Внеклассное мероприятие
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Белоклокова Юлия Александровна

внеклассное мероприятие в 8 классе "самый любимый месяц"


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Внеклассного мероприятия, проведенного

В 8 «А» классе

по теме: ”The Most Pleasant Month”

МОУ Школа № 170

Тема мероприятия: ”The Most Pleasant Month”

Учитель: Белоклокова Ю. А.

Цели мероприятия:

  • Расширить и углубить знания, умения и навыки в овладении англоязычной коммуникативной деятельностью.
  • Стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению предмета.
  • Способствовать всестороннему развитию личности.

Оснащение мероприятия:

Перекидной календарь, символы праздников, плакаты с пословицами и цитатой, поощрительные “подснежники” и “фиалки”, аудиозаписи звуков природы, “Времен года” (апрель) П.И. Чайковского, магнитная доска, призы.

Ход мероприятия:

I. Вступительное слово ведущего.

Every season consists of three months and every month is noted for different holidays, special occasions and anniversaries of different events. We’ve come together today to talk only about one month. Do you want to know what its name is? Then guess it. Here is a calendar for this month and a puzzle for you. The name of this month has five letters. You can see five things in these pictures. The first letters of their names are for the letters of this month. What are they? (На первом листе большого самодельного отрывного календаря изображены, например, яблоко – apple, тарелка – plate, роза – rose, мороженое – ice-cream, лампа – lamp. По первым буквам слов, обозначающих эти предметы, ребята должны догадаться о зашифрованном названии месяца “April”. Ведущий вписывает буквы в пустые окошки титульного листа календаря). Yes, we are going to talk about the fourth month of the year, the second spring month – APRIL. You will take part in different contests. For each correct answer the pupils of the first team will get snowdrops, the pupils of the second team – violets. If one team gets more flowers than the other one, it will win.

II. Сообщение о месяце “апрель”.

Ведущий: Well, to begin with, listen to some interesting facts about April.

Pupil 1: We don’t know exactly where the word “April” comes from. Perhaps it comes from the Latin word “aperire” which means “to open”.

Pupil 2: April is the month of heavy spring rains, the month of new leaves, first spring flowers, for example, pretty violets.

P1: In April nature is awakening from its winter sleep. The snow leaves the ground and the ice leaves the surface of water. The ground warms up, birds come from the south. They begin to make nests and prepare to have families.

P2: It was noticed that if there is wind, frost or mist on the 7th of April – it will be a year of good harvest.

P1: If the day is rainy on the 7th of April, the summer will bring a lot of mushrooms.

P2: If the night on the eve of the 7th of April is warm, spring will come quickly.

P1: There was a belief in ancient Russia that mermaids awoke on the 20th of April.

P2: On the 25-th of April you could not go into the forest because the hungry bear had woken up after a long winter.

P1: The 29th of April is time to prepare seeds for planting.

P2: April is the most pleasant month in England. One of its signs is showers. When the English poet Robert Browning was in Italy, he thought with love about showers. P3 will recite you one of his poems.


Oh, to be in England

Now that April’s there,

And whoever wakes in England

Sees, some morning unaware,

That the lowest boughs and the brush-wood sheaf

Round the elm – tree pole are in tiny leaf.

While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

In England – now!

P4: S. Marshak made a translation of this poem.


Быть сегодня в Англии –

В этот день апреля!

Хорошо проснуться в Англии

И увидеть, встав с постели,

Влажные ветви на вязах и кленах,

В маленьких, клейких листочках зеленых,

Слышать, как зяблик щебечет в саду

В Англии – в этом году!

III. Пословицы о погоде в апреле.

Ведущий: As P2 said, one of April’s signs is showers. There are some popular proverbs about it. According to the proverb,

“March winds and April showers

Bring forth May flowers.”

Marshak translated it so:

“Ветрено в марте,

В апреле дожди –

В мае фиалок и ландышей жди”.

