module 1 (A) ex 7.Write an email   to   your English pen friend. Write about: where you live, your daily routine, what   you are doing these days/tonight.

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (D) ex 3. b) Read the theory box. Are there similar structures in your language?

Читательское умение: осмыслить и оценить  содержание  и форму текста

Читательское умение: осмыслить и оценить  содержание текста

сопоставить  авторские идеи с идеями и информацией из других источников

Использовать внетекстовые знания

Student’s Book 9 Module 2 (B) ex 2. Which member of your family do the sentences best describe?

Student’s Book 5 Module 3 (A) ex 8. Portfolio: Write a short paragraph describing your house/flat. Write about: rooms, special features (e.g. garden, garage, etc). You can stick on a picture.

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (Extensive Reading) ex 1. Do teenagers work in your country? What jobs do they do?

Student’s Book 6 Module 4 (D) ex 4. Portfolio: What is life like for teenagers in your country? Collect information using the Internet and write a short article for an English teenage magazine. Use pictures to illustrate your article

критический взгляд на прочитанное: посмотреть на текст со стороны, соотнести написанное автором со своей собственной картиной мира;

Умение применять житейский опыт и знания в формализованной ситуации (высказывать мнение, основываясь и на прочитанном тексте, и на внетекстовых знаниях)

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (B) ex 1. b) Look at the pictures again. What do you think of these people’s clothes? Make sentences using the phrases below.

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (C) ex 1. Read the speech bubbles. Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

Student’s Book 7 Module 8 (C) ex 2. Read the statement below. Do you agree? Why/why not? Discuss.

Student’s Book 9 Module 1 (F) ex 1. b) What do you think of April Fool’s Day? How do you feel about playing tricks and having tricks played on you? Tell the class.

Student’s Book 7 Module 3 (Extensive Reading) ex 5. Discuss the following. 1) Do you think it was right for children to do these kinds of jobs? 2) Why do you think children did these jobs?  How did they feel? 3) Would you do any of these jobs? Why (not)?

Student’s Book 8 Module 1 (E) ex 5. Read the cards below. Why have the people written them? Find examples of informal style. Compare with your partner.

Student’s Book 6 Module 7 (B) ex 1.  a) How do you feel when ...1) you have an exam?  2) you work for a long time?  

Student’s Book 6 Module 6 (A) ex 6. Which of the clubs in Bolton Middle School do/don’t you want to join? Tell your partner.

Student’s Book 8 Module 1 (PSHE) ex 2. How do you deal with arguments? What’s the best way to handle such situations? Discuss in pairs.

Student’s Book 9 Module 4 (Going Green) ex 7. Read the saying. What does it mean to you? Discuss.

Student’s Book 7 Module 9 (Extensive Reading) ex 1. b) What makes you buy things? Would you say any of the sentences below?

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (A) ex 9. In your opinion, are the works presented in texts A-C art? Discuss in groups. Report to the class.

использовать идеи текста и знания, выходящие за рамки текста для формулирования суждений

создать письменное (устное) высказывание  с опорой на читательский и жизненный опыт

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (A) ex 7. Listen to and read the text again. What is self-esteem? What could make teenagers feel uncomfortable about their body? What should they do? In three minutes, write a few sentences on the topic, in your notebooks. Read your sentences to the class.

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (B) ex 11. Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks? Write a few sentences. Read your sentences to the class.

Student’s Book 6 Module 5 (English in Use) ex 1. Look at the flowers in the pictures. What are their names in your language? When do people offer flowers in your country?

Student’s Book 8 Module 2 (A) ex 8. Do you agree that cooking meals for their children is a good way for mothers to show their love? In three minutes, write a few sentences on the topic. Read your sentences to your partner.

Student’s Book 8 Module 4 (A) ex 7. Listen to and read the text again. What is self-esteem? What could make teenagers feel uncomfortable about their body? What should they do? In three minutes, write a few sentences on the topic, in your notebooks. Read your sentences to the class.

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (A) ex 10. What would life be like without art?  How can art benefit a society? Spend five minutes writing a few sentences on  the  topic.  Read your sentences to your friend. Discuss your opinions.

Student’s Book 8 Module 2 (Culture Corner) ex 3. Listen to and read the text again. Do you think having big charity organizations is a good idea? Why(not)? Do you give money to charity? Why (not)? In three minutes, write a few sentences on the topic. Read your sentences to your partner.

