Разработка занятия № 1 элективного курса "Культурология США"
методическая разработка (9 класс) на тему

 Разработка предлагается учителям английского языка, работающих в рамках элективных курсов по страноведению и культурологии.Она знакомит учащихся с историей открытия Америки, с ее характерными особеннностями .Значительное место отводиться отработке звуков, слов и выражений. Занятие способствует расширению словарного запаса учащихся. развитию памяти, внимания и мышления.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Some Historical Glimpses of the USA

Слайд 2

American’s First Settlers

Слайд 3

Words to remember Asia [ 'el ∫ ә ] variety [ ] [və’raɪətɪ] разнообразие coast[ 'k ә ust ] побережье sandy plains песчаные равнины rocky cliffs скалистые утесы bisons [ ' baisn] , buffalo [’bʌfə‚ləʋ] бизон corn [ 'k ɔ : n ] зерно, зерновая культура squash [s k ɔ : ʃ ] кабачок, тыква р lants[ ' pla:nts ] растения descendants [ dɪ’sendənt s ] потомки fur - мех contribution [‚kɒntrə’bju:ʃən] вклад starve - голодать

Слайд 4

A teepee

Слайд 5

A wigwam

Слайд 6

American’s first settlers came from Asia about 30,000-40,000 years ago and spread across the continent. The descendants of these people are called Native Americans or American Indians. They landed on a variety of coasts, from the sandy plains to rocky cliffs.

Слайд 7

Those who were occupied the forests lived in wigwams . Those who lived in the plains lived in teepees and hunted bisons or buffaloes. The indians made clothes out of the animals’ skin. Almost all the crops grown in the Old World felt well in the New World.

Слайд 8

The Indians’ food plants made a very important contribution toward helping the white men settle in New America. Although many white men came to North America seeking riches in gold and furs, the Indian food plants they discovered soon proved more valuable than these. From the Indians the newcomers got many plants whish are still important.

Слайд 9

The most important Indian food plant was corn. Also they gave the white men sweet potatoes, squash, several kinds of beans, pumpkins, tobacco and some other foods. Without these foods many of early settlers would have starved. Soon they became important in other parts of the world as well.

Слайд 11

Words to remember е xistence [ɪg’zɪstən s] существование courage [’kʌrɪdʒ] смелость, отвага Christopher Columbus[ 'kr ι st ә f ә 'k ә l ʌ mb ә s]

Слайд 12

The discovery of America Nobody knew about the existence of the American continent for thousand of years. People were afraid of open sea. Time passed and some men found courage to make sea trips. Those first people were Vikings. Erik the Red sailed to the West and open the land covered with ice even in summer. He called it Greenland. It was in in 982 AD. His son Leif Ericsson reached the land which is now Canada.

Слайд 13

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) the famous Italian sailor

Слайд 14

Words to remember 1. honour [ ‘ ɔ : n ә ] честь 2. enterprise [ ' ә nt ә pra ι z ] предприятие зд . путешествие 3. vessels - судно, корабль 4. expense [ ι ks'pens ] расходы 5. essential [ ι ‘ ∫ ә sen ∫ ә l ] существенный 6. deck [ de k ] палуба 7. fleet[ fli: t ] морская эскадра 8. voyage [ vɔ:i dʒ ] морское путешествие 9. The Bahama Islands [ b ә ' ha:m ә 'a ι l ә ndz] 10. Haiti [ ' he ι t ι ] 11. censure [ sen ∫ ә ] осуждать 12. shores [ ∫ ɔ: z] берега 13. neglect [ n ι ‘ glekt ] пренебрегать

Слайд 15

Only in the 15 century Christopher Columbus rediscovered America. As well as some learned men of his time, had decided that the eastern coast of Asia could be reached by sailing westward across the Atlantic. He dreamed about discovering a new way to India. Columbus thought, also, that Asia was no farther from Europe on the west than we know now America to be. In these far-away lands men thought they should find honour, wealth and fame.