There is another popular proverb:

“April weather,

Rain and sunshine both together”.

The Russian equivalent is - то дождь, то солнце (переносное значение – то смех, то слёзы).

Now say these proverbs after me and try to remember them.

IV. Это интересно знать.

Ведущий: April is a month when some famous people were born. So, the next part of our holiday is “It’s interesting to know that …”

P4: It’s interesting to know that Daniel Defoe, the king of the English prose, was born on the 13th of April in 1660. At the age of 60 he wrote his famous novel “Robinson Crusoe”. It became popular at once and nowadays this book is one of the favourite books of all the children in the world.

P5: It’s interesting to know that Joseph Turner, one of the greatest British painters, was born on the 23rd of April in 1775. He is known for his pictures of the sea and the sky. The light and the colour of his pictures show the force of the wind and the sea.

P6: It’s interesting to know that Charlotte Bronte, a brilliant British novelist, was born on the 25th of April in 1816. Her best novel is “Jane Eyre”. She describes horrors of the charity school where she spent some years of her unhappy childhood in this novel.

V. Памятные даты апреля.

Ведущий: Now look at our calendar again. It doesn’t consist of 30 or 31 pages as usual calendars. It has only four pages for four events which we mark in April. You should guess what they are. Our first contest is following: here are the symbols of different holidays and events. Leave four symbols of only April holidays and events and take away all the rest symbols.

(ученик, сделавший это правильно, получает поощрительную фиалку или подснежник в зависимости от того, из какой он команды).

Вед: Now match these four symbols with the dates when they are marked (представители обоих команд подходят к магнитной доске и соединяют стрелками картинку с изображением символа того или иного праздника и дату когда его отмечают).

VI. Озорная дата.

Вед: So, the first page of our calendar is devoted to one of the most widely celebrated days of the year – April Fools’ Day.

P7: The first day of April is known in England as “April Fools’ Day”. Other countries have other names for this cheerful anniversary on which any person may be made an April Fool. How did April Fools’ Day start? Listen what Poor Robin’s Almanac of 1760 has to say about its origin:

“The first of April, some do say

Is set apart for All Fools’ Day;

But why the people call it so

Nor I, nor they themselves, do know”.

P8: Происхождение этого обычая, возможно, объясняется народными наблюдениями за изменчивой апрельской погодой. Во всех европейских странах есть об этом пословицы.

Например, русская пословица “Не ломай печи, ещё апрель на дворе”, итальянская “Апрель то плачет, то смеётся”, французская “Если у тебя есть плохонькое полено, побереги его на апрель” и т. д.

P9: Неустойчивая апрельская погода вселяла тревогу в земледельца, так как от неё зависели урожаи. Наверное, поэтому появилось и поверье, что начало апреля – несчастный день. Желание отделаться шуткой от угрозы и привело к обычаю отмечать наступление апреля шутливыми обманами.

Вед: The most active supporters of this tradition are children, aren’t they? And you? Have you ever made tricks on your relatives and friends? I’m sure, you have. Our second contest is following: give examples of the most popular April Fools’ tricks.

Suggested answers:

your shoe-lace is undone;

your tie is crooked;

an insect is crawling over your neck;

your back is white;

your coat is torn;

giving somebody an empty egg-shell instead of an egg for breakfast.

VII. День Земли.

Вед: The second page of our calendar is the 22nd of April – Earth Day. It is a special day around the world. The first Earth Day was held in the USA in April in 1970. Earth Day is a time when many people show that they care for our fragile planet.


I want to live

And not to die

I want to laugh

And not to cry!

I want to feel

The summer sun.

I want to sing

When life is fun.

I want to live

And not to die!

I want to laugh

And not to cry!

P11: The planet Earth is our common home. The air, the sun, the sky, the clouds, the rivers, seas and oceans are parts of our environment. Plants, animals and people need clean water and clean air. But people’s activities can make environment unhealthy.

