ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ РАБОТА на тему: “Traditional Christmas and New Year dishes in the countries of the studied languages”
проект по английскому языку (8 класс)

Ульянкина Екатерина Сергеевна

Работа выполнена на английском языке, во время защиты на Дне Науке использовалась презентация в Power Point


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МОУ «Лицей имени героя Советского Союза Стрельцова Павла Васильевича»


на тему: “Traditional Christmas and New Year dishes in the countries of the studied languages”

по иностранному языку (английскому языку)

Ученица 8 Д класса

Смирнова Елизавета Алексеевна

Руководитель: Ульянкина Екатерина Сергеевна

г. Воскресенск, 2023


  1. Introduction........................................................................................................3
  2. The history of Christmas in Britain and German...............................................5
  3. Traditions of celebrating Christmas in Britain………………………...……...7
  4. Traditions of celebrating New Year in Britain……………………………..…8
  5. Christmas and New Year dishes in Britain……………………………...……10
  6. Traditions of celebrating Christmas and New Year in Germany…..................12
  7. Christmas and New Year dishes in Germany…………………………………14
  8. Differences and Similarities Comparison……………………………………..15
  9. Practical part…………………………………………………………………..16
  10. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………17
  11. List of literature ……………………………………………………………18
  12. Appendix……………………………………………………………..……19



Hello, my name is Elizaveta Smirnova and I want to tell you about the celebration of Christmas and New Year in Germany and the United Kingdom, in particular  my work is devoted to dishes, as I am keen on cooking.

     Christmas and New Year are the most important and favourite holidays in the world. They are assosiated with cosiness, decorated Christmas tree, colourful garlands and tasty dinner in the circle of family. Every country has its own traditions of preparing and celebrating these holidays. Some people cook desserts a month before Christmas Eve so that it is infused, somebody start choosing a perfect fish and turkey, and the third group of people are planning time to go to a fast food restaurant. Despite of all the differences Christmas and New Year bring positive emotions and belief that coming year will bring only joy and happiness. And tasty food and special atmosphere let people get in a positive mood.  

     Of course, these are the favorite holidays of the year in Russia, England and Germany. But the problem is that when celebrating the New Year and Christmas, not everyone knows about the history and traditions of these holidays.

The aim of my research work is to tell people and compare the traditions of celebrating New Year and Christmas in countries of the studied languages to broaden our horizons and improve our knowledge of the history of England and Germany.


1 study the literature 

2 trace the historical development of favorite holidays and their traditions

3 learn the traditions of celebrating Christmas and New Year in Germany and Great Brirain

4 find out what dishes are prepared for Christmas and New Year in Germany and Great Britain

6 compare traditions

7 find similarities and differences

      Thus, the spread of development and the desire to spread among the peoples of different nationalities, the formation of a tolerant personality, ready to communicate with native speakers and mutual understanding, familiarization of students with others, a foreign language culture, with their mentality, verbal and non-verbal communication.

    I hypothesized that in the course of my research work, I will find more similarities in the celebration of these holidays in both countries than differences, which I will try to prove.

    I will also make a survey of classmates in order to find put what they know about the history of these holidays.

To broaden our horizons and learn more about the culture of other countries, we will learn how to celebrate Christmas in the countries of the languages being studied.

The History of Christmas in Britain and German

For many thousands of years, the winter solstice was celebrated, in Europe it was called jul, this holiday included the distribution of gifts, candle lights to drive away evil spirits, festive dishes and a decorated

The history of Christmas began in 597 BC with the appearance of St. Augustine who preached the Christian doctrine and converted tree (Druids oak, Egyptians palm, Romans spruce.)pagans to the new faith.

Over time, paganism has almost disappeared, but the tradition of giving gifts, cooking big dinners and decorating trees has been preserved.

Prohibition of Christmas

In the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell, who was in power, banned the celebration of Christmas at the legislative level because of its "pagan roots". all festive events were canceled, people were obliged to work, the clergy were forbidden to decorate churches. Later, the ban was lifted by Charles II.

