урок в 6 классе "США"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Демьянова Елена Михайловна

Урок-обобщение по теме "Соединенные Штаты Америки"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме «США»

Задачи урока:

Цели урока:

  • Совершенствование умений и навыков устной речи.
  • Расширение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся.
  • Формирование у учащихся дальнейшей мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Основные задачи:

1. Обучающие:

– активизация умений и навыков монологической речи по теме “США”, сформированных на предыдущих уроках;
– закрепление знаний лексических единиц по теме; 

2. Развивающие:

– развитие логического и аналитического мышления; 
3. Воспитательные:

– воспитание уважительного отношения к истории и культуре других стран; 
– формирование умения работать в группах, воспитание чувства коллективизма.

Оборудование урока:

– компьютерная презентация, компьютер, проектор, экран;
Методы и формы обучения: групповая, фронтальная, индивидуальная работа.

Структура урока:

Технологические этапы

Задачи этапа

Формируемые универсальные действия

I стадия

Вызов (evocation)

10 минут.

          - Орг. Момент.

- Мотивация.


- Фонетическая зарядка, речевая зарядка.

- актуализация и обобщение имеющихся знаний по теме;

-пробуждение интереса к изучаемой теме;

- постановка учениками  целей обучения.


- формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.


- умение  определять понятия;

- умение работать индивидуально и в группе;


- умение определять смысловое наполнение фразы, её ёмкость, лексическое значение отдельных слов и всей фразы на иностранном языке;

II стадия

Осмысление содержания (realizationofmeaning)

25 минут.

  1. Развитие умения монологической речи.
  2.  Отработка изученной лексики в речи.
  3. развитие навыков чтения)
  4. развитие навыков работы с текстом
  5. Динамическая пауза.
  6. Повторение изученного грамматического материала

       7. Развитие умения диалогической речи.

- активное закрепление изученной информации;

- осмысление полученной информации;

- соотнесение изученной информации с собственными знаниями;

- отслеживание процесса познания и собственного понимания.


- формирование осознанного, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к другому человеку, его мнению, мировоззрению, культуре;

- формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и  сотрудничестве со сверстниками и взрослыми.


- смысловое чтение;

- умениеорганизовывать  учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками;

- умение  устанавливать аналогии, классифицировать,   самостоятельно выбирать основания и критерии для классификации, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, строить  логическое  рассуждение, умозаключение.


- умение передавать содержание прочитанного в соответствии с целью;

- умение читать аутентичные тексты с полным и точным пониманием;

-способность рассуждать на иностранном языке с высказыванием своего мнения, аргументировать своё мнение и оформлять его словесно, участвовать в  обсуждении прочитанного.

III. Рефлексия (reflection) 5 минут.

- Рефлексия

- Оценка

- активное получение новой информации;

- осмысление новой информации;

- соотнесение новой информации с собственными знаниями;

- отслеживание процесса познания и собственного понимания.


- стремление к лучшему осознанию культуры своего народа и готовность содействовать ознакомлению с ней представителей других стран.


- умение создавать обобщения и делать выводы;

-  умение работать индивидуально.


- умение описывать события, давать краткую характеристику, выражать свое мнение в письменном виде на иностранном языке.

Ход урока:

  1. Орг. момент. Приветствие.

Hello to everybody! Glad to see you. How are you? You look nice today!

Look out of the window! What is the weather like today? What date is it today?

Мотивация (cлайд 1)

Today we are going to have a repetition-lesson. Look at the screen!

What is it? – It is an American flag.

What are these? -The stars!

What can you say about 50 stars? - There are 50 stars on the American flag. 50 stars mean 50 states.

What can you say about 13 stripes? - 13 stripes mean 13 colonies.

  1. Определение темы урока:

- What will we speak about today?-  The USA. A very big country.

2.Фонетическая зарядка:

I want you to listen to a very nice country song “This land is your land” .You know it’s an unofficial hymn of America. Listen and sing it together.


Thank you.

II.Осмысление. Brainstorming.

