Ресурсы по теме "Рождество"
материал на тему

Чусовитина Юлия Александровна

Печатные материалы оп теме "Рождество"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Poetry for Christmas Time

We Three Kings

We three kings of Orient are,

One in a taxi,

One in a car,

One in a scooter,

Blowing his hooter,

Smoking a big cigar.


What makes the music teacher so angry? 

We like to sing the wrong words

to Christmas Carols…

We three kings of Orient are,

One in a taxi, one in a car…

It drives our music teacher barmy,

his face turns red as a holly berry,

his forehead creases,

his eyes bulge.

It looks as if the top of his head

is about to lift like a saucepan lid

as he boils over…

His anger spills out

in an almighty shout…

'NO,' he roars…

'If you do that once more

I'll give you the kind of Christmas gift

you won't forget in a hurry…'

So we sing…

… most highly flavoured lady…

'IT'S FAVOURED,' he screams,


What do you think she is,

an ice cream cone?'

Then to cap it all,

and drive him really wild

we sing of the shepherds

washing their socks,

till he slams down the piano lid

and takes off like a rocket

into the stratosphere,

lighting up the sky

like a Christmas star.

Brian Moses

Read the poem and say why the child won’t get the present she/he wants.

Dear Father Christmas

Dear Father Christmas

This year please bring me

A pet rhinoc




rhisky hoperus



I've changed my mind.

Bring me a rabbit instead.

Roger Stevens

Father Christmas’ reindeer have also difficulties in their pleasant job. Read the poem and say what these difficulties can be. You can think of some more, not mentioned in the poem.

Reindeer Report

Chimneys: colder.

Flightpaths: busier.

Driver: Christmas (F)

Still baffled by postcodes.

Children: more

And stay up later.

Presents: heavier.

Pay: frozen.

Mission in spite

Of all this


Merry Christmas!


Postcode – The post code shows the exact area where someone lives and helps the post office deliver the post more quickly. Santa is not very good at finding places (he is baffled by postcodes).

Pay is frozen = they get their pay too late

Imagine you have received a present you dislike or just do not need. What would you write in a ‘thank-you’ letter? Remember to say what you received.

Christmas Cinquain Thank You

Thanks Gran

Loved the pink rose

Scented bubble bath and

Perfume, shame you forgot I'm your


Paul Cookson

Сinquain. This type of poem was invented by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey – it is rather like a haiku – consisting of five lines, using twenty-two syllables, arranged in a sequence 2,4,6,8,2. The last line is often a surprise.

By Olga Sventsitskaya

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