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план-конспект урока (9 класс) по теме

Комарникова Елена Геннадьевна

Урок в 9 классе по теме "Голиивуд" по УМК под редакцией К.Кауфмана


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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9 классе

Тема: «Hollywood» (Голливуд) (обобщающий урок).

Цель урока: обобщить знания учащихся по теме Голливуд, определить достоинства и недостатки голливудских фильмов.

Задачи: 1. Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической

речи у учащихся.

2. Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

3. Воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, истории кинематографа.

4. Сформировать у учащихся определенные знания о Голливуде и о фильмах, снятых в США.

Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент. Обобщение цели урока.

Teacher: Good morning boys and girls, good morning our guest, welcome to our lesson. Today we shall have an unusual lesson. But first of all answer my questions: Who is in duty today?  Who is absent?  What date is it today?  What is the weather like?

   Thank you. Now let’s see an interesting film (смотрятфильмоГолливуде).

You’ve just seen an interesting film. What is this film about?

Pupil 1: This film about Hollywood.

Teacher:How do you think what the theme of our lesson is?

Pupil 2: I think the theme of our lesson is Hollywood.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. What are you going to do at our lesson?

Pupil 3: I am going to read and translate the text, make up dialogues.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. And we’ll listen to projects about films.

II. Речеваязарядка:Now answer my questions about Hollywood.

Teacher: Who is your favorite Hollywood actor?

Pupil 1: My favorite Hollywood actor is Sylvester Stallone.

Teacher: Who is your favorite Hollywood film?

Pupil 2: My favoritefilm is Titanic.

Teacher: What are the main film corporations in Hollywood?

Pupil 3: The main film corporations are: MGM, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros., Columbia.

Teacher: Whatgenres of films do you know?

Pupil 4: Horror film, a thriller, a science fiction film, a romance.

Teacher: Do you like see action films?

Pupil 5: No, I don’t. They are awful.

III. Аудирование.

Teacher:listen to the text. Be attentive after the text you will do the Hollywood quiz.


1. Hollywood is a Suburb of Los Angeles.

2. It is the capital of world movie production.

3. First, it was a little city with orange forest and great weather.

4. But one day in 1908 a group of people from Chicago came to Los Angeles to shoot (make) a film.

5. Since that day a lot of directors, producers, actors and other workers have been coming toLos Angeles.

6. The largest film corporations are MGM, Paramount, Fox, Columbia, Warner Bros. and Universal.

7. The first genres of American films were melodramas; western and comedy, later appeared adventure and historical films.

8. The first colourfilm was “Gone with the wind”.

Teacher: Find out how much you’ve learned about Hollywood. Take these cards and do the task. Choose the right answer.

IV. Teacher: Thank you for your work. Let’s have a rest. Listen to a merry song and sing (поют песню«The more we get together»).

V. Актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков.

Teacher:The next task for you. Make up sentences using these words. Take the envelopes. Make up sentences. I’ll give you 2 minutes. Are you ready? Read the sentences.  

Pupil 1: Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in the USA.

Pupil 2: It’s famous for Hollywood, the capital of the world’s movie production.

Pupil 3: A lot of actors work and live nearLos Angeles.

Pupil 4: They work for film studios: MGM, Paramount and many others.

Pupil 5: They live in Beverly Hills or Malibu Beach, where they feel safe.

Pupil 6: You are likely to spot them at Rodeo Drive where the most expensive shops in the world are situated.

Pupil 7: They also are sure to come to the Oscar ceremony, which takes place in the Kodak Theatre every year in February.

Pupil 8: If you walk dawn Hollywood Boulevard, you’ll see a lot of stars in the sidewalk.

Pupil 9: It is the world famous actors.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. Thank you for your work.

VI. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Teacher: Imagine you are in the video shop. One of you will be the shop-assistant, another will be the customer. Make up a dialogue. Work in pairs.

Shop assistant:Hello.Can I help you.

Customer:Hello.I would like to buy a new film.

S.:What kind of films do you like?

C:I like comedies.They are funny.

S.If you want to see a comedy,you can buy «Home Alone.»

С.Oh,no.It is so old.I have seen it ten times already

S.You can buy Russian film «The best,best film.»

It is a new comedy.

C:O.K.I ll buy it.Thank you.Good buy.


Now act the dialogues,please.

VII.You have had individual tasks.You tasks were to make up a story about your

Favourite film.Who is ready.

P1:My favourite film is «Titanic.» This film is a romantic story and the disaster movie at the same time.The young man falls in love with a girl.

This film is true to live, magnificent and horrible at the same time.

I like the scene in the ocean.         

It was so touching in fact, I couldn’t help crying.

I think it is a great film. The director of this film is James Cameron. The actors are Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.I like the music in this film.

Teacher: Whose project was the best?

Pupil 3:I think Masha’s project was the best.

VIII. Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия.

Teacher:Did you like the lesson? What have you learned at the lesson? Take these cards and answer some questions about the lesson.

Домашнее задание:

Teacher:You must repeat all the words and expressions from Unit 5 on page 181 and get ready for the test work. And also you must read the dialogue on page 180 exercise A and answer the question where the treasure is hidden.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your answers. You marks are…


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