  1. So as I have already said today we are going to have a repetition-lesson. We shall review and generalize your knowledge about the USA.

Let’s begin! Let’s have a short warming up. Give me the English variants quickly:

Северная Америка,

Гавайские острова,

 Тихий океан,

зеленые луга,

 скалистые горы,

 песчаные пляжи,


50 штатов,

5 Авеню,

Статуя Свободы.

  1. Answer some of my questions, please;

  • What does the word of America mean?
  • WhodiscoveredAmerica?
  • Whenwasit?
  • WhatwasColumbus?
  • Why did he decide to sail west?
  • What country did he want to visit?

  1. You remember the common facts, but what about the details? I’d like you to refresh all the words you know about discovering of America. Let’s play the game “Find the pairs”(слайд 2)

1. Sailor            1. открытие

2. North            2. моряк

3. discovery      3. северный

4. reach            4. решить

5. decide          5. Плавать под парусом

6. sail               6. достигать

1. Italy             1. высаживаться

2. begin           2. южный

3. land             3. Италия

4. South          4. путешествие

5. Queen         5. начинать

6. journey       6. королева

  1. Some of you will go on alone, the others continue our trip together with me.

 5 pupils get individual cards.

Pupils’ cards:

1. America, 1492, Christopher, discovered, Columbus, in.

2. born, he, Italy, was, in, for a long time, but, Spain, lived, in.

3. was, made, sea, he, a seaman, voyages, and, many

4. west, to, he, sail, decided, that, was, as, he, our, sure, round, planet, was.

5. land, reached, some, he, Central America, was, it.

5. Agree or disagree with me. You can use these phrases or your own(слайд 3)

1.The USA is a large country in South America.

2. It’s neighbours are Canada in the east, and Mexico in the north.

3.The highest mountains are the Rocky M.

4.The longest river is the Colorado.

5. There are 55 states in the country.

6. The capital of the US is New York

7. Washington DC is situated on the banks of the Potomac river.

8. The biggest city is Chicago.

9.Washington is a city of skyscrapers.

10.The Statue of Liberty is a famous symbol of the US.

6. Look at the screen and say some words about this man (C.Columbus)(слайд 4)

7.Let`s have a rest. Listen to music (слайд 5)

8.Let’s read the text and know all these facts (слайд 6)

The text “Indians”

The Indians have never seen men with swords. Why have they come? What will they do? Columbus gives the Indians shiny beads and tiny bells. The Indians give Columbus soft, cool cloth and colorful birds. People in Europe do not have cotton or parrots. The Indians are wearing gold rings.

Columbus sails further west to look for gold. He visits other islands. He meets more Indians. Most are friendly and helpful. They live in grass houses. They sleep in rope beds called hammocks. They travel in long boats called canoes. Columbus sees many new things.

Soon Columbus is ready to sail back to Spain with many new kinds of food-corn, sweet potatoes, tobacco, peanuts, papayas and avocados.

For the rest of his life, Columbus never knows how truly great his discovery is. It is called America!

T: Have you understood the text? Let’s see it. Look at the statements and say if they are true or false. Explain why.

P: True or False?

1. The Indians saw men with swords for the first time.

2. People in Europe kept parrots at homes long before.

3. The Indians were not friendly at all.

4. People in Europe have never slept in hammocks.

5. Columbus found nothing interesting in the New World.

9.Work in pairs and make the dialogues.

 And now let’s make short dialogues using Present Perfect OR Past Simple.

  • Have you ever (see) any sails?
  • Yes, I (have).
  • When (be) it?
  • It (be) last year.

– Have you ever (sail) in a boat?

  • Yes, we (have)
  • When did you (sail) in it?
  • WE (sail) in it two years ago.


- Have you (read) a book about the discoverer yet?

- Yes, I (have0

- When did you (read) it?

- I (read) it last month.


- Have you (meet) my brother?

- No, I (have, not). He (not be) at home at 5 and he (not, appear) until 7


What have we done today?

Will you write down your HW .