During the reign of Queen Victoria, the holiday became very popular, it was during this era that many traditions of celebrating Christmas appeared.

In 1843 the first Christmas cards were printed.

In 1848, The illustrated London news published a drawing of the royal family with gifts around the Christmas tree.

Soon the tradition of decorating Christmas trees passed to all layers of society.

In 1880, due to a shortage of Christmas trees, artificial ones were created.

Charles Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol" gave Christmas the meaning of a family holiday.

Christmas carols have become popular again. They were published in magazines so that people could perform songs with their family .

The History of German Christmas

Christmas tree is believed to be sacred and its branches lives the “spirit of the forest”, which is the defender of the truth. In addition, the Christmas tree is an evergreen tree, so it has become a symbol of unfading youth, immortality, longevity, dignity and fidelity. And the cones symbolize the fire of life and the restoration of health.

Traditions of Celebrating Christmas in Britain

Preparation for Christmas begins in 4 weeks, these weeks are called Advent.

During Advent, the British try to attend church more often and go to sermons. Charity fairs are often opened. The most important tradition of Advent is 4 candles in a circle of a fir wreath , 1 candle is lit every Sunday . Candles differ in color by 3 purple and 1 white.

The wreath of the evergreen tree symbolizes eternal life love and faith as well as the Christmas tree. The first one lit symbolizes the prophets and angels. The second is faith love and the manger of Christ. The third represents shepherds. The fourth white candle in the center represents the coming of Christ and his salvation of the world.

Another important tradition is the Advent calendar. Parents make a calendar with gifts for children that needs to be opened within 24 days, at Christmas itself, children receive a more valuable gift.

The house is decorated with stars associated with the star of Bethlehem under which Jesus was born. The doors of the house are decorated with mistletoe ivy and holly. At the time when the winter solstice was celebrated, it was believed that these plants drive away evil spirits. On December 25, it is customary for the British to exchange gifts.

Traditions of Celebrating the New Year in Britain

     The celebration of the New Year in the UK is not celebrated as solemnly and everywhere as in Russia and European countries. This holiday is more beloved in Scotland than in England and Wales. The main winter holiday in Britain is Christmas, and the New Year can rather be called a continuation of the festive Christmas days.

     The British celebrate the New Year in accordance with local, national traditions and personal preferences. Young people mainly celebrate the New Year at New Year's Eve parties, which start around 8 pm and continue until the morning. New Year's Eve dance parties are also popular. Those who like to celebrate the New Year on the street with a large crowd of people gather in Piccadilly Circus or Trafalgar

     New Year in Britain is a secular holiday people gather in large companies at home in bars and even on the street. A ten-minute salute on the banks of the Thames is broadcast on TV, and the king's address is also broadcast. The annual New Year 's parade is held on the streets with the accompaniment of acrobat musicians and dancers . For the first time, the parade was held in 1987, begins on Piccadilly Circus and continues on all major squares and streets of the city.

On the eve, people sing Auld Lang Syne holding hands on the first verse and crossing on the second.

    The British also write New Year resolutions.

    They have an interesting tradition of first guest, it is believed that the first person to enter the house after the New Year will bring good luck this year

     A very popular tradition is a secret Santa: colleagues, friends or family gather together and pull out leaves with the name of the person to whom they will give presents. The addressee must be signed but the sender is not written. Gifts are placed under the Christmas tree and unpacked at a certain time. The recipient of the gift is trying to guess who will give it.

The last words in the outgoing year should be “black rabbits, black rabbits, black rabbits” and the first words of the year should be "white rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit" it is believed that this brings good luck in the new year.

