ЕГЭ по английскому для 6 классов
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Нуретдинова Айгуль Гамирзяновна

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Use of English

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form.  

         When Nelly returned to her native city after four years at the University she … (understand) that many things … (change). The first night at home she … (go) for a walk … (accompany) by a friend of hers. The girls … (see) many people … (have) walks with their children. “Look! Nelly’s friend suddenly … (cry). “A new bridge … (appear) here!” “When … it … (build)?                                                                                                                                 Nelly’s friend … (not expect) her … (be) so excited. “You … (see),” she said, “it … (be) our new council policy. They … (build) a lot of new things at the moment.       … you … (remember) Mr. Perking`s old barn? A new garage … (build) in its place.  It … (not finish) yet, but when they … (finish) it, it … (be) the biggest garage in the city.”                                                                                                                  Nelly … (shake) her head in disbelief. “It … always … (be) difficult … (make) the City Council … (do) anything in the field of construction”, she said. She … (remember) how old-fashioned her city … (be) before.                                                                                                                   She hoped she … (see) more attractive changes in the near future.  


Read the text and the tasks below.                                                                

     This happened more than fifty years ago, in a little American town called Springfield. The newspaper “The Springfield Voice” had a very difficult life. The newspaper hadn’t enough money and could not pay its workers. But it had one difficulty that was even worse. Whenever some interesting news appeared in “The Springfield Voice”, the rest of the newspapers in the town at once published the same news as their own. At last “The Springfield Voice” decided to teach their enemies a lesson.                                                                                                                                    In the morning, April 1, “The Springfield Voice” published the news that a coffee king whose name was Lipra Loof had come from abroad and was going to visit Springfield. Of course, this was tremendous news in such a little town. That same afternoon all the other newspapers in the town wrote about Mr. Lirpa Loof. One of the newspapers published an interview with the rich businessman; another newspaper told its readers that Mr. Lirpa Loof had had a meeting with the businessmen of the town, who were planning to buy coffee from him.                                                                                            The next day, April 2, “The Springfield Voice” wrote: “Of course, we are proud that the other newspapers believed our story about the rich foreign businessman Lirpa Loof. But they must not forget what the date was yesterday. Read the first, then the second word – Lirpa Loof – from the end to the beginning and you will see why they must not forget that date.”    

A   Write down whether the following statements are true or false.

    1. It happened fifteen years ago in America.                                                                                2. The newspaper had financial problems.                                                                                      3. The newspaper wrote about a coffee king who came to Springfield.                                           4. Other newspapers published information about him too.

B   Answer the following questions.

1. Why was the newspaper “The Springfield Voice” in a difficult situation?

2. Why did other newspapers published information about the coffee king?

3. What is the message of the story?


    You are going to spend a month with a family in England. Now you are writing a letter (150 words) to the family to introduce yourself to them. Tell them about your school, family, describe some of your hobbies and interests and say what you hope to do while you are in England.


    Listen to the text “The three black umbrellas” and do the tasks below.

A   Answer the following questions.

1. What did Sally want to buy?

2. Why did it have to be rather cheap?

3. Why did she choose a black umbrella?

4. Where did she leave it?

B Finish the following sentences.

1. Sally decided to have a sandwich and a cup of coffee because …

2. Sally thought that one of the umbrellas would solve her problem as …

3. Sally went to the buffet on her way home when she …

4. The passengers felt sorry for her because …

5. Sally’s mother got three umbrellas from …  

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