Your marks for today:

You were so clever and active today. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

ема урока: The discovery of America

Цель урока: систематизация и комплексное применение знаний в ходе урока

Задачи урока:


- совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком,

- систематизация учебного материала по теме


- усвоить культурологические знания,

- развивать коммуникативные навыки,

- развивать умение анализировать, сравнивать, высказываться логично и связно.


- формирование познавательного интереса и уважения к истории и культуре другого народа,

- воспитывать умение работать в группах, парах, прислушиваться к мнению одноклассников.

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний

Форма урока: урок-путешествие

Оборудование: учебник Английский язык IV Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.; раздаточный материал, компьютер, экран, презентация к уроку с видеофрагментами.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: индивидуальная, парная, групповая, фронтальная.

Ход урока:

T: Good morning, pupils. Glad to see you today! How are you?


T: What date, day is it today?


T: Thank you. Tell me, please, are you fond of travelling? How often and where do you travel?


T: Ok, but, how do you think, why many people spend a lot of time travelling? Or even devote the whole life to it?


T: Right you are. They want to search smth new or get new knowledge or even make new discoveries. Well, today at the lesson we’re going to travel too. Would you like to travel?


T: Ok then. But first let’s prepare for the travelling. Look, read, repeat as quickly as you can

P1: Say this sharply, say this sweetly,

Say this shortly, say this softly.

Say this sixteen times in succession.

P2: Seven seals in the sea

Sing the song to you and me.

P3: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.

T: Ok, but where are we going to travel today? Watch some views and answer this question

P: watch video and give answers

T: Well, you’re absolutely right. We’ll visit America, great and interesting country. Listen to the poem and say what associations you have while listening it.

P: tells the poem “America”

T: So, what have you imagined?


T: Great! But today we’ll not visit modern America, we’ll go to the past and see how it all began. What do you think we will revise?


T: Right. The main task is to review and complete our knowledge about the discovery of America and about the man who did it! Let’s start our journey to the past!

T: Answer some of my questions, please;

  • What does the word of America mean?
  • WhodiscoveredAmerica?
  • Whenwasit?
  • WhatwasColumbus?
  • Why did he decide to sail west?
  • His discovery was very important, wasn’t it?


T: Very well. You remember the common facts, but what about the details? I’d like you to refresh all the words you know about discovering of America. Let’s play the game “Find the pairs”. Work in groups and try to do it rather quickly.

1 group:

1. Sailor 1. открытие

2. North 2. моряк

3. discovery 3. северный

4. reach 4. решить

5. decide 5. Плавать под парусом

6. sail 6. достигать

2 group:

1. Italy 1. высаживаться

2. begin 2. южный

3. land 3. Италия

4. South 4. путешествие

5. Queen 5. начинать

6. journey 6. королева

3 group:

1. territory 1. континет

2. voyage 2. открытие

3. discover 3. Путешествие по морю

4. continent 4. круглый

5. round 5. формировать

6. form 6. территория

4 group:

1. the part of the world

2. journey to America

3. made many sea voyages

4. to be round

5. to reach some land

6. after sailing

5 group:

1. discovered America

2. to decide to sail

3. a new continent

4. to be sure

5. For a long time

6. A new land


T: Ok, you were rather quick. But as you probably know, true explorers often divide into smaller groups and go in different directions. Let’s do the same. Some of you will go on alone, the others continue our trip together with me. 5 pupils get individual cards.

Pupils’ cards:

1. America, 1492, Christopher, discovered, Columbus, in.

2. born, he, Italy, was, in, for a long time, but, Spain, lived, in.

3. was, made, sea, he, a seaman, voyages, and, many

4. west, to, he, sail, decided, that, was, as, he, our, sure, round, planet, was.

5. land, reached, some, he, Central America, was, it.

T: All the rest, please, look at the statements and agree or disagree, explain why.


  1. The word America means the name of the country and the name of the two continents.
  2. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent America.
  3. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent in 1492.
  4. NobodyremembersColumbus’svoyage.
  5. People know everything about this famous discoverer.
  6. Columbus was born in Spain.
  7. Columbus lived all his life in Italy.
  8. “The New World” was the name of the new land.