Christmas and New Year dishes in Britain

The Christmas table is an integral part of the holiday, like a smart Christmas tree and Santa Claus. In England, the traditional Christmas dish is turkey and pudding.
The turkey hit the table of the English monarchs back in the 15th century - the first of the kings to taste it was Henry VIII Tudor. However, its path to the traditional Christmas table was quite long. In the old days in England they served roast goose, as in nearby Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and in richer houses - a peacock or a swan with gilded beaks. The nobility, descended from the Normans and Scandinavians, throughout the Middle Ages, the main decoration of the table was a boar's head, since the nobility had fun in those days with benefit, and boar hunting was in honor. Only at the beginning of the 20th century did the turkey take pride of place in the festive meal of the British.

     Plum-porridge has been a traditional Christmas dessert for centuries. Can we imagine life in England without oat? It was boiled in meat broth and all sorts of things were added there - almonds, prunes and honey, raisins, as well as bread crumbs. Since the 18th century, plum pudding has replaced the plum porridge. And now it is the main dish of the Christmas table in the UK.

       Long time ago, this ritual dish was prepared from 13 ingredients that symbolized Christ and his disciples, and the dough had to be stirred strictly with movements from east to west - in the direction in which the Magi came to baby Jesus. According to English tradition, each member of the family should take part in mixing the pudding. At this time, you can make a wish - and it will certainly come true. Coins and small decorations are placed in the pudding “for good luck”. The horseshoe will fall for good luck, the ring for the wedding. Before serving the pudding on the table, it should be doused with brandy and set on fire. The pudding is solemnly brought into a dark room - this is a real spectacle, besides, the fire will scare away evil spirits!

New Year's dishes:        

The New Year's table usually consists of one meat dish and snacks such as cheeses tortillas, canapés. The meat dish is most often baked goose with potatoes or turkey with chestnuts, there is also a Brusel cabbage on the table.

Desserts include pudding pies and fresh fruit.

Christmas dishes:

At Christmas, as well as on New Year's eve, turkey is served with posternak or baked potatoes.

At Christmas, with the help of a turkey, you can make a wish by pulling out a bone in the form of the letter V.

Baked salmon with shrimp is served as a snack.

Wellington beef is beef baked in puff pastry.

What do they drink at Christmas? Most often the British drink everything but the most popular drinks are punch, wine and champagne.

There is bread sauce on the table (consisting of slices of bread , onion , milk , cloves and cream ) , cranberry sauce (it is prepared in a week and kept in the refrigerator for its preparation , orange juice with sugar is boiled, then cranberries are added and boiled for 5 minutes) and the most traditional gravy sauce (you need to leave the fat from the turkey or goose and add cook the flour to a boil for taste, you can add red wine)

Desserts: pudding in cognac oil, livers in the form of stars of Christmas trees and Santa and mincemeat pie (you might think it's a meat pie, but it's not in its composition dried fruits nutmeg and cloves)

Traditions of celebrating Christmas (Weihnachten) and New Year (Neu Jahr) in Germany

Christmas for Germans is a family holiday, 80% of residents celebrate it. Preparation for Christmas begins in 4 weeks, this period is called Advent.

Christmas fairs begin to work, this tradition appeared in the 18th century. People come here not only to buy something, but also to take a walk with friends or family.

Parents make Advent calendars for children. Every Sunday and light 1 out of 4 candles in a Christmas wreath. It consists of a spruce wreath and 4 candles: 3 pink and 1 purple, they dispel the darkness and point the way.

Christmas trees are installed in houses (the tradition of decorating Christmas trees originated here) and decorated with Christmas symbols angels stars and a garland in the form of candles. The house is decorated with a poinsettia flower its bracts resemble the star of Bethlehem. A wreath symbolizes eternity, eternal love and faith. Pink candles symbolize joy, purple the arrival of Christ and repentance to him. At Christmas people exchange gifts. On Christmas Eve it is customary to go to church and confess as Christmas is a religious holiday. Children usually give homemade postcards.

On December 25, a bible service is held for children and those who did not attend the night service where they are told about the history of Christmas.

Also on this holiday it is customary to visit the cemetery to pay tribute to the ancestors.

