Тест за 2 четверть 9 класс по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Девятова Елена Аркадьевна

Может быть использована в качестве проверке знаний, полученных во 2 четверти


Предварительный просмотр:

Тest for the 9th form

I variant

  1. Listen to the conversation and write down the correct answer

  1. Translate the words
  1. To suffer from
  2. Luxury travel
  3. Boarding pass
  4. Gate
  5. Departure
  6. To take off
  7. Пройти таможню
  8. Страховка
  9. Забрать багаж
  10. Зарегистрироваться

  1. Use the article where it’s necessary
  1. … Amazon river is situated in … South America.
  2. … Bering Strait divides …..Russia and America.
  3. … Pacific Ocean is …. most dangerous because of the great number of storms.
  4. … Bermuda Triangle is situated in … Atlantic Ocean.
  5. ….. Sahara Desert is one of the wonderful places in the world.
  6. My dream is to  visit  ….Kilimanjaro.
  1. Choose the right modal verbs: can, mustn’t, should, had to, needn’t
  1. If they have any questions, they ….ask the teacher.
  2. You ….. talk loudly in the library. Keep silence, please.
  3. We missed the bus, and …… go under the rain.
  4. I …… do my homework, I don’t have it.
  5. …. I have you textbook, please?
  1. Use the right reflexive pronoun
  1. Boy, take the chairs …….. .
  2. Nick and Tom can read this information ….. .
  3. I drew the picture ….. .
  4. Sam can drive ….. .
  5. Sue usually cooks the dinner ….
  6. You wash the dishes ….. .

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Этот бизнессцентр был открыт в прошлом месяце.
  2. Новый фильм будет снят в следующем году.
  3. «Титаник» потерпел крушение в 1912 году.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
  1. Help yourself … scones.
  2. Have you ever travelled … ship?
  3. Before going through the customs you have to fill … the declaration form.
  4. My bag was confused … somebody's one at the airport.
  5. Tomorrow I'm leaving … St. Petersburg.

Тest for the 9th form

II variant

  1. Listen to the conversation and write down the correct answer

  1. Translate the words
  1. To deleay
  2. To weigh
  3. Announcement
  4. To fill in the declaration
  5. To get through the passport control
  6. Прибытие
  7. Отправление
  8. Ручная кладь
  9. Exhausting
  10. Взлетать
  1. Use the article where it’s necessary

Do you know where … Mississippi is?

2. … Cardiff is the capital of … Wales.

  1. What nations make up … Russian Federation?
  2.   … Virgin Islands are now popular tourist centres.
  3.  If you want to see … Lake Victoria, go to … Kenya.

6. … Iceland is a volcanic island.

  1. Choose the right modal verbs: can, mustn’t, may, will have to, needn’t
  1. Should I return your book now? - No, you …….
  2. You …….stay in the foreign country longer than your visa allows.
  3. At the airport your luggage ….. be lost.
  4. …….I use your phone?
  5. Next month I’ll take exam in Math. I…. to prepare for it hard.
  1. Use the right reflexive pronoun

1. Jane got upset when she saw … in the mirror.

2. It was so noisy in the room that he could hardly hear … .

3. Ann did everything … . Nobody helped her.

4. Let's clean our classroom … .

5.They washed … very fast.

6. Come in and make … at home.

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Я бы предпочел продолжить образование, чем работать на заводе.
  2. Я предпочитаю детективы сериалам.
  3. Я предпочитаю путешествовать на поезде.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.

  1. Let him be … himself for a while.
  2. Usually I go to school … foot.
  3. I'd prefer coffee … tea.
  4. In case of an accident your insurance company pays … you.
  5. … the check-in desk your ticket is checked.

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