Student’s Book 9 Module 1 (F) ex 1. b) What do you think of April Fool’s Day? How do you feel about playing tricks and having tricks played on you? Tell the class.

отделить свою точку зрения от позиции автора, аргументировать и то и другое

объяснять возможное рассогласование между сообщениями текста и представлением читателя

Student’s Book 8 Module 7(A) ex 5. What does the author mean in the last sentence (lines 37-38) in the text? How far do you agree with this opinion? Discuss in pairs.

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (A) ex 9. In your opinion, are the works presented in texts A-C art? Discuss ingroups. Report to the class.

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (D) ex 9.  a) Listen to three people talking about the types of films they like. Which does each person like/not like? What reasons do they give? b) What are your favourite films? Which type are they? Why do you like them? Tell your partner, using the language below.

Student’s Book 8 Module 2 (Culture Corner) ex 1. What does the title of the text mean?

Student’s Book 8 Module 1 (PSHE) ex 8. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (Culture Corner) ex 4. What did you find most interesting in the text? Write a few sentences.  Read your sentences to your partner.

сформулировать суждение, которое основано на знаниях, идеях, установках, выходящих за рамки текста.

понимать связь тестовой и внетекстовой информации

Student’s Book 9 Module 8 (Culture Corner) ex 2. What do you know about Helen Keller?  Why was her life “an inspiration”?

Student’s Book 7 Module 10 (D) ex 1. Look at the picture and the title. What do you think the text is about? Listen, read and check.

Student’s Book 8 Module 7 (C) ex 1. a) Read the first sentence of the text. What do you think life is like at the Italia Conti Academy? Read statements 1-7and say which ones you think are true for this school. Read the text and check.

Student’s Book 9 Module 5 (A) ex 9. In your opinion, are the works presented in texts A-C art? Discuss in groups. Report to the class.

Student’s Book 5 Module 4 (D) ex 1.  a) Who are the Royal Family? Read through and check. b)  Look at the Royal Family Tree. Match the pictures to the text. c)  Do you know any current information about the Royal Family? Tell the class.

Student’s Book 8 Module 6 (Culture Corner) ex 1. What do you know about the River Thames? What else would you like to know about it? Think of three questions. Read through hand see if you can answer them.

Читательское умение: осмыслить и оценить  форму текста

анализировать несплошные тексты,

Анализировать графики, таблицы и т.п., связывать информацию из разных частей текста

Student’s Book 7 Module 5 (D) ex 3. Use the graph to tell the class what high- tech gadgets British teenagers have in their bedrooms.

Student’s Book 8 Module 7 (ICT) ex 2. Look at the diagram in the text. What is a computer network? Read the first sentence in the text and check.

Student’s Book 8 Module 7 (A) ex 8.  a) Look at the graph carefully and answer the questions. 1) Which type of media do young people use: most? the least?  2) Which activities do teens spend the same amount of time doing? b) Discuss, which type of media is most popular nowadays (radio, press, TV, Internet).

Student’s Book 6 Module 8 (D) ex 1.  Match the buildings to the countries. What is so special about these buildings?

Student’s Book 7 Module 1 (D) ex 1. Look at the map of the United Kingdom. What is the capital of each country (part)? What do you know about these countries?

Student’s Book 5 Module 9 (Extensive Reading) ex 2.   How much do coins A-F add up to altogether?  Which of the following items can you buy with this sum of money?

Student’s book 9 Module 4 (Going Green) ex. 1. Look at the graph about e-waste. Which of these devices do you own?  Which have you replaced recently? What did you do with the old ones?

использовать словари

Оценивать использование лексических единиц автором

Student’s book 8 Module 2 (D) ex. 6. Use the idioms in their correct form to complete sentences 1-5. Check in Appendix 3. Which idiom does the picture show? What does it really mean? Are there similar idioms in your language?

Student’s book 9 Module 5 (E) ex. 5. a) Look at the list of adjectives below. Which are positive/negative/neutral in meaning? Which are used in the email in Ex. 3?  What do they describe?

Student’s book 9 Module 4 (E) ex. 4. a) Look at the highlighted linking words/phrases in   the   essay   in   Ex. 3.   Which:   introduce   an opinion? list points? add more points? Introduce a contrasting viewpoint? introduce examples? introduce a consequence? summarise? b) Replace   each   highlighted   item   with   an appropriate alternative from the list below.

