Урок-игра "So many countries, so many customs"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (10 класс)

Данная игра предназначена для обучающихся 9-11 классов. В ходе игры ученики познакомятся с интересными традициями стран.


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Слайд 1

New year quiz So many countries, so many customs

Слайд 2

The UK China Russia Other

Слайд 3

other New Year in Italy begins… December, 31 st January, 6 th December, 25 th

Слайд 4

In Italy there was a custom to throw away from the window: a) tinsel b ) apples and tangerines c ) old things and furniture

Слайд 5

The name of the Finnish Santa Clause is Joulupukki . What is the meaning of the name? Рождественский козёл Рождественский олень Рождественский дед

Слайд 6

In this country people eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight (one each time the clock chimes) on New Year's Eve. Canada France Spain

Слайд 7

What kind of animal does German Santa Claus ride ? Goat Reindeer Donkey

Слайд 8

In France the presents for children are put in: a) kid’s shoes b ) kid’s hats c ) kid’s bags

Слайд 9

THE UK In Scotland New Year is called: Hogmanay Newmanay Bigmanay

Слайд 10

The most popular place for celebrating New Year in England is: Hyde Park Buckingham Palace Trafalgar Square

Слайд 11

There is a tradition « The First Foot » in the UK. People are looking forward to welcoming the first guest . T he first visitor in new year must bring a special present: a piece of bread a piece of wood a piece of coal

Слайд 12

Fireworks are prohibited in this country: Wales Northern Ireland Scotland

Слайд 13

What do people in the UK do at midnight: open the back door drink champagne kiss each other

Слайд 14

H ow many reindeer does Santa Claus have in his team: 6 8 9

Слайд 15

CHINA In China preparation for the New Y ear begins: In November In December In January

Слайд 16

Chinese New Year is associated with: summer spring autumn

Слайд 17

Families cover the doors with: a) red balloons b ) red lights c ) red paper

Слайд 18

Children traditionally receive: interesting books tasty sweets coins in red envelopes

Слайд 19

The Chinese New Year celebrations last: a)7 days b ) 12 days c ) 15 days

Слайд 20

In New Year there is a tradition to eat: rice pelmeni fish

Слайд 21

RUSSIA When did we start celebrating New Year on the 1 st of January? 1897 1900 1955

Слайд 22

How many horses does Father Frost have in his team : 1 2 3

Слайд 23

When is the Father Frost’s birthday? November, 18 th December, 18 th January, 18 th

Слайд 24

In the Republic of Mari El the New Year is called « Shorykyol » . What does it mean? а) овечья нога b) лошадиное копыто c) петушиный хвост

Слайд 25

In what year did people first hear the president's speech? 1990 1976 1993

Слайд 26

In the end of 19 th century Father Frost was called: a) Ёлочный дед b) Бородатый дед c) Злой дед

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