Pre-test. Пробные варианты тестов
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Предварительный просмотр:

7 form

Pre-test on grammar  

Variant A

  1. Open the brackets, using the correct form:

Holding Mama’s hand I (1. come) out of the dark railway station. I (2. never see) Mama until that day. Her tired face (3. not resemble) my mother’s face. During the journey from Wilton she (4. sit) opposite me silent; from time to time she (5. touch) her eyes with handkerchief.

But now, when we (6. be) out of the train, she (7. try) to look cheerful.

“You (8. be) a good boy not to cry anymore. You (9. think) you (10. can) walk to your house? It (11. be) not too far.”

I (12. answer) that I (13. can) walk. So, we (14. not take) the cab and (15. walk).

  1. Insert to where it is necessary:

  1. I like my mother _________ walk the dog.
  2. I was glad to hear him _________ singing.
  3. Mr. Brown wanted his secretary _________ connect the bank.
  4. George let them _________ ride his new bicycle.
  5. Maria was made ___________re-write this exercise again.
  6. My father will teach us ___________ swim next summer.
  7. Parents don’t let their children________ come back late tonight.
  8. Pete saw her _________drinking coffee.
  9. Nancy was made ________get up at 7 a.m. yesterday.
  10. The teacher wanted her students _________ do their task fast.

  1. Report the statements:

  1. Anna explained, “Ice melts at the temperature of 0 degrees”.
  2. John asked, “Where do you come from?”
  3. Phillip said, “I came to Russia in June.”
  4. Robert asked, “When did Leo Tolstoy die, Alice?”
  5. Susan said, “I know when Shakespeare was born.”
  6. The teacher asked, “Do you know where the Volga rises, pupils?”
  7. Mr. Hurst said to his pupils, “The Civil War in Russia began in 1918.”
  8. Mother said, “The Earth moves round the Sun, my little son.”
  9. Sam said, “I am in London for the third time.”
  10. Kate said, “Bring me a glass of Coke, please.”

  1. Paraphrase the sentences using Complex Object:

  1. Mother said: “Peter, learn the rule!” (Mother wanted……)
  2. Ann said: “Nelly, can you wait for me after school?” (Ann would like…..)
  3. I don’t like when you shout at me. (I don’t like…..)
  4. Passengers expect that the train will arrive soon. (Passengers expect…..)
  5. Teacher said: ”Pupils, be attentive at the lesson!” (Teacher wanted…..)
  6. Mrs Green said to Polly: “You may take the work.” (Mrs Green let…..)
  7. Mother said to me “Clean your room!” (Mother made……)
  8. The man was cleaning his shoes. We noticed it.
  9. They were speaking about animals. I heard it.
  10. Peter fell down. I saw it.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Бабушка любит, когда Лена играет на пианино.
  2. Я часто вижу, как она рисует.
  3. Какие красивые волосы у этой девочки!
  4. Какой влажный климат!
  5. К концу августа они заработали много денег.
  6. Нам разрешили посмотреть королевский дворец.
  7. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы она изучала английский язык.
  8. Она заставила его лечь спать.
  9. Я заметила, как она что-то рисовала.
  10. Это очень интересные сведения.

7 form

Pre-test on grammar  

Variant B

  1. Open the brackets, using the correct form:

John Poisoner, a young student, (1. answer) all the questions correctly. Professor (2. look) at the young man during the answer. He (3. like) the answers, however the examination ( not over yet.

“Here (5. be) an easy question for you,” – (6. say) professor. – “What (7. be) the dosage to be used in case you just (8. describe)?”

“A tablespoon,” – (9. reply) the student in a strong voice.

“Thank you!” – (10. say) the examiner.

        John Poisoner (11. get) up to leave the room. But suddenly he (12. realise) what a mistake he (13. make). He (14. say) “I (15. be) sorry, the dosage is 6 drops only.”

  1. Insert to where it is necessary:

  1. I want you _________ feed my cat.
  2. Children were made _______ wash the dishes.
  3. Tomorrow I’ll watch him _______ running at the competition.
  4. Mother doesn’t let little Nick _______come back late.
  5. My father would like me ________ do it carefully.
  6. Thomas was made _______ invite him to the party.
  7. We let them ______ use our computer.
  8. She wanted me _______ write it quickly.
  9. Who saw Maria _______ cross the street?
  10. She likes me ______ copy her work.

  1. Report the statements:

  1. The teacher said, “Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake in the world.”
  2. Lena asked: ”What time did you phone your brother, Boris?”
  3. My friend said: “I met Merydith in April 1997.”
  4. They said to us: “We have already visited New York.”
  5. They asked professor Green: ”When did you come to St Petersburg?”
  6. Someone told me: “Columbus reached America in 1492.”
  7. My friend surely said: “Elizabeth II is the head of the UK.”
  8. Father said: “You made a mistake in your final test, Betty.”
  9. “Fire!” the General ordered to his soldiers.
  10. He announced: “The water boils at 100 degrees.”

