Reported Speech
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Правила употребления предложений с косвенной речью.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Reported Speech

Слайд 2

Direct Speech Indirect Speech Present Simple Past Simple “ I do not want to see this film”. He said that he did not want to see that film. Present Progressive Past Progressive “ I am watching TV”. She said she was watching TV.

Слайд 3

Direct Speech Indirect Speech Present Perfect Past Perfect “ I have done my exercises.” She said she had done her exercises. Past Indefinite Past Perfect “ I did all my exercises yesterday”. He said he had done all his exercises the day before. Past Perfect Past Perfect “ We had done our work by 6 o’clock”. They said they had done their work by 6 o’clock.

Слайд 4

Direct Speech Indirect Speech Future Indefinite Future in the Past “ I shall see you tomorrow.” I said that I should see you the next day. “ Next week the children will go to the theatre”. She said that the children would go to the theatre the following week.

Слайд 5

this that these those here there now then today that day this week that week

Слайд 6

the day before yesterday two days before ago before yesterday the day before

Слайд 7

tomorrow the next day the day after tomorrow two days later next week the following week

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