     Celebrating the New Year in Germany is noisy because it is believed that it will scare away evil spirits. Artists, musicians and dancers show performances outside, the streets are decorated with garlands.

     Germans rarely stay at home on this holiday, many take musical instruments with them, let off fireworks (this day is the only one in the year when one can launch fireworks) and confetti.

     Most often young people spend New Year's Eve in clubs and the older generation prefers restaurants, theaters and concerts. On the morning of December 31, old things are thrown out and people clean their houses, it is believed that this way places are freed up for good events coming in the New Year. Under the chiming of the chimes, the Germans climb higher on any surface table chair sofa and jump off at the last stroke of the chimes, it is believed that in this way a person jumps into the new year, there is even an expression “to successfully jump into the new year’.

      like to guess on lead, melt a piece over candles and throw it into the water, it is believed that in the form of what lead will solidify, that will happen in the new year.

In Germany as in Russia there is a Santa Claus he is called a Weinachtsman.

Christmas and New Year dishes in Germany

New Year's dishes:

Traditional dishes in Germany on the New Year's table baked carp. Its scales resemble coins. The Germans have a tradition of putting scales in their wallet it is believed that this way the Germans attract money in the New Year.

There are cheese and meat cuts.

Fondue and raclette and herring salad are very popular.

There are always tangerines on the table

The traditional dessert is Berlin donuts, most often with strawberry filling.

Speaking of the drinks, the Germans prefer krushon champagne.        .

The Germans make raclette - they buy small frying pans and everyone fries what they want.

Christmas dishes:

There are 7-9 dishes on the menu. The main dish is baked goose with apples

  • stewed pork or beef with sauerkraut
  • baked potatoes vegetable stews and salads are served with the main dish

On the table you can find wheat porridge cooked in milk with honey butter or poppy seeds

  • Gingerbread pies with fruit filling marzipan cupcakes and stolen are served for dessert

At Christmas, Germans drink punch, mulled wine and champagne.

And if we speak about Russian traditions, Russian salad, Shuba and champagne  are the most popular dishes.

Differences and Similaities

Christmas Traditions: they are very similar, but there are also small differences in the color of the candles of the Christmas wreath.

It differs in the type of plants that decorate houses.

Similarity is present in Advent calendars.

Decorating houses with stars and angels.

Traditions of the New Year: the traditions of the New Year are also very similar,

New Year in both countries is not a family holiday.

Celebrate the holiday noisily and with great success.

But in Germany there is no appeal and congratulations for the people from the president.


Baked goose with potatoes is cooked in both countries.

In both countries they drink wine champagne and punch.

Both countries prepare ginger cookies as desserts.


Practical part

As for practical part we decided to analyze what students of my class know about celebrating Christmas and New year in the English and German speaking countries. I asked my classmates to answer some questions to find out their background knowledge.

The survey involved 25 students of grade 8D.

After analyzing the answers of the guys on this questionnaire, I established the following results:

• The first question was answered correctly - 5 people

• The second question was answered correctly - 25 people

• The third question was answered correctly by 12 people

• The fourth question was answered correctly by 9 people

• The fifth question was answered correctly - 22 people

• The sixth question was answered correctly - 25 people


     Having studied special literature and Internet sites, we experienced aesthetic pleasure from contact with the richness of the traditions of these countries. Also, analyzing this material, we made some conclusions.

     European Christmas is a colourful holiday and Europeans celebrate it with a great excitement. Christmas is a time for joy and fun. This is the time when families get together to celebrate Christmas.

          Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7, Catholic Christmas on December 25. Both in Europe and in Russia, they solemnly celebrate Christmas Eve - the evening on the eve of Christmas, gathering with the whole family, usually at their parents' house. Fasting precedes both Catholic and Orthodox Christmas.

      New Year in both countries is also a family holiday. When the chimes strike, all people wish each other happiness, health and prosperity. This is the time of hope for a brighter future and new happiness!