Слайд 16

Such an enterprise would require the equipment of vessels at much expense. Money and influence were essential. Columbus had neither. He sent his brother to England and to France. They went to Spain together. Finally, after seven years of waiting, Columbus found success. Isabella, Queen of Spain, agreed to aid him in carrying out his plans.

Слайд 17

Isabella, Queen of Spain (1451-1504)

Слайд 18

Three small vessels, only one of which had a deck, were fitted out. The largest of this, the Santa Maria , was commanded by Columbus. The others were the Nina and the Pinta.

Слайд 19

the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. the Nina and the Pinta.

Слайд 20

Before sunrise, August 3, 1492, the little fleet, with 120 men and provision for a year, sailed out of the port Palos.

Слайд 21

The Port Palos in the XX century

Слайд 22

At last, after a voyage of ten weeks, land was discovered on October 12, 1492.He was sure that it was the shore of India. Columbus had discovered one of the Bahama Islands which he called San Salvador. He coasted along the shores of Cuba and Haiti. When he saw red-skinned people there he called them “Indians” as he thought they landed in India.

Слайд 23

The route of the first voyage

Слайд 24

When Columbus returned to Spain men were eager to go where they expected to get all kinds of wealth. Four voyages were made at all. But when the adventures did not find what they wanted Columbus was reproached. The Court of Spain, also finding no return for the great expense of fitting out these expeditions, censured him.

Слайд 25

Columbus’s four voyages

Слайд 26

Columbus’s enemies increased. His last days were spent in disappointment and neglect. Heat-broken, he died ignorant of the greatness of his own discovery. But nowadays citizens of the USA remember Columbus. Every year on the second Monday of October they celebrate Columbus Day.

Слайд 28

Words to remember Amerigo Vespucci [ ә mer ι 'g ә u v ә s'put ʃ ι ] Europe [ 'ju ә r ә p] Asia [ 'el ∫ ә ] mainland[ ' m e ι nl ә nd] материк prove [ pru:v ] доказывать remove [ rɪ ' mu:v] удалять

Слайд 29

Amerigo Vespucci (1451 or 1454 -1512) an Italian businessman

Слайд 30

A. Vespucci made three voyages to America from 1499. It was A. Vespucci who proved that the land called India by C. Columbus was not India at all. It was a new continent. For some time people called America “ The new world”. Up to the 15th century Europe, Asia and Africa were known as the three parts of the world. Amerigo Vespucci proved the existence of the fourth part.

Слайд 31

Why America is not called Columbia if Columbus had found it? As far as you understand until the end of his life Columbus was sure that he opened the new way to India. That is why the American mainland was called West Indian at that time .However, later, in 1507 the mapmaker Martin Waldseem ¨ uller named South America after Amerigo. But then he realized his mistake and wanted to remove it from the map, but it was too late.

Слайд 32

1 . realized а) доказал 2. made b) называли 3.was sure c) были известны 4.proved d) осознал 5.called e) был уверен 6.were known f) совершил

Слайд 33

A. Vespucci … three voyages to America from 1499. It was A. Vespucci who… that the land called India by C. Columbus was not India at all. It was a new continent. For some time people …. America “ The new world”. Up to the 15th century Europe, Asia and Africa … as the three parts of the world. Amerigo . Columbus … that he opened the new way to India. That is why the American mainland was called West Indian at that time .However, later, in 1507 the mapmaker Martin Waldseem¨uller named South America after Amerigo. But then he … his mistake and wanted to remove it from the map, but it was too late.