T: Very well! Are you ready to give your answers?


T: Great! Give a rest to your eyes!

T: C. Columbus was a great man, let’s remember Columbus!

P: reads a poem “Let’s remember Columbus”

T: And now I’d like you to be very attentive. You are going to listen and watch video. All travelers and explorers have to learn to get over the difficulties. Watch, listen and choose the right answers.

P: watch video and tick the right answers.


1. C.Columbus was ___

a) an American explorer b) a Spanish explorer c) an Italian explorer

2. He wanted to get to the ___ by going to the west.

a) east b) north c) south

3. Columbus was sure the world is ___

a) round like a ball b) square c) flat like aplate

4. Columbus discovered a new continent which ___.

a) he called America b) he called New World c) was later called New World

5. Columbus himself was sure he discovered ___

a) China b) India c) Japan

6. Colunbus made ____ voyages to Central America.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

7. Columbus called the natives ____.

a) Chinese b) Americans c) Indians

8. Columbus Day is celebrated in ____

a) November b) October c) September

T: So, let’s check up. Change the copy-books and see the answers

P: check each other answers

T: Oh, you’ve done such a difficult task. We definitely need some rest.

P: do exercises

T: Now it’s OK! We already know lots of facts about Columbus and his voyage. But whom did he meet on the islands? Do you think he found anything new, unknown and interesting? Let’s read the text and know all these facts.

P: The text “Indians”

The Indians have never seen men with swords. Why have they come? What will they do? Columbus gives the Indians shiny beads and tiny bells. The Indians give Columbus soft, cool cloth and colorful birds. People in Europe do not have cotton or parrots. The Indians are wearing gold rings.

Columbus sails further west to look for gold. He visits other islands. He meets more Indians. Most are friendly and helpful. They live in grass houses. They sleep in rope beds called hammocks. They travel in long boats called canoes. Columbus sees many new things.

Soon Columbus is ready to sail back to Spain with many new kinds of food-corn, sweet potatoes, tobacco, peanuts, papayas and avocados.

For the rest of his life, Columbus never knows how truly great his discovery is. It is called America!

T: Have you understood the text? Let’s see it. Look at the statements and say if they are true or false. Explain why.

P: True or False?

1. The Indians saw men with swords for the first time.

2. People in Europe kept parrots at homes long before.

3. The Indians were not friendly at all.

4. People in Europe have never slept in hammocks.

5. Columbus found nothing interesting in the New World.

T: Good of you.

- And have you ever slept in hammocks?

- Have you ever travelled in canoes?

- Have you ever eaten papayas and avocados?


T: Ok, let’s review how to use Present Perfect. What words help us to make the sentences in it?

P: ex.4p.107 put the adverbs in the right place

T: And now let’s make short dialogues using Present perfect. Work in pairs and make them.


  • Have you ever (see) any sails?
  • Yes, I (have).
  • When (be) it?
  • It (be) lastyear.

– Have you ever (sail) in a boat?

  • Yes, we (have)
  • When did you (sail) in it?
  • WE (sail) in it two years ago.


- Have you (read) a book about the discoverer yet?

- Yes, I (have0

- When did you (read) it?

- I (read) it last month.


- Have you (meet) my brother?

- No, I (have, not). He (not be) at home at 5 and he (not, appear) until 7.

T: Good work! Well, our travelling is coming to an end. Have you learnt anything useful? Did you like it? Can we say that his voyage changed people’s life not only in Europe but in the whole world? Would you like to read books and watch films on TV about the great discoveries?

I’d like you to do a creative task. Look at the pairs of words and try to create your own poem about Columbus and his voyage. Work in groups, please.

P: Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in Spain,

There wasn’t much rain.

There were many ships

And people liked trips.

This man decided India to reach,

Because he liked to eat a peach.

He sailed to the West

And, of course, was the best.

Columbus discovered new lands

And found there a lot of friends.