     Thus, we concluded that students do not fully possess the necessary information. Therefore, this work can be considered not only research, but also educational. But 88% of the students adhere to our hypothesis that there are still more similarities than differences in the traditions of celebrating New Year and Christmas holidays in Germany and England.

List of literature

1 https://progermany.ru/strana/istoriya-i-tradiczii/novyj-god-v-germanii/

2 https://www.de-online.ru/silvester-in-deutschland

3 https://www.study.ru/article/uk-and-usa/kak-prazdnuyut-novyy-god-v-velikobritanii

4 https://www.study.ru/article/uk-and-usa/kak-prazdnuyut-rozhdestvo-v-velikobritanii

5 https://dzen.ru/a/XgGy2buJLACxNjhY

6 https://povar.ru/recipes/indeika_pod_kliukvennym_sousom-73116.html

7 https://silaznaniya8.ru/karp-zharenyj-na-skovorode/#i

Appendix 1

Questions for survey

1. Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year first appear?

2. When is Christmas celebrated in England and in Germany?

3. How do Europeans call the post before Christmas?

4. What traditional dishes do you know for Christmas in Great Britain and Germany? Are they typical to Russian ones?

5. Do you think there are more similarities or differences in the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas in Russia, Germany and England?

6. What holiday do these countries enjoy more: New Year or Christmas?

Appendix 2

Cookery book

Pudding recipe

Proteins 8 pieces

Sugar 4 tablespoons

Jelly 3 tablespoons

Sugar for greasing the mold 2 tablespoons.

Beat the whites into a foam and add gelatin with sugar. Continue whipping the mixture until thickened. Pour the mixture into a form coated with burnt sugar. Put it to cook in a water bath for 45 minutes. Cool, tip onto a platter and serve with wine sauce.

 Традиционный Английский пудинг на Рождество

Marzipan recipe:

Almonds 250 grams

Powdered sugar 250 grams

Egg white 2 pieces

Salt 0.5 teaspoons

Almond extract 0.5 teaspoon

Throw the nuts into boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

Drain the water peel the almonds and dry them with a paper towel.

Chop the nuts into fine crumbs.

Mix almonds with powdered sugar and salt.

In a separate bowl, mix the proteins with almond extract.

Mix the nut-sugar mixture with the proteins until smooth.

Wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator for a day then serve.


Baked turkey in cranberry sauce recipe

1 turkey breast

1 orange

Cranberries 100 grams

Pear juice 2/3 cup

1 tablespoon of sugar

2 tablespoons corn starch

Anise is one-eighth of a teaspoon

Cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon

Cloves 1/8 teaspoon

Salt half a teaspoon

Ground black pepper — 1/8 teaspoons Butter — 50 Grams Onion — 2 Pieces (small) Rosemary — 1/2 Teaspoon Thyme — 1/2 Teaspoon

Prepare the necessary products. Wash the turkey breast, dry it. Wash and peel the onion.

Cut the breast lengthwise, not reaching the edge of 1 cm, open with a "book". Sprinkle with salt, dried rosemary, thyme and freshly ground black pepper. More detailed:

Punch orange juice, pear juice, cranberries, anise, cloves, cinnamon with a blender until smooth, add starch, mix.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, pass the chopped onion until transparent.

Pour in the cranberry mixture, add sugar, salt and pepper to taste, bring to a boil. Pour the cranberry sauce into a baking dish, put the breast so that the meat does not sink completely into the sauce. So the breast gets an appetizing ruddy crust when baking.

Add a sprig of fresh rosemary. Put it to bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 ° C.

The turkey is ready.

Roast Turkey with Cranberry-Orange Glaze Recipe | Food Network Kitchen |  Food Network

Fried carp recipe

2 kilograms of fish

juice of one small lemon


ground black pepper


vegetable oil for frying

Clean the fish

Separate the head and tail cut into pieces

Pour lemon juice over the pieces from 2 sides

We roll each piece in flour

Put pieces of fish in a preheated frying pan

Fry on both sides and the fish is ready.

Fried Carp - Recipe | Bonapeti.com

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