Who Wants To Be The Champion?
презентация к уроку (10 класс) по теме

Картузова Валентина Ивановна

игра "Кто хочет стать миллионером?"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Put the presidents of the USA in time order Washington Kennedy Barack Obama Roosevelt

Слайд 3

Your father’s sister is your A: aunt C: cousin B: uncle D: sister

Слайд 4

The capital of Great Britain is A: Cardiff C: Edinburgh B: London D: Oxford

Слайд 5

Washington is named after: A: the first president C: the river B: the first state in America D: the writer

Слайд 6

The Statue of Liberty is situated in: A: Washington C: New York B: Boston D: Los Angeles

Слайд 7

The American flag has: A: fifty stripes C: thirty stripes B: thirteen stripes D: fifteen stripes

Слайд 8

Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the USA: A: Lincoln C: Kennedy B: Washington D: Roosevelt

Слайд 9

7) The head of the English government is: A: the King C: the Prime Minister B: the Queen D: the President

Слайд 10

Put these holidays in order (beginning from December): April Fool’s Day Christmas St. Valentine’s Day

Слайд 11

Cheese is made of: A: vegetables C: meat B: milk D: sausage

Слайд 12

The capital of Scotland is: A: Glasgow C: Edinburgh B: Oxford D: Cardiff

Слайд 13

How many colonies were there in America in 1776 ? A: 13 C: 21 B: 7 D: 10

Слайд 14

The US President’s term is: A: 2 years C: 6 years B: 4 years D: 3 years

Слайд 15

Your friend has a birthday. What do you say? A: How do you do? C: Get better! B: Many happy returns! D: Don’t worry!

Слайд 16

On the 4 th of July Americans celebrate A: Thanksgiving Day C: Halloween B: Independence Day M: Memorial Day

Слайд 17

7) What is Britain’s population? A: 63 million C: 60 million B: 75 million D: 7 million

Слайд 18

Put these letter in order: A Y H W D

Слайд 19

Your mother’s daughter is your: A: aunt C: sister B: grandmother D: cousin

Слайд 20

How many states does the USA consist of? A: 20 C: 45 B: 30 D: 50

Слайд 21

Christopher Columbus discovered: A: Central America C: South America B: North America D: The USA

Слайд 22

In Australia winter comes: A: December C: January B: June D: July

Слайд 23

Ottawa. What city is it? A: the capital of the USA B: the capital of Canada C: the capital of Egypt D: the capital of Australia

Слайд 24

What is the Union Jack? A: monument C: the national flag of B: trade union the UK organization D: holiday

Слайд 25

7)How many years did the Civil War in America last? A: 3 C: 4 B: 5 D: 6

Слайд 26

Put these countries in the alphabetical order: Russia Canada Australia Germany Great Britain

Слайд 27

1) Which animal does live only in Australia? A: wolf C: fox B: kangaroo D: bear

Слайд 28

2) How many parts does Great Britain consist of? A: 2 C: 4 B: 6 D: 8

Слайд 29

3) Where did the Beatles come from? A: Bristol C: Manchester B: Liverpool D: Glasgow

Слайд 30

4) What is the name of the present British Queen? A: Elizabeth I C: Elizabeth III B: Elizabeth II D: Elizabeth IV

Слайд 31

5)Abraham Lincoln. What was he? A: a writer C: the 16 th President B: A poet D: a Prime Minister

Слайд 32

6)Great Britain is separated from the continent by: A: the Pacific Ocean C: the Irish See B: the Bristol Channel D: the English Channel

Слайд 33

7)The southern and central part of Great Britain is: A: Wales C: England B; Scotland D: Northern Ireland

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