The Present perfect tense.

Мустафаева Эльзана Ханларовна

Упражнения по теме  Упражнения для закрепления "The Present perfect tense".


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Предварительный просмотр:

  Present Perfect

 Упражнение 1

В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.

 Упражнение 2

Составьте словосочетания, используя since и for. Придумайте предложения с некоторыми из них.

1. last summer. 2. ... 1995. 3. ... a long time; 4. ... last month; 5. ... two weeks; 6. ... 2 March; 7. ... two hours; 8. ... 1975; 9. ... six days; 10. ... a month; 11. two years; 12. ... three days; 13. ... ten minutes; 14. ... three hundred years; 15. ... Wednesday; 16. ... seven days; 17. ...three o'clock. 18. ... 18 September; 19. ... my last birthday; 20. ... a cetury; 21. ... 2001. 

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect

 Упражнение 3.

1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

Упражнение 4

Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными

1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his car. 3. Mr Snowdon has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have paintedtheir old house. 6. Liz has bought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs Gracy have gone to London. 10. I have never been to India. 11. She has just broken a vase. 12. We have cleaned the room. 13. Cris has phoned his friend. 14. The train has just arrived. 15. It has just started to rain. 16. Kelly has gone to America. 17. We have left our books to school. 18. The stree has changed a lot. 19. You have worked here for a long time. 20. Mandy has been to Greece.

Упражнение 5

Напишите третью форму данных глаголов.

write, win, sell, try, read, play, find, visit, stop, study, die, do.

Упражнение 6

Составьте вопросы по образцу, используя данные слова: (you / ever / be / to Italy) - Have you ever been to Italy?

1. You ever / be / to South America?

2. You / read / any English books?

3. You / live / in this town all your life?

4. How many times / you / be / in love?

5. What's / the most beautiful country / you /ever / visit? 

Упражнение 6

  1. We just … (meet) an American actor.
  2. Your husband … (sell) the house? (Твой муж продал дом?)
  3. I … (not start) my new job yet. (Я еще не начала свою новую работу.)
  4. You … (be) to New York before? (Вы были в Нью-Йорке раньше?)
  5. Ann … (not choose) the dessert yet. (Аня еще не выбрала десерт.)
  6. They … (do) the shopping today. (Они сделали покупки сегодня.)
  7. Tom … ever (visit) Disneyland? (Том когда-либо посещал Диснейленд?)
  8. I just … (see) a horror film. (Я только что посмотрела фильм ужасов.)
  9. She … (not find) her coat. (Она не нашла свое пальто.)
  10. The cat already … (eat up) the fish. (Кошка уже доела рыбу.


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