Student’s book 7 Module 2 (A) ex. 4. a) Explain the words in bold. Then match the underlined adjectives to their synonyms. b) Use the underlined adjectives to describe other fictional characters.

анализировать текст- описание, текст-повествование, текст-инструкцию и т.п.

Связывать текст и внетекстовые знания,

Student’s book 5 Module 7 (A) ex. 4. a)  Look at the text on p. 87. Where can you see it: in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a computer screen?

Student’s book 6 Module 1 (B) ex. 1.  a) Look at the cards. Which is a credit card? an identity card? a membership card? a driving licence? b) What information from the list is on each card?

Student’s book 7 Module 3 (C) ex. 2.  Which of these adjectives best describe Hawking? Give reasons.

Student’s book 6 Module 4 (D) ex. 1. a)  Look at the text. Is it from a website? magazine? newspaper?

- представлять содержание в виде таблицы , содержание таблицы в виде текста

создать письменное высказывание, электронное сообщение, заявление, и т.п.

Student’s book 8 Module 4 (D) ex. 7. b) Complete the gaps with the correct words for parts of the body. Then, use the idioms to complete sentences 1-6 below. Check in Appendix 3.

Student’s book 6 Module 5 (English in Use) ex. 3. Listen again and fill in the order form. Read the dialogue and check.

Student’s book 9 Module 5 (A) ex.6. a) What are the types of art in the spidergram in your language? Can you add any more types? Which do you like/don’t you like? Why? b) Read the table. Complete with the person(s).

Student’s book 8 Module 2 (Going Green) ex. 2. Look at the chart below and copy it into your notebooks. Read the title of the text and complete the first two rows of the chart.

Student’s book 7 Module 9 (C) ex. 1. Put the headings shape, pattern, material in the table. Can you add more words in each category?

Работать с текстами для различных жизненных ситуаций

проанализировать текст для личной ситуации, чтобы удовлетворить практические или интеллектуальные личные интересы

Student’s book 5 Module 2 (D) ex. 3. Use the map to tell your partner what souvenirs one can buy in the UK.

Student’s book 6 Module 4 (D) ex. 1. b) How do you think British teenagers spend their free time? Read the text to check.

Student’s book 8 Module 4 (Going Green) ex. 3. What do you know about eco clothes? What else would you like to know about them? Write three questions.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

«Формирование и оценка функциональной грамотности обучающихся при обучении химии и биологии: методические особенности формирования естественнонаучной грамотности как компонента функциональной грамотности».

ull;Обучение обучающихся самостоятельно добывать, анализировать, структурировать и эффективно использовать информацию для максимальной самореализации и полезного участия в жизни общества выступает в...

Презентация к выступлению на региональной инновационной площадке “Функциональная грамотность как основа качества образовательных результатов”ЕСТЕСТЕСТВЕННО-НАУЧНАЯ ГРАМОТНОСТЬ КАК ОДИН ИЗ КОМПОНЕНТОВ ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ГРАМОТНОСТИ. Теоретические основы разраб

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Функциональная грамотность. Сборник заданий по формированию функциональной грамотности.

Сборник заданий для развития функциональной грамотности учащихся на уроках русского языка...

О реализации модуля 2.7. «Механизмы формирования функциональной грамотности обучающихся: практикум с использованием ресурсов региональных площадок» в рамках ДПП ПК «Формирование функциональной грамотности обучающихся на уроках русского языка и родных язы

С 31 октября по 11 ноября  учителя русского языка и родных языков народов РФ, работающие в образовательных учреждениях г.Тюмени и районах Тюменской области прошли курсы  «Формирование ...

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выступление на педсовете по теме "Функциональная грамотность учителя как основа развития функциональной грамотности учащихся".

Актуальность проблемы еще более усиливается в связи с необходимостью подготовки учащихся к работе в совершенно новых условиях, которые характеризуются демократизацией общественной жизни, открытием вне...

Формирование и оценка функциональной грамотности у обучающихся с ОВЗ: методические особенности проектирования коррекционно-развивающих занятий для формирования и оценки функциональной грамотности обучающихся

Основа жизненной компетенции, которая характеризуется системой умений решать практические задачи в основных сферах жизнедеятельности,...