тест по испанскому языку

 TEST 9-2



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 TEST 9-2


1. Match the words to get word combinations.

a famous                 an exam
to fail                       life
to earn                     author
a newspaper           something
his private               a lie
to show                   money
to tell                       courage
to suppose              article

2. Write down the same in Russian.

1. It was a strange decision, I couldn't understand it.
2. What is your source of information?
3. What English authors do you know?
4. We sold our house and moved to another part of the country.
5. He has just read this interesting article in that newspaper.
6. Can you type this instruction for me?
7. Don't believe her: she often tells lies.
8. They showed real courage saving the children.
9. The finished work was lying on my desk.
10.People speaking English have better opportunities to find a good job.


контроль знаний

по английскому языку

учени____ ___класса



Listen to what the boy from Norway says about his trip to some European countries and decide which of the facts (1-7) are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

1. The speaker and his friends are classmates. ______  

2. The three friends went to Copenhagen to watch a football match. ______  

3. It took the friends about half a hour to find the Irish pub. ______  

4. The boys could hardly understand Danish*. ______  

5. The boys enjoyed their trip to Europe. ______  

6. English helped them in all European countries. ______

*Danish - датский язык.


Read the text and decide which of the facts (1-7) are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

Marco Polo is famous for his journeys across Asia. He was one of the first Europeans to travel in Mongolia and China. He wrote a famous book called ‘The Travels’.

He was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. In 1272, when he was only 17 years old, he travelled to Asia with his father and uncle. The journey was very long. They visited a lot of places and saw wonderful things: eye glasses, ice-cream, spaghetti and the riches of Asia.

After three years they entered China through the Great Wall. In 1275 Kublai Khon, the Emperor of China, met the visitors at his Summer Palace in the capital of China at Xanadu. The palace was very beautiful. There were a lot of gold things and silk curtains. The Emperor gave a big banquet. There were more than a thousand people in the palace. On the emperor’s birthday 5,000 soldiers rode through the city to the palace on elephants. Marco Polo visited some huge markets, where merchants from all over the world bought and sold all kinds of things. He was happy to see one of the greatest cities of the thirteenth century and spent 18 years in China.

When he returned to Italy in 1295, he became a popular storyteller. People came to his home to hear stories about his journeys in the East. Many of them did not believe him. When he died, he said: “I haven’t told half of what I saw, because no one can believe it.”

1. Venetian merchant’ and adventurer Marco Polo is famous for his journey across Africa. _______  

2. Marco Polo was born in the thirteenth century. ______  

3. Marco travelled to Asia with his parents. ______

4.  5000 soldiers rode through the city to the palace on horses. ______  

5. Marco Polo was a popular storyteller. ______  

6. Polo died at his home in Venice on January 8, 1324. ______

’merchant - купец


А. Complete the sentences with the words.

subjects         maybe             journey             dictionary                break                  borders

1. We have a lunch ___________ at one o' clock.

2. Нow many ______________ do you have on Monday?

3. ______________ it will snow tonight.

4. This book is a German-English _____________.

5. The USA _________________on Canada in the north.

6. Goodbye and have a pleasant _____________.

B. Use the prepositions to complete the sentences.

       at                   of                          in                    into                     on                      from

1. The children go to school ____the age of seven.

2. Are you afraid ____ tests and exams?

3. I borrowed this camera _____Alec.

4. Look at the plane high ____ the air.

5. That city is situated ____ the Atlantic coast.

6. The Volga flows ____ the Caspian Sea.

C. Write the forms of the verbs.













D. Choose have/ has to complete the sentences.

1. James _________ visited St Petersburg. He likes the city.

2. They _________ started reading a new book.

3. I _________ not seen the Pacific.

 4. Mrs Johnson _________ become a writer.

 5. _________ you ever built a sandcastle?

 6. We _________ already chosen a birthday present for Mary.

E. Complete the sentences. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. John (walked/has walked) in the park yesterday.

2. Sam just (has driven/ drove) from Bristol.

3. They (have written/wrote) some texts lately.

4. When (did you travel/have you travelled) about the USA?

5. He (taught/has taught) me to work on the computer last summer.

6. We (were not/ haven't been) to Australia yet

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