Стартовая диагностика по английскому языку для 10 непрофильного класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Грамматический тест содержит задания на употребление видо-временных форм английского глагола, форм пассивного залога, герундия и ифинитива, сослагательного наклонения, модальных глаголов и косвенной речи. Тест может быть использован для стартовой диагностики учащихся или в качестве повторения/ обобщения пройденного грамматического материала.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Check Work for the 10th Form.

I. Use the verbs in brackets in the necessary tense form.

1. She ___ (to leave) the hotel late yesterday.

2. She is so glad as she ___ (to finish) her project at last.

3. They ___ (to watch) a new TV-series the whole day yesterday.

4. Look! She ___ (to paint) wonderful scenery.

5. The audience ___ (to applaud) for twenty minutes already.

6. This circus ___ (to give) a new show this time tomorrow.

II. Change Active into Passive

7. They grew this coffee in Brazil.

8. They built a new theatre in this town.

9. People often make tables of plastic.

10. They will consider your plan.

11. I will give you my opera glasses

12. They don’t show such films on TV.

III. Use Active or Passive Voice

13. Nobody ___ (to see) him yesterday.

14. The telegram ___ (to receive) tomorrow.

15. At the station they ___ (to meet) by a man.

16. This man ___ (to grow) vegetables every year.

17. She ___ (to send) flowers by a stranger last month.

18. I think all people ___ (to enjoy) entertainment.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

19. Tom helped his mother ___ (to get) the dinner ready.

20. He looks so funny. When I see him, I can’t help ___ (to smile).

21. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone ___ (to smoke) in his office.

22. Would you prefer -------- (to have) dinner now or later?

23. The weather was fine and he suggested me ___ (to go) for a walk

24. He pretended ___ (not, to see) me as he passed me in the street.

25. Tom refused ___ (to lend) me any money.

26. The film was very sad. It made her ___ (to cry).

27. I really miss ___ (to live) in the country.

28. Young children often ask ___ (to take) them to the zoo.

V.  Use the verbs in brackets in the necessary tense form.

29. What would you do if you ___ (to meet) a lion?

30. If he ___ (to leave) at two o’clock, he will be there before dark.

31. If you ___ (to leave) at two o’clock, you would be there before dark.

32. Would you say “Yes” if he ___ (to ask) you to go with him?

33. If he ___ (to be) me, he would do the same.

34. What would you do if someone ___ (to give) you a lot of money?

VI. Choose the correct modal verbs.

35. Nobody answered the phone. They ___ be out.

a) should     b) can             c) would             d) must

36. I’d like ___ skate.

a) to can      b) to have to   c) to be able to   d) could

37. ___ you mind passing me the salt?

a) will         b) would         c) should            d) could 

38. I ___ to cover the whole distance on foot.

a) can          b) must           c) have               d) should

VII.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.

39. The teacher says, “Sit down, children. Don’t make noise!”

40. “Now I’m learning this poem by heart,” said Mary.

41. “What do you know about my brother?” the man asked.

42. “Is there a word of truth in your story?” the girl asked.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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