Тест к УМК "Spotlight"
тест (7, 11 класс)

Камагина Светлана Валерьевна

Данные учебные  материалы содержат итоговое тестирование для проверки знаний, умений и навыков по УМК "Spotlight" во 2, 4, 7и 11 классах. 


Предварительный просмотр:

SL-11. Crimes and punishments.

1 Which crimes from the box do the sentences from news stories describe?

speeding         mugging        vandalism           blackmail              burglary        identity   
theft         kidnapping          drug-dealing           shoplifting           credit-card fraud

!  blackmail - шантаж, вымогательство, шантажировать, вымогать деньги

  blackmailer – шантажист

  1. A football team caused damage to a hotel in Nashville.
  2. A man had photo evidence of a burglary and asked for money to delete the photos.
  3. Two men took a tourist, kept him in a secret location and asked his family for $100,000.
  4. A woman stole food from a supermarket.
  5. Police stopped a woman for driving too fast on the motorway.
  6. Seth took money from Duncan’s bank account by pretending to be Duncan.
  7. The police arrested a young man who sold drugs.
  8. Businesswoman wakes up to find famous painting gone.
  9. Late-night in the street somebody attacks people.

2 Choose the correct word

  1. He ... the girl, threatening with a knife.
  1. mugged
  2. burgled
  3. shoplifted
  4. murdered

  1. Kate was ashamed of ... money from her father’s purse.
  1. mugging
  2. stealing
  3. robbing
  4. blackmailing

  1. Department stores lose millions from ..
  1. pickpocketing
  2. blackmailing
  3. shoplifting
  4. smuggling

  1. When you travel on public transport, always keep your bag carefully closed in case of ...
  1. killers
  2. pickpockets
  3. robbers
  4. muggers

3 Choose the correct word

  1. The police are trying to find the kidnapper / vandal of the eight-year-old girl, Ala Johannsen.
  2. The bank thief / robber who has stolen millions of pounds is still free.
  3. You can watch a video of the pickpocket / murderer trying to steal from people’s handbags.
  4. That kidnapper / thief has just taken my purse! Somebody stop him!
  5. Some vandals / suspects have broken into our school and put lots of graffiti on the walls.
  6. The pickpocket / murderer was sentenced to life in prison for killing two people last year.
  7. My neighbour has been arrested for robbery / vandalism. I had no idea that he stole money from the local shop.

4 Which of the people in the list are law-breakers? Choose the correct ones.

Judge     thief     security guard     culprit     neighbour     police     passer-by     victim     bank robber     shoplifter      lawyer      wintess     suspect      fraudster    

5 Use the phrase to complete the sentences.

made off         found guilty         pay a fine         do community service         prison sentence           got off with a warning             broke the law            went to court

1 Yesterday, my mum ….. to give evidence in a criminal trial.

2 Kate ….. by illigelly downloading music.

3 She was ….. of the murder of Jessy Roberts.

4 The burglar was given an 11-month …..    .

5 The robbers broke into the shop and  ….. with £100,000 worth of jewellery.

6 Anyone caught speeding will have to ….. of  £60.

7 The judge told the vandal he would have to ….. in the area he lived.

8 The young shoplifter ….. because it was his first offence.

6 Match the words.

1 security

A a crime

2 investigate

B fine

3 prison

C sentence

4 life

D offence

5 heavy

E evidence

6 driving

F station

7 police

G guard

8 give

H imprisonment

! hijacking - налет, угон самолета, ограбление, нападение, воздушное пиратство, бандитизм 

hijacker  — угонщик, налетчик, угонщик самолета, воздушный пират, бандит
hijack - угонять, похищать (какое-л. транспортное средство), заставляя водителя или лётчика изменить маршрут; заниматься воздушным пиратством

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-7. Module 1 / 2.

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.


1.surf the Net

A. identification

2.alarm system

B. a machine that signals danger

3.beach volleyball

C. fun activities on the computer


D. a sport

5.computer games

E. look for information on the computer

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

heavy • cost • helpful • crowded  • peace

  1. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high ____   of living.
  2. My father hates driving in ______ traffic.
  3. The streets in London are very _______.
  4. In the country you usually meet friendly and ______ people.
  5. We go for a walk in the country, because we need some _____and quiet.

