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Косарев Денис Михайлович

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What do I like about being an English teacher?

        You think you know who they are. I mean those fifteen pupils sitting quietly in front of

you. Quietly, only because they have made their first move having entered the room and now

not making (yet!) a sound demand yours. You think you know who they are.I assume you are

wrong anyway.

        They are designers. Sounds weird? Okay. No, I do not mean that trendy career choice

some teens had made that seems naive or whatever you think. You know, there are virtual

space designers, clothing designers, advertising professionals scraping for a living. No, I mean

the other thing. They are the creators of this my day at school and no doubt - tomorrow.

And I like the feeling I depend on them. Literally. I have to help them be successful.

Otherwise, Russian pension system will collapse. No laughs!

        So, 'future designers' from public schools and they tell us what they see when they

come here. Passing this study of making a better out of me, I encounter a mention of the

authoritarian management style. I wonder whether it is still worth mentioning? Will you strict

them speaking louder and louder from day to day – anyway, you get a problem, both in the

most acknowledged school and suburb school on the outskirts of Russian town. We have to

go along with them.

        If you show off with your speaking skills, leaving them backwards, I bet you fail. The

same if you tell them "There is the Internet for you" or “Have a look in your dictionary”. The

only thing both works and counts is being just next to them pointing out the direction you go

with all the tact you have.

        Don't you think it is great that you can handle something in this world rocking upside down?

        An oldie, but goodie: if I ever heard such a comment on me, then I would be happy.

Leaning on the desk during the breaks demounted and disassembled after a hard session I

need to be acknowledged not by my colleagues, but individuals supposed to have more

energy. Honestly I like the idea of competing with them in any skills. By the way idea of

competing has something to to do it with economy of efforts. And elegance. I need to win


        Whatever a new-coming teacher states entering a school, pupils are often categorized

– some as a staple, the others as a luxury. It comes very quickly. Teachers are the same tired

adults who do pay attention to stereotypes which help to save the emotions and energy.

In fact, if you're anything like most people, you probably think you stay out of this. OK. I am

speaking on behalf of myself. Even if the new me as a teacher was a very different at first 6

years ago, I was soon about to think there are few brilliants in every group. Then, after a

while, I realized I treat them all well, but nothing like at first, when I was dead confident there

should be any C grades at all.

        Every school more or less has loads of genuinely great individuals, it is up to them

whether to go for English or not. What's up to me is only to keep a discerning eye on them

cheating them into a higher grade so to say.

Probably, among them there are outright outsiders, but the vast majority is genuine and

authentic. And again I have no right to think such an outsider just tricking me stating he or she

would be different the other day. If I am tricked in the worst way, well, it is up to me to fail,

not to him or her. I make mistakes, not the pupil. You understand?

        You know what comes into my mind now – such an outright outsiders. This renegade

you have in your class – she or he is a test of your team. There is no good in expelling an

outsider, you cannot expel the problems all out you life, so you have to cope with them, to

teach pupils work in prominent situation, to help them understand there is no way out in

dividing society.

        I want to go back time when my experience has been a week and they were all “jacks of

all trades”. Don't know why. Probably feel guilty for judging. I praise the idea of remastering

your life.

        To come up with all that, we have to interview at least a handful of teachers what they

do and think. The questions demanding urgent solutions do always come up when TV screen

lights up. Through it sheer ubiquity,I feel like its the great sociology experiment we are in.

When it comes to me, I don’t like discussing the topic in general. I feel like working with one

group in particular. Passing by all the teaching concepts studying extremely hard, I like the

idea of comparing, for instance, challenges Scandinavian societies face and those we have

here. It is a scientist speaking buried deep inside of me.

        To sum up, since I have managing experience back in the days, my piece of cake is

making up rules that work, and do it quickly, so as not to become an outdated reality with

old-fashioned thoughts. And I like the team.

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