T: That was terrific, I think. Thanks for your work. Your marks are… Your home task will be to write your own story about C. Columbus


1. C.Columbus was ___

a) an American explorer b) a Spanish explorer c) an Italian explorer

2. He wanted to get to the ___ by going to the west.

a) east b) north c) south

3. Columbus was sure the world is ___

a) round like a ball b) square c) flat like aplate

4. Columbus discovered a new continent which ___.

a) he called America b) he called New World c) was later called New World

5. Columbus himself was sure he discovered ___

a) China b) India c) Japan

6. Colunbus made ____ voyages to Central America.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

7. Columbus called the natives ____.

a) Chinese b) Americans c) Indians

8. Columbus Day is celebrated in ____

a) November b) October c) September


The Indians have never seen men with swords. Why have they come? What will they do? Columbus gives the Indians shiny beads and tiny bells. The Indians give Columbus soft, cool cloth and colorful birds. People in Europe do not have cotton or parrots. The Indians are wearing gold rings.

Columbus sails further west to look for gold. He visits other islands. He meets more Indians. Most are friendly and helpful. They live in grass houses. They sleep in rope beds called hammocks. They travel in long boats called canoes. Columbus sees many new things.

Soon Columbus is ready to sail back to Spain with many new kinds of food-corn, sweet potatoes, tobacco, peanuts, papayas and avocados.

For the rest of his life, Columbus never knows how truly great his discovery is. It is called America!

1 group:

1. Sailor 1. открытие

2. North 2. моряк

3. discovery 3. северный

4. reach 4. решить

5. decide 5. Плавать под парусом

6. sail 6. достигать

2 group:

1. Italy 1. высаживаться

2. begin 2. южный

3. land 3. Италия

4. South 4. путешествие

5. Queen 5. начинать

6. journey 6. королева

3 group:

1. territory 1. континет

2. voyage 2. открытие

3. discover 3. Путешествие по морю

4. continent 4. круглый

5. round 5. формировать

6. form 6. территория

4 group:

1. the part of the world

2. journey to America

3. made many sea voyages

4. to be round

5. to reach some land

6. after sailing

5 group:

1. discovered America

2. to decide to sail

3. a new continent

4. to be sure

5. For a long time

6. A new land

1. America, 1492, Christopher, discovered, Columbus, in.

2. born, he, Italy, was, in, for a long time, but, Spain, lived, in.

3. was, made, sea, he, a seaman, voyages, and, many

4. west, to, he, sail, decided, that, was, as, he, our, sure, round, planet, was.

5. land, reached, some, he, Central America, was, it.


  • Have you ever (see) any sails?
  • Yes, I (have).
  • When (be) it?
  • It (be) lastyear.


– Have you ever (sail) in a boat?

  • Yes, we (have)
  • When did you (sail) in it?
  • WE (sail) in it two years ago.


- Have you (read) a book about the discoverer yet?

- Yes, I (have0

- When did you (read) it?

- I (read) it last month.


- Have you (meet) my brother?

- No, I (have, not). He (not be) at home at 5 and he (not, appear) until 7.