3. Fill in should or shouldn’t.

1. You …..carry a lot of money with you.

2. You…..be careful in crowded places.

3. You…..keep your wallet in your back pocket.

4. You ….. do your homework every day.

5. You… speak with your friends during the lesson.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. He _____________ (feed) the cows every evening.
  2. I _______________ (not / leave) late on Fridays.
  3. She ____________ (write) an article about crime in big cities now.
  4. He ____________ (not / visit) his uncle very often.
  5. We _____________ (go) to the park this evening.
  6. She usually ____________(go) to school with her friends.
  7. Tom _____________(surf) the Net at the moment.
  8. ___________ (you / like) to play soccer?
  9. Water __________ (not /boil) at 70 C.
  10. ___________ (he / work) now?

5. Translate..

  1. Дети ходят в школу каждый день.
  2. Посмотри! Ребенок спит.
  3. Ты сейчас читаешь?
  4. Мой брат всегда опаздывает к завтраку.
  5. Я собираюсь пойти в Московский зоопарк. Я люблю диких животных.

6. Match the words.

1. fresh

a. system

2. constant

b. unemployment

3. door

c. noise

4. feeling

d. landscapes

5. alarm

e. air

6 high rate of

f. bustle

7. beautiful

g. isolated

8. hustle and

h. chain

7.Use "used to" or “didn’t use to” to complete the sentences.

Example: I used to spend (spend) a lot of free time but now I work very hard.

  1. She has short hair now. When she was young, she ___________________ (have) long hair.
  2. He doesn't play football now but when he was at school he ___________________ (play) in a football team.
  3. Jenny doesn’t like sweets but when she was a little girl she_______________ (eat) a lot of chocolate.
  4. She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she ______________________ (be) a bus driver.
  5. They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they________________ (live) in Moscow.
  6. I don't watch TV anymore. Three years ago I __________________ (watch) TV for hours.
  7. (-)We _______________ (go) to the park on Saturdays but we went there on Sundays.

8.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

1)They _____ football at school. (to play)
2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) (you)____ English? (to speak)
4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)
5) (Ann) ____ any friends? (to have)
6) When (his brother) _____ in an office? (to work)
7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)
8) (they) ____ the flowers yesterday? (to water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
10) What (Elizabeth) _____ in the morning? (to drink)

9.Choose the correct item.

Example: Tom told me the story until/after, he read the novel.

  1. We played in the park until/then it got dark.
  2. Larry got a job after/until he finished school.
  3. The mouse ran away until/as soon as it saw the cat.
  4. First (Сначала) he had dinner, then/when he listened to the radio.
  5. I was surprised when/until I saw Mr Adams on television.

10.Write the Past Simple forms and translate into Russian.  

1. play 2. find 3. know 4. begin 5. watch

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-4. Present Continuous.

1 Add -ing to the verbs. Добавь -ing к глаголам.

help – helping

fly - …..

take - …..

sit - …..

drink - …..

run - …..

sleep - …..

go - …..

watch - …..

ride - …..

2 Complete the sentences. Дополни предложения.

  1. They ….. cooking dinner now.
  2. Tom and Olga ….. making a sandcastle now.
  3. My friend ….. dancing at the moment.
  4. I ….. swimming now.
  5. The children ….. drinking tea right now.
  6. … your sister singing now?

3 What sentences are in the Present Continuous? Write the numbers.
Какие предложения стоят в форме Present Continuous? Выпиши номера предложений.

  1. I don’t like to eat soup.
  2. He isn’t eating pizza now.
  3. When do you get up?
  4. I’m doing my homework.
  5. It is raining today.
  6. It is cold today.
  7. Mary is cooking now.
  8. Are they playing computer games?
  9. We watch a video every day.
  10. I don’t have lunch at home.

4 Make up the sentences using the prompts. Составь  предложения, используя подсказки. 

  1. Helen / swim / in the sea   (+)
  2. My teacher / play the guitar   (?)
  3. My friends / eat apples   (+)
  4. Oleg / playing football   (-)
  5. Tim / read a book   (?)
  6. My grandpa and grandma / jump   (-)
  7. You / work   (?)

Предварительный просмотр:

By _________________________________________    Form ________________________

Spotlight-2. Test My home.

Задание № 1.  Вставьте пропущенные
буквы в слова.