Предварительный просмотр:

       Модернизация школьного образования, которая проводиться в нашей стране, подразумевает,  прежде всего, обновление его содержания. В связи с этим особое внимание уделяется созданию условий для развития творческого личностного потенциала учащихся и расширению возможностей углубленного образования, в том числе и языкового. В свою очередь процесс обучения иностранным языкам  невозможен без овладения основами социокультурного компонента, включающего в себя информацию о стране и культуре страны изучаемого языка. Это и   прошлое, и современная жизнь  любого государства. Огромный интерес у российского гражданина  вызывает  далекая и  в то же самое время близкая к нам  страна -  США. Она является для нас таковой не только исходя из географических соображений, но из жизненного уклада, стремления сделать жизнь лучше не только внутри собственного государства, но и в масштабах  всего человечества.  Лучше  понять чужой народ, его нравы, культуру и, в свою очередь,  развить языковые способности и рассчитана работа  учащихся в рамках элективного курса под названием «Культурология США». Далее прилагается разработка  занятия № 1 данного курса.

Занятие №  1        Some Historical Glimpses   of  the USA

Слайд № 2. American’s First Settlers

Слайд № 3.Отработка чтения слов

 Asia ['el∫ә] , variety [ ] [və’raɪətɪ] разнообразие, coast[ 'kәust ] побережье,

sandy plains  -  песчаные  равнины,rocky cliffs  - скалистые утесы,   bisons [' baisn], buffalo [’bʌfə‚ləʋ] бизон, corn ['k ɔ: n ] зерно,  зерновая культура, squash  [sk ɔ:ʃ ] кабачок, тыква

рlants[ 'pla:nts  ] растения , descendants [dɪ’sendənts] потомки,fur -  мех

contribution[‚kɒntrə’bju:ʃən] вклад, starve – голодать

Слайд № 4. Учитель просит учащихся  вспомнить  названия жилищ индейцев.(A wigwam )

Слайд № 5. ( A teepee. ) Учитель просит учащихся  понять разницу в этих двух жилищах, после прочтения слайда № 7.

Слайд № 6. American’s  first settlers came from Asia about 30,000-40,000 years ago and spread across the continent. The descendants  of these people are called Native Americans or American Indians. They  landed on a variety of coasts, from the sandy plains to rocky cliffs.

Слайд №7. Those who were occupied the forests lived in wigwams . Those who lived in the plains lived in teepees and hunted bisons or buffaloes. The indians made clothes out of the animals’ skin. Almost all the crops grown in the Old World felt well in the New World.

Слайд №8. The Indians’  food plants made a very important contribution toward helping the white men settle in New America. Although many white men came to North America seeking riches in gold and furs, the Indian food plants they discovered soon proved more valuable than these. From the Indians the newcomers got many plants whish are still important

Слайд №9. The most important Indian food plant was corn. Also they gave the white  men sweet potatoes, squash, several kinds of beans, pumpkins, tobacco  and some other foods.

   Without these foods many of early settlers would have starved. Soon they became important in other parts of the world as well.

Учитель просит учащихся назвать основные  сельскохозяйственные культуры поселенцев Америкис опорой на картинки. ( слайд № 10)

Слайд №11. Отработка чтения слов

еxistence [ɪg’zɪstəns] существование, courage [’kʌrɪdʒ] смелость, отвага

Christopher Columbus['krιstәfә 'kәlʌmbәs]  

Слайды №12, 13 . The discovery of  America

Nobody knew about the existence of the American continent for thousand of years. People were afraid of open sea. Time passed and some men found courage to make sea trips. Those first people were Vikings. Erik the Red sailed to the West and open the land covered with ice even in summer. He called it Greenland. It was in in 982 AD. His son Leif Ericsson reached the land which is now Canada.

Слайд №14.Отработка чтения слов.

1. honour [ ‘ ɔ:nә ] честь, 2. enterprise [ 'әntәpraιz ] предприятие зд. путешествие

 3. vessels -  судно,  корабль  4.  expense [ ιks'pens ] расходы

 5. essential [ ι‘ ∫әsen ∫әl ] существенный  6. deck  [ dek  ] палуба

 7. fleet[ fli: t ] морская эскадра  8. voyage [ vɔ:idʒ] морское путешествие

 9. The Bahama Islands [ bә  ' ha:mә   'aιlәndz] 10. Haiti [ ' heιtι ] , 11. censure [ sen∫ә] осуждать  12. shores [ ∫ɔ:z] берега, 13. neglect [ nι‘ glekt ] пренебрегать

Слайд №15.Only in the 15 century Christopher Columbus rediscovered America. As well as some learned men of his time, had decided that the eastern coast of Asia could be reached by sailing westward across the Atlantic. He dreamed about discovering a new way to India. Columbus thought, also, that Asia was no farther from Europe on the west than we know now America to be. In these far-away lands men thought they should find honour, wealth and fame.

