Разработка внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 6-8 классов "Children Bazaar"
методическая разработка (6, 7, 8 класс)

Способствует формированию детского коллектива,развивает интерес к изучению иностранных языков,расширяет и углубляет знания ,умения и навыки по английскому языку.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий праздника “Children Bazaar”

Цель: преемственность различных возрастных этапов и этапов овладения иноязычной коммуникативной деятельностью.

 Задачи: формирование детского коллектива, развитие интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, расширение и углубление знаний, умений и навыков по английскому языку.

Этот праздник можно проводить в любое время учебного года. В нем участвуют учащиеся всех классов. Место проведения актовый зал, который празднично украшен. Ведущие праздника учащиеся старших классов.

Ход праздника

На сцену – «базарную площадь» выходят ведущие.

The 1st anchorman: Good day, dear guests and children, ladies and gentlemen! The weather is very good today and we can start our “Children Bazaar”. One can sell and buy everything at our bazaar and must speak only English. We don’t need money here. At our children bazaar there are the pupils of the 6th, 7th and 8th forms.

Звучит музыка и появляется Tricky

Tricky: Eh! My basket is full of things. There is everything you need: beautiful dresses, beautiful skirts, ribbons, laces etc.!

The 1st anchorman: Tricky!? You are already here. That’s great! And what are you selling today?

Tricky: I’m selling scissors!

The 1st anchorman: Scissors? OK! We buy them and say: “Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle”. What else do you have?

Tricky: Needles!

The 1st anchorman: We buy the needles.

Tricky: A telephone and ribbons.

The 1st anchorman: We buy them too.

Tricky: Pens, rubbers, calendars.

The 1st anchorman: We buy them.

Входит Mr. Rule

Mr. Rule: Hello, dear children and guests! My name is Mr. Rule and I would like to issue a newspaper and should make a report. (задает вопросы ученикам 6-го класса)

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your surname?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Where do you come from?
  5. Where do you live?
  6. What can you say about your family?

(при ответах учащихся помощник Mr. Rule фотографирует их)

The 1st anchorman: One sells something at our bazaar but I don’t know what it is. The pupils of the 6th forms will help me. They should do the following tasks.

(учащиеся 6-х классов выполняют задания 1-4, после правильного выполнения заданий ученики получают подарки).

Появляется Буратино с азбукой в руках

Buratino: Dear people! I would like to sell my ABC-book because I want to go to the puppet theatre. I need money for the ticket. Please, buy my ABC-book! It’s not expensive!

На сцену выходит Мальвина

Malvina: Dear Buratino! I heard you were selling your ABC-book. Don’t do that. Your father Karlo will be very sad, if you sell your ABC-book. You should go to school and study well for your father to be always happy. Let’s go to the bazaar and look at the goods. Then we will go to the puppet theatre! I will buy the tickets!

Звучит весёлая музыка. На сцену выходят «бродячие актёры» и показывают сказки.


(A fairy-tale)









The three little kittens

 Lost their mittens, 

And they began to cry. 

1st KITTEN: Oh, Mother dear,

2nd KITTEN: We very much fear

3rd KITTEN (crying): That we have lost our mittens!


Lost your mittens,

You naughty  kittens!

Then you will have no pie.

The Kittens go away,


he three little kittens

Found their mittens,

And they began to cry.

The Kittens run in.


Oh, Mother dear,

1st KITTEN (showing the mittens):

See here,

2nd KITTEN (showing the mittens):

See here,

3rd KITTEN (showing the mittens):

See, we have found our mittens.


Oh, you're good kittens!

 Put on your mittens,

And you will have some pie.

Gives them pies.

But I smell a mouse close by.

 (All together): We smell a mouse close by.


The Cat and Kittens leave the stage.


(After The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain)






AUNT POLLY: Tom!... Tom!... (No answer.) Where is the boy? Tom!

ТОМ Сappearing): Here I am.