P12: Air and water pollution is one of the problems millions of people are worried about today. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers. They become so acid that fish cannot live there. Smoke from the chimneys of factories, gases in refrigerators and sprays pollute the air. They damage the ozone layer that covers the earth. Another problem is land pollution. People use too many chemicals to grow vegetables and fruit.

P13: So you see what serious problems people have because of water, air and land pollution. This makes people worry about their environment. They must take care of the earth and it will be a healthier place for living.


The trees of the forest,

The flowers on the lea,

The birds on the branches,

The fish of the sea;

The rocks and the mountains,

The rivers that flow,

The rain and the sunshine,

The ice and the snow;

All things that are lovely,

All things that are good,

The creatures that live,

And the plants that are food;

The corn-fields are yellow,

The sky of deep blue:

The sweetness and beauty

Of life are for you.

Ведущий: Not only factories, ships and cars make pollution. It is you and me as well. If you drop litter, you pollute. Each of us must try to pollute as little as possible. Rosalind Welcher said: “This could be such a beautiful world if we could all care just a little more”. How do you understand her words? (представители каждой команды комментируют цитату).

The following contest is to give as many answers as possible to the question: WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PROTECT THE EARTH?

Suggested answers:

to plant trees and flowers;

not to pick a lot of flowers in the woods;

to grow vegetables and fruit without chemicals;

to make bird-houses;

not to use sprays;

not to throw anything into the water.

VIII. День рождения В.Шекспира.

Ведущий (переворачивая очередную страницу календаря): Every year the anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birthday is celebrated with ceremony at Stratford-upon-Avon, town where he was born on the 23rd of April in 1564. On this day people make a long procession and go to the Church where everyone puts a wreath or a bouquet at the poet’s grave. In the evening there is a performance in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

Do you know any facts about W. Shakespeare’s life?

Suggested answers:

- W. Shakespeare acted and wrote plays;

W. Shakespeare married when he was 18;

He had three children;

His father was a glove-maker etc.

Now I want to see if you can find words connected with W. Shakespeare. Do this word search square.

A         S         K         W         R         S         O         N         N         E         T

V         H         A         M         L         E         T         K         E         R         R

E         E         N         A         Q         L         H         B         D         S         A

L         N         D         C         O         M         E         D         Y         T         G

E         L         W         B         F         B         L         G         W         R         E

A         E         B         E         S         Q         L         J         I         A         D

P         Y         Q         T         I         T         O         O         L         T         Y

L         C         W         H         M         F         C         A         L         F         W

H         M         G         U         N         J         T         D         I         O         U

S         H         A         K         E         S         P         E         A         R         E

X         Z         F         Z         L         H         E         H         M         D         X

Key: tragedy, Macbeth, Othello, William, sonnet, comedy, Stratford, Hamlet, Shakespeare, Henley.

IX. Пасха.

Ведущий (открывая последнюю страницу календаря): Another holiday which is widely celebrated in many countries is Easter.

P15: Easter comes in spring at different time each year (March or April). It is one of the greatest Christian festivals. It is celebrated as the start of spring. In England it is a time for giving and receiving presents. These presents traditionally have the form of an Easter egg. Nowadays Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate. The Easter egg is the most popular emblem of Easter. It means the nature’s awakening.

P16: In Russia people meeting each other say “Christ has risen!”. Kulich and Paskha are traditional dishes of this day in Russia. People go to each other’s houses and exchange gifts, including painted eggs.

Ведущий: It was the last page of our calendar and I want to finish our talk about the most pleasant month in England by the final contest. Each team is given a set of eight Easter eggs (заранее вырезанные из картона). On the back side of each of the eggs you can see one letter. Your task is to make up a word of these letters. (Побеждет команда, которая первой построит слово ”spring”).

Х. Заключение.

Ведущий: Now count your violets and snowdrops. The team which has more flowers has won and its members are awarded the certificates of the true experts of April dates.

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