Слайды № 16, 17 .Such an enterprise would require the equipment of vessels at much expense. Money and influence were essential. Columbus had neither. He sent his brother to England and to France. They went to Spain together. Finally,  after seven years of waiting, Columbus found success. Isabella, Queen of Spain, agreed to aid  him in carrying out his plans

Слайд № 18.Three small vessels, only one of  which had a deck, were fitted out. The largest of this, the Santa Maria, was commanded by Columbus. The others were the Nina and the Pinta.

Слайды№ 18-20. Before sunrise,  August 3, 1492, the  little fleet, with 120 men and provision for a

year, sailed out of the port Palos. Учитель просит учащихся задать все типы вопросов  к данному предложению.

Слайды №21-23. At last, after a voyage of ten weeks, land was discovered on October 12, 1492.He was sure  that it was the shore of India.  Columbus had discovered one of the Bahama Islands which he called San Salvador. He coasted along the shores of Cuba and Haiti. When he saw red-skinned people there he called them “Indians” as he thought they landed in India

 Слайды №24-25.When Columbus returned to Spain men were eager to go where they expected to get all kinds of wealth. Four voyages were made at all. But when the adventures did not find what they wanted Columbus was reproached. The Court of Spain, also finding no return for the great expense of fitting out these expeditions, censured him


Слайд ы№26-27. Columbus’s enemies increased. His last days were spent in disappointment and neglect. Heat-broken, he died ignorant of the greatness of his own discovery. But nowadays citizens of the USA remember Columbus.   Every year on the second Monday of October they celebrate Columbus Day.

Слайды №28-29.Отработка слов Amerigo Vespucci [әmerι'gәu vәs'putʃι], Europe [ 'juәrәp]

Asia [ 'el∫ә], mainland[ ' meιnlәnd] материк, prove [ pru:v ] доказывать, remove [ rɪ'mu:v]  удалять

Слайд №30. A. Vespucci made three voyages to  America from 1499. It was A. Vespucci who proved that the land called India by C. Columbus was not India at all. It was a new continent.  For some time people called America “ The new world”. Up to the 15th century Europe, Asia and Africa were known as the three parts of the world. Amerigo Vespucci proved the existence of the fourth part.

Слайд №31.Why America is not called Columbia if Columbus  had found it?

As far as  you understand until the end of his life Columbus  was sure that he opened the new way to India. That is why the American mainland was called West Indian at that time .However, later, in 1507 the mapmaker Martin Waldseem¨uller named South America after Amerigo. But then he realized his mistake and wanted to remove it from the map, but it was too late.

Слайд №32. Учитель просит учащихся  сопоставить столбики слов

1. realized            а)  доказал

2. made                b) называли

3.was sure            c) были известны

4.proved               d) осознал

5.called                 e) был уверен

6.were known       f) совершил

Слайд №33.

 Учитель просит учащихся вставить пропущенные слова и подготовить текст к пересказу.A. Vespucci …  three voyages to  America from 1499. It was A. Vespucci who…  that the land called India by C. Columbus was not India at all. It was a new continent.  For some time people …. America “ The new world”. Up to the 15th century Europe, Asia and Africa … as the three parts of the world . Amerigo . Columbus …  that he opened the new way to India. That is why the American mainland was called West Indian at that time .However, later, in 1507 the mapmaker Martin Waldseem¨uller named  South America after Amerigo. But then he …  his mistake and wanted to remove it from the map, but it was too late.

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