1 br…ther

2 m…mmy

3 fam…ly

4 gr…ndpa

5 d…ddy

Задание № 2. Соотнеси слова
в двух столбиках.

1 green  _______        a) желтый

2 brown _______        b) белый

3 blue     _______       c) зеленый

4 yellow _______        d) цвет

5 white   _______       e) синий

6 colour  ________     f) коричневый

Задание №  3. Составь предложения
из слов.

1 is, the, he, in, garden .

3 sister, in, kitchen, my, is, the .

4 my, home, I, like !

5 the, in, bed, bedroom, the, is .

Задание № 4.   Переведи предложения
на английский язык.

1 Это красное радио.

2 Холодильник (fridge) – на кухне.

3 Диван – в гостиной.

Задание № 5.  Вычеркни одно лишнее слово.

  1. mummy, cat, sister, grandpa, daddy
  2. table, chair, bed, bedroom
  3. living room, bathroom, glass, bedroom, kitchen
  4. bed, red, green, pink, black

Задание № 6. Распредели слова по 2 категориям.

Mummy    Larry    grandma   Lulu    grandpa    sister    brother    daddy

Задание № 7. Cоотнеси предложения.

1 Where’s Larry?                    _____           A)  It’s in the bathroom.

2 Where’s the bath?               _____           B) It’s white.

3 What colour is the table?     _____           C) He is in the tree-house.

Предварительный просмотр:

SL-2. Test 1 (module 1).

1 Переведи слова на английский язык.

  1. Спальня - ………………..………………………….
  2. Кухня - ……………………………………………….
  3. Письменный стол  - ………………………….
  4. Гостиная - ………………………………………..
  5. Кровать - …………………………………………
  6. Стол - ………………………………………………
  7. Ванная комната - …………………………….

2 Напиши рядом с английскими словами нужное местоимение he / she / it.

  1.  chair – it
  2. Tree -house - …………….
  3. Brother - ……………….…
  4. Sofa - ………………………
  5. Grandma-  ………………
  6. Larry - …………………….

3 Cоотнеси вопросы в первой колонке с ответами во второй колонке.

1) What’s this?

A) She’s in the house.

2) Where’s Mummy?

B) It is a radio.

3) What colour is it?

C) It’s red.

4 Обведи правильный ответ на вопрос.

  1. Where is Chuckles?
    a) I am in the tree-house.
    b) He is in the bath.
  2. Where is the lamp?
    a) She is on the chair.
    b) It’s on the sofa.
  3. What’s this?
    a) This is a radio.
    b) He is in the garden.
  4. Where is Mummy?
    a) I am on the chair.
    b) She’s in the tree- house.

5 Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.

  1. in / the / bath / is / She.
  2. my / is / This / room.
  3. the / she / in / garden / Is ?

6 Раздели эту змейку на три предложения.


SL-2. Test 1 (module 1).

  1. Переведи слова на английский язык.
  1. Спальня - ………………..………………………….
  2. Кухня - ……………………………………………….
  3. Письменный стол  - ………………………….
  4. Гостиная - ………………………………………..
  5. Кровать - …………………………………………
  6. Стол - ………………………………………………
  7. Ванная комната - …………………………….
  1. Напиши рядом с английскими словами нужное местоимение he / she / it.

  1. chair – it
  2. Tree -house - …………….
  3. Brother - ……………….…
  4. Sofa - ………………………
  5. Grandma-  ………………
  6. Larry - …………………….

3 Cоотнеси вопросы в первой колонке с ответами во второй колонке.

1) What’s this?

A) She’s in the house.

2) Where’s Mummy?

B) It is a radio.

3) What colour is it?

C) It’s red.

  1. Обведи правильный ответ на вопрос.
  1. Where is Chuckles?
    a) I am in the tree-house.
    b) He is in the bath.
  2. Where is the lamp?
    a) She is on the chair.
    b) It’s on the sofa.
  3. What’s this?
    a) This is a radio.
    b) He is in the garden.
  4. Where is Mummy?
    a) I am on the chair.
    b) She’s in the tree- house.
  1. Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.

  1. in / the / bath / is / She.
  2. my / is / This / room.
  3. the / she / in / garden / Is ?

6 Раздели эту змейку на три предложения.


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