AUNT POLLY: Oh, you've been to that closet.1 What were you doing there?

TOM: Nothing.

AUNT POLLY: Nothing! Look at your hands. (Tom looks at his hands.) And look at your mouth. What is that? TOM: I don't know, Aunt.

AUNT POLLY: Well, I know. It's jam,2 that's what it is.

(Pointing to a switch3 on the floor.) Hand1 me that switch!

TOM: Oh, look behind you, Aunt!

Aunt Polly looks behind her. Tom runs away. Aunt Polly stands surprised for a moment, then she breaks into a laugh.


AUNT POLLY: Tom, go and whitewash  the fence.

TOM: Oh, Auntie, I can't. I'll do it ... tomorrow.

AUNT POLLY: Whitewash the fence, I say! (Goes away.)

Tom begins whitewashing the fence. Ben appears. He has an apple in his hand.

BEN: What are you doing?

TOM: I am whitewashing the fence.

BEN: Do you want to say you like it?

TOM: Of course, I do. Does a boy whitewash a fence every day?

Tom goes on whitewashing. He does not look at Ben.

BEN: Tom, let me whitewash a little!

TOM: No, I can't. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly did not let him.

BEN: Tom, do let me. I'll give you my apple.

TOM: All right.

He takes the apple, sits down and begins to eat it. Ben is whitewashing the fence. Billy appears.

BILLY: Hello! What are you doing here?

BEN: Tom and I are whitewashing the fence.

BILLY: You don't think it is interesting, do you?

BEN: We do. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn't let him.

BILLY: Let me whitewash a little!

BEN: No, I won't!

They begin fighting.

TOM: Stop that! Now it's your turn  to whitewash, Billy.

Now Billy is working.

TOM: Now it's your turn to whitewash, Ben.

Now Ben is working.

AUNT POLLY (appearing): Oh, it's all done! You are a good boy, Tom. You can work when you want to. Now you may go and play.

TOM: Hurrah! Let's run to the river!

 They run away.


Вновь появляется Mr. Rule и задаёт вопросы учащимся 7-х классов.

Mr. Rule: Dear children! Please, answer my questions!

  1. What school do you go to?
  2. What does your school look like?
  3. What subjects do you study at school?
  4. How many times a week do you have English?
  5. Do you like the English language?

Ведущая и Трикки ходят по базару и ищут что-то.

Mr. Rule: Hello, girls. What are you looking for? What would you like to buy?

The 1st anchorman : Hello. We are looking for a CD-disk.

Mr. Rule: What is it’s name?

Tricky: We don’t know! But there is a nice song on it.

Mr. Rule: What song?

The 1st anchorman: The pupils of the 7th forms will do the tasks and get what I am selling now. (учащиеся выполняют задания 5-8)

Вновь на сцене Mr. Rule. Он задаёт вопросы ученикам 8-х классов.

Mr. Rule: Dear pupils of the 8th forms, I want you to answer my questions.

  1. I heard some of you were going to leave school next year. Is it so?
  2. Have you already chosen your future profession?
  3. Where would you like to continue your education?
  4. Who of you wants to become an English teacher?

 And now let’s have a rest.

Звучит английская песня. На сцену выходят несколько девушек, которые исполняют танец.

Tricky: I would like to sell you a pig in a poke. The one, who guesses what is in my bag, will get it.

Учащиеся задают вопросы типа: Is it a book? Is it a toy?

The 7th anchorman: Yes, it is a toy.

The pupils: Is it a cat? A dog? A teddy bear? A doll?

The 7th anchorman: Yes, it is a doll! You get this doll as a prize.

Звучит лёгкая музыка. В зал входит фея.

The fairy: Hello, dear children! I have been invited to the bazaar. I have brought you a box. It is not simple, it’s magical. I touch this box and oh! It’s wonderful! What is there in the box? There are some sweet presents for you!

Под звуки музыки фея раздаёт всем присутствующим шоколадки и дипломы участников мероприятия.  

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