1. C.Columbus was ___

a) an American explorer b) a Spanish explorer c) an Italian explorer

2. He wanted to get to the ___ by going to the west.

a) east b) north c) south

3. Columbus was sure the world is ___

a) round like a ball b) square c) flat like aplate

4. Columbus discovered a new continent which ___.

a) he called America b) he called New World c) was later called New World

5. Columbus himself was sure he discovered ___

a) China b) India c) Japan

6. Colunbus made ____ voyages to Central America.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

7. Columbus called the natives ____.

a) Chinese b) Americans c) Indians

8. Columbus Day is celebrated in ____

a) November b) October c) September


1. C.Columbus was ___

a) an American explorer b) a Spanish explorer c) an Italian explorer

2. He wanted to get to the ___ by going to the west.

a) east b) north c) south

3. Columbus was sure the world is ___

a) round like a ball b) square c) flat like aplate

4. Columbus discovered a new continent which ___.

a) he called America b) he called New World c) was later called New World

5. Columbus himself was sure he discovered ___

a) China b) India c) Japan

6. Colunbus made ____ voyages to Central America.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

7. Columbus called the natives ____.

a) Chinese b) Americans c) Indians

8. Columbus Day is celebrated in ____

a) November b) October c) September


1. C.Columbus was ___

a) an American explorer b) a Spanish explorer c) an Italian explorer

2. He wanted to get to the ___ by going to the west.

a) east b) north c) south

3. Columbus was sure the world is ___

a) round like a ball b) square c) flat like aplate

4. Columbus discovered a new continent which ___.

a) he called America b) he called New World c) was later called New World

5. Columbus himself was sure he discovered ___

a) China b) India c) Japan

6. Colunbus made ____ voyages to Central America.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

7. Columbus called the natives ____.

a) Chinese b) Americans c) Indians

8. Columbus Day is celebrated in ____

a) November b) October c) September


1. C.Columbus was ___

a) an American explorer b) a Spanish explorer c) an Italian explorer

2. He wanted to get to the ___ by going to the west.

a) east b) north c) south

3. Columbus was sure the world is ___

a) round like a ball b) square c) flat like aplate

4. Columbus discovered a new continent which ___.

a) he called America b) he called New World c) was later called New World

5. Columbus himself was sure he discovered ___

a) China b) India c) Japan

6. Colunbus made ____ voyages to Central America.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

7. Columbus called the natives ____.

a) Chinese b) Americans c) Indians

8. Columbus Day is celebrated in ____

a) November b) October c) September

Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in ……,

There wasn’t much …….

There were many ……

And people liked …….

This man decided India to ……,

Because he liked to eat a ……

He sailed to the ……

And, of course, was the …….

Columbus discovered new ……

And found there a lot of ……..

Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in ……,

There wasn’t much …….

There were many ……

And people liked …….

This man decided India to ……,

Because he liked to eat a ……

He sailed to the ……

And, of course, was the …….

Columbus discovered new ……

And found there a lot of ……..

Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in ……,

There wasn’t much …….

There were many ……

And people liked …….

This man decided India to ……,

Because he liked to eat a ……

He sailed to the ……

And, of course, was the …….

Columbus discovered new ……

And found there a lot of ……..

Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in ……,

There wasn’t much …….

There were many ……

And people liked …….

This man decided India to ……,

Because he liked to eat a ……

He sailed to the ……

And, of course, was the …….

Columbus discovered new ……

And found there a lot of ……..

Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in ……,

There wasn’t much …….

There were many ……

And people liked …….

This man decided India to ……,

Because he liked to eat a ……

He sailed to the ……

And, of course, was the …….

Columbus discovered new ……

And found there a lot of ……..

Spain-rain, ships-trips, west-best, lands-friends, reach-peach.

Columbus lived in ……,

There wasn’t much …….

There were many ……

And people liked …….

This man decided India to ……,

Because he liked to eat a ……

He sailed to the ……

And, of course, was the …….

Columbus discovered new ……

And found there a lot of ……..

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The United State of America

Слайд 2

The flag

Слайд 3

Find the meaning of the words 1 . Sailor 1 . открытие 2. North 2. моряк 3. discovery 3. северный 4. reach 4 . решить 5. decide 5. Плавать под парусом 6. sail 6 . достигать 7 . Italy 7. высаживаться 8. begin 8. южный 9. land 9. Италия 10. South 10. путешествие 11. Queen 11. начинать 12. journey 12. королева

Слайд 4

Agree or disagree with me. 1.The USA is a large country in South America. 2. It’s neighbours are Canada in the east, and Mexico in the north. 3.The highest mountains are the Rocky M. 4.The longest river is the Colorado. 5 . There are 55 states in the country . 6. The capital of the US is New York 7. Washington DC is situated on the banks of the Potomac river . 8 . The biggest city is Chicago. 9 .Washington is a city of skyscrapers. 1 0 .The Statue of Liberty is a famous symbol of the US.

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