Проблемные задания
учебно-методический материал (9, 10, 11 класс)

Суворова Людмила Вячеславовна

Проблемные задания


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Предварительный просмотр:

Speech Situations

  1. Imagine you are supposed to send your review to the editors of the book you have recently read. Give critical appreciation of the book.
  2.  Discuss the various genres of films (documentaries, cartoons, feature films, thrillers, etc.) and explain which you prefer and why.
  3.   Speak about the role of art in your self-education. Say what works of art have impressed you greatly.
  4. Comment on the proverb: «Art is long, life is short».
  5.  Give your idea of what young people must do to understand and enjoy the arts.
  6.  You are in the library. What books will you choose for reading? Why? 
  7.  You are a big city dweller. Last summer you stayed with your friend in the country. Speak of the advantages of living in the country.
  8.  Suggest what you think could be done to solve problems of your home city (town, village).
  9.  Describe changes you would make if you became President of this country one day.
  10.  Imagine you are the Mayor of your home city. Make up a TV speech in which you summarize hardships you face and how to fight them..
  11.  Give advice to people visiting your country for the first time. Mention things concerning daily life, places to see and to stay in.
  12.  Discuss the importance of education. Say what it is giving you now and what it will give you in future.
  13.  Give arguments for or against the following statement: «Children should be brought up strictly but fairly».
  14. Having successfully passed your final exam at school, describe your experience to your friend.
  15.  Expand on: «Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise».
  16.  Advertise holidays in winter. Concentrate on the winter sports one can go in for in the place you advertise.
  17.  Discuss your school success in sports and games.
  18.   Expand upon the statement that the English have no climate, they have weather.
  19.  Discuss the weather forecast you have heard; Say if the weather is agreeable for your plans and why.
  20. You come to see your sick friend. Cheer him up telling an encouraging story of your own recovery not long ago.
  21. You are seeing off your friend to another town which you know well. Tell him about the town before the train starts.
  22.  Say how you will choose the route for a trip and a means of transport.        
  23.   Say what the main aims of space exploration are and how sputniks are used in the national economy.

24. You are a waiter at a restaurant. Ask the customer at your table what he'd like to have for dinner. Make sure to get the following information:

  1.  what to start with,
  2.  if he is a vegetarian or not, etc.

25. You are thinking of having a holiday in Feodosia. You phone up the tourist's department for further details about the town. Ask, for example, about:

  1.  climate, weather,
  2.  population,
  3.  accommodation,
  4.  sports facilities,
  5.  sights, entertainment.

26. Ask questions about your friend's new flat. Make sure to get the information about:

  1.  rooms, kitchen,
  2.  furniture,
  3.  modern conveniences,
  4.  number and location of windows in different rooms, etc.

27. You are booking a room at a hotel for the summer holidays. Ask the receptionist about the kind of room you are ottered. Make sure to get the information about:

  1.  private bathroom,
  2.  central heating and air-conditioning,
  3.  car park,
  4.  TV lounges, etc.

28. You are living and working in Paris at present. Your cousin is getting married in Madrid on Saturday. The wedding is at II15 in the morning. You must be back in Paris in time for a meeting at 1230 on Monday. You phone up the Central Station to find out:

1) the time of the train to and from Madrid (departure, arrival),

2) problems in work if any.

29 .You and your friend work for the same insurance company. You see him at the office after a two-week vacation. Ask him questions about:

  1.  the trip he has had,
  2.  the weather during the trip,
  3.  the places visited, etc.

30. You usually spend Christmas with your family. But this year some friends from the University suggested skiing in the mountains at Christmas, Ask about the details of how this can be arranged, for example: place in the mountains, accommodation, means of travelling, etc.

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