открытый урок "мой район"
план-конспект урока (6 класс) по теме

закрепелние учащимися навыков ориентирования 


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Слайд 1

MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Plan 1)we continue working on the topic «My neighbourhood ». 2)we will repeat our preposition 3)you will do some exercises 4) you will present your projects .

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Look, listen and repeat post office bank baker`s greengrocer`s supermarket newsagent`s chemist`s library pet shop restaurant toy shop sports shop

Слайд 4

№ 1 Complete the sentences with THERE IS/ARE …but THERE ISN`T/ AREN`T. 1) a mirror (+) in my rooms/ sofa (-) There is a mirror in my room but there is`t sofa 2)boxes (+) under the desk/ lamp (-) 3)pictures (+) in the book/ text (-) 4)clock (+) opposite the window/ shelf (-) 5)CD player (+) between the books/ phone (-) 6)chairs (+) next to the table/ armchair (-)

Слайд 5

№2 Hello, i`m Nick and this is my house. There is a living room. And that`s our new TV. It`s big! There is dining room. There is a kitchen. Upstairs there are three bedrooms. This is my mum and dad`s bedroom. Their bathroom is here. This is my sister`s bedroom. It`s quite small. Her favourite colour is pink. There is a shower room. There`s a toilet. And this is my room. And here`s my hamster. His name `s Harry. His cage is quite big. WHO SAYS EACH SENTENCES ? This is my sister`s bedroom________ My favourite colour is pink__________ My name is Harry ______________ We`ve got a bedroom with a bathroom ____________ My cage is quite big _________________

Слайд 6

Warm up Stand up next to your desks. Take your pens Raise your right hand Put your right hand behind your head Turn your heads to the left Stand up straight Put your pens in front of you Raise your hands opposite your right ears Clap your hands Click your fingers under your head Click your fingers in front of your eyes Stamp your foot on the floor Sit down !

Слайд 7

№ 3 What colour is their bedroom? Who is Billy ? Whose desk has got drawers? Have the boys got a computer in their room? Who has got a guitar? How many posters are there in their room?

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

№5 The café is in the middle of the park The toilets are also in the park The library is opposite the toilets The post office is in victoria avenue. It`s between the library and the park The railway station is in London road. It`s opposite the park The office is not very big. It`s near the railway station and the church. The church is in thornton street , opposite the leisure centre The cinema is next to the leisure centre in thornton street The car park is behind the cinema and the leisure centre The museum is in victoria avenue. It`s next to the park and opposite the office. The hospital is in bridge street. The bank- The café- The car park- The church- The cinema- The hospital- The leisure centre - The library- The museum- The post office- The railway station- The toilets- The office -

Слайд 10

I congratulate you!

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