4. Paraphrase the sentences using Complex Object:

1. Father said: “Sam, take the books to the library!” (Father wanted…)

2. Granny said: “Mary, can you water the flowers?” (Granny would like…)

3. I expected that my brother would come earlier. (I expected…..)

4. I don’t like when you cry. (I don’t like…..)

5. Biology teacher said: “Pupils, collect some insects in summer!” (Biology teacher would like…)

6. Mr Scott said to Tom: “You may start your work,” (Mr Scott let…)

7. Mother said to her daughter: “Drink milk!” (Mother made…..)

8. Her heart was beating. He felt it.

9. The old man was sitting in the armchair. We noticed it.

10. The plane took off. We saw it.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Мой брат любит, когда я читаю ему сказки.
  2. Я видел, как ты улыбалась.
  3. Какой необычный пейзаж!
  4. Какая чистая была вода!
  5. К концу года они выиграли приз.
  6. Им разрешили поехать за город.
  7. Папе бы хотелось, чтобы я поехала в Лондон.
  8. Мама заставила сына есть кашу.
  9. Я видела, как ты улыбнулась.
  10. Это очень хороший совет!

Предварительный просмотр:

7 A, B.

Pre-test; 3 term

Variant 1

1. Write the appropriate form of the verb:











значить, иметь  в виду

2. Open the brackets. Use the right form of the verb.

  1. While Tom (to have) dinner, the telephone (to ring).
  2. You (to make) a lot of noise. Can you be quieter?
  3. I (to do) my homework at 5 a.m. yesterday.
  4. I (to wash up) when my mother (to come) home.
  5. Her father (to teach) her (to drive) a car 3 years ago?
  6. The swimming bath (to open) at 9 o’clock and (to close) at 18.30 every day.
  7. Listen! They (to shout) at each other again.
  8. I have a car, but I (not to use) it very often.
  9. We usually (to travel) by car. Last year we (to decide) to travel by train.
  10. Tom usually (to have) sandwich for lunch. Yesterday he (to eat) it for dinner.

3. Report the sentences.

  1. Lena says: “I like my new computer.”
  2. He wonders: “Where do you live?”
  3. The teacher asks: “How many lessons do you have today?”
  4. We are interested: “Does she play tennis?”
  5. Maria asks: “Can you visit me?”
  6. Little Jack answers: “A giraffe is bigger than a mouse.”
  7. “How do you get there?” they want to know.
  8. “Did she meet you, Jack?” he wonders.
  9. “I am going to visit you soon,” he says.
  10. “Were you doing your homework in the evening?” he asks.

4. Write 5 types of questions to the sentences:

  1. She wrote a letter to her friend last year.
  2. We were playing volleyball at 5 o’clock yesterday.
  3. I am reading a book at the moment.
  4. He walks to school every day.

7 A, B.

Pre-test; 3 term

Variant 2

1. Write the appropriate form of the verb:










бить, ударять


2. Open the brackets. Use the right form of the verb.

1. They (to run) very fast, when I (to meet) them yesterday.

2. He usually (to sleep) well. Last night he (can not) sleep.

3. She (to find) a little money yesterday. She (to be) very happy.

4. You(not to have) apple for dinner yesterday.

5. You (to wash) the floor at 11 o’clock yesterday?

6. I (can) (to play) the piano, but I (not like) to play it right now.

7. Look! It (to snow).

8. While Ted (to cook), Mary (to play) the piano.

9. Excuse me, I (to look) for a phone box. (to be) there one near here?

10. We (to listen) to our teacher very often.

3. Report the sentences.

  1. We are interested: “Do you like sport?”
  2. Peter says: “I like my new flat.”
  3. “Was she cleaning her room?” he asks
  4. The teacher asks: “How many times were you in London?”
  5. “Did they ring you up, Jill?” he wonders.
  6. We wonder: “Where do you come from?”
  7. Little Polly answers: “An elephant is bigger than a dog.”
  8. John asks: “Can she swim?”
  9. “Where do you want to go?” they want to know.
  10. “I am going to write a letter,” he says.

4. Write 5 types of questions to the sentences:

1. We are riding a horse now.

2. They flew to Paris last year.

3. She was decorating the house at 4 o’clock yesterday.

4. The cats usually catch mice.

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Put the right form of the verb:












1. There is ________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

2. I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat_________.

3. I would like to have ________ tea.

4. Put ________sugar in her tea: she doesn’t like sweet tea.

5. Was _________ at the lesson yesterday?

6. He is busy. He has _________time to go to the cinema.

7. Have you _________ questions?

8. Do you know __________ about his brother?

9. Did you meet ___________ on our way to school?

10. We didn’t know _________ about his problems: he told us __________.

III. Translate from Russian into English:

Двенадцатый день, сорок третий человек, шестьдесят пятый ученик, тридцатый раз, семьдесят первый год, девятый мужчина, семнадцатая книга, сотая страница, двадцать вторая буква, восемнадцатая собака.

IV. Write the parts of the body





















V. Choose the right form of an adjective:

1. The giraffe has got a ________ tail. (short)

2. What animal has got the_________ neck? (long)

3. I think that bananas are _________ than oranges. (tasty)

4. The elephant has got ____________ ears. (big)

5. The horse has got a ___________ tail than the pig. (long)

6. The new dog is ___________ than the old one (new)

7. There is no place ___________than home. (good)

8. I think this book is ___________ than that book. And that book is __________. (interesting)

9. My father is ___________ in my family. (old)

10. My work is ______________ in the class. (bad)


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