методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Макарова Наталья Викторовна

Из опыта рвботы по формированию речевых навыков.Обязательное условие самостоятельности в общении – это осознанность выполняемых лексических и грамматических действий при их последующем применении. Если это условие не соблюдается, то при отсутствии постоянной тренировки, которую трудно гарантировать в условиях неязыковой среды, формируемый навык будет непрочным. Поэтому любое правило подкрепляется большим количеством речеподготовительных упражнений, задание к которым носят оттенок ситуативности. 


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Предварительный просмотр:


Речевая практика учащихся осуществляется в тесной связи с изучением языка. Обязательное условие самостоятельности в общении – это осознанность выполняемых лексических и грамматических действий при их последующем применении. Если это условие не соблюдается, то при отсутствии постоянной тренировки, которую трудно гарантировать в условиях неязыковой среды, формируемый навык будет непрочным. Поэтому любое правило подкрепляется большим количеством речеподготовительных упражнений, задание к которым носят оттенок ситуативности. Необходимая и достаточная тренировка в выполняемых действиях в сочетании с большим объемом разнообразной тренировки в их применении позволяют детям не путать грамматические явления, трудно дифференцируемые русскоязычными учениками. Например, Present Perfect – Past Indefinite, употребление причастий или инфинитивов в составе оборота Complex Object; Future Perfect; перевод предложений в косвенную речь и т.д.Приводим примеры подобных упражнений.

Practise the following according to the models. Present Perfect and  Past Simple

Model 1 :  A. Has he seen Ann?                  B. Yes, he saw her yesterday.

1.Have you sold your car? 2. Have you spoken to Jack? 3. Has she seen the play? 4. Have you found your keys? 5. Has she swept the stairs? Etc.

Model 2 :  A.  I haven’t written to Peter for ages.            B.  When did you last write to him?

              1.I haven’t spoken German for ages. 2. I haven’t eaten eggs for ages. 3. I haven’t had an accident                     for ages. 4. I haven’t made a mistake for ages. 5. I haven’t slept well for ages. Etc.

Study the use of the Present Perfect and the Past Simple Tenses

1. Have you met her yet? – Yes, I have.

When did you meet her? – I met her two weeks ago.

2.Has he left yet? – Yes, he has.

When did he leave? – He left ten minutes ago.

Do these in the same way.

  1. . . . you had breakfast yet? – Yes, we . . .  .     When . . . you have it? – We . . . it at half past seven.
  2. . . . she found her pen yet? – Yes, she . . .  .    When . . . she find it? – She . . . it an hour ago.
  3. . . . you read this book yet? – Yes, I . . .  .        When . . . you read it? – I . . . it last year.
  4. . . . he gone yet? – Yes, he . . .   .                       When . . . he go? – He . . . an hour ago.
  5. . . . you done your homework yet? – Yes, I . . . When . . . you do it? – I . . . it half an hour ago.
  6. . . .she spoken to him? – Yes, she . . .  .            When . . . she speak to him? – She . . . to him yesterday.


Practise  the following according to the models.

Model:  Have some coffee. – I’ve already had some.            Have a banana. – I’ve already had one.

1.Have some juice.    2. Have an apple.    3. Have some milk.    4. Have a glass of water.     5. Have an orange.    6. Have a biscuit.    7. Have some cheese.    8. Have some tea.

Practise the following according to the models. Use  Complex Object.

Model:   A.  Are you sure he told Ann?       B.  Yes, I heard him tell her.

Are you sure . . .   1. Jack invited Mrs. Jones?    2. Mrs. Jones accepted the invitation?    3. The bell rang?    4. George spoke to Mary?    5. Ann asked for the key?    6. Mary told her husband?    7. the bus stopped?    8. the passengers shouted at the driver?    9. the driver apologized?     10. the lift doors shut?  

   Model:  A.  Does Miss Jones still type all night?      B.  Yes, I hear her typing.

1.Does Mr. Jones still sing in his bath?    2. Does Peter still whistle as he goes downstairs?    3. Do the Smiths still quarrel?    4. Does the Jones baby still cry a lot?    5. Do their dogs still bark a lot?    6. Do your brothers still argue all the time?    7. Does the boy still practice the violin all night?    8. Do the children still shout at each other?    9. Do they still run up and down the corridors?

Change the following sentences according to the model:

When the sun shines. . .(the weather is sunny). – When the sun shines we say (that) the weather (it) is sunny.

  1. When it rains         . . .   (rainy).
  2. When it drizzles and sleets    . . .    (nasty).
  3. When a cold wind blows    . . . (windy).
  4. When a fog is spreading    . . . (foggy).
  5. When the frost is hard    . . . (frosty).
  6. When it is warm    . . . (fine).
  7. When  the sky is clear   . . . (cloudless).
  8. When the weather often changes     . . . (changeable)/
  9. When there is much snow       . . . (snowy).
  10. When it pours with rain . . . (beastly).
  11. When the temperature falls below zero   . . . (to freeze).

Change the following according to the model

MODEL: I didn’t buy anything. – I bought nothing.

  1. I didn’t do anything.
  2. I didn’t see anyone.
  3. I didn’t go anywhere.
  4. I didn’t meet anybody.
  5. I didn’t feel anything.
  6. I didn’t find anybody.
  7. I didn’t know anything.

Practise the following according to the model. Use Indirect Speech.

MODEL:  A:  My father works very hard.  B:  What did A. say? C:  A. said that his father worked very hard.

1. I hope to pass the exams.   2. The teacher is listening to us.  3. I have never been to New York.   4. I made no mistakes in the last dictation.  5.  I haven’t read many English books.  6. I didn’t send a letter by air mail.  7. My friend is studying medicine at the university.  8. I don’t feel tired.     9.  My friend ate all the chocolates.  10. My brother goes to bed early.

Разыграйте с партнером микродиалоги, заменяя выделенные слова из касс подстановки:                  - Why did you choose hiking as a hobby?  - It’s difficult to answer. It seems healthy.       

(reading, skiing, fishing, travelling;       interesting, useful, entertaining, instructive)

    Make up dialogues using this situation and guide words.

You suggest going to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. Your friend disagrees with you.

Words: Why not go? Such a saving of time. Much more expensive. Not as tasty as home-cooked meal.

Let’s talk a little. React to the statements you hear (your responses being exclamations, questions, requests, suggestions). MODEL: - I’ve just received a telegram, my brother has entered the institute.    

Exclamations:    Congratulations!  Splendid!

Questions:      What institute has he entered?  What is your brother’s name?

Statement:    We are also the age of finishing school, entering colleges.  Your brother is hardworking.

Request:    I’d like to ask your brother to write something about the institute.  Maybe I shall try to enter it next year.

Suggestion:  I think this event must be celebrated somehow.

  1. I’ll get up at six tomorrow.
  2. His hobbies are music and computer.
  3. I’m going to visit Italy next summer.
  4. My mother got a new job.


Study the ways of greeting people and saying good-bye and ways of responding to greetings and farewells. 

A.  Hello!    How are you? (formal and informal)                 How are things?    How’s life? (informal)

B.  Fine, thanks. How are you? / I’m very well, thank you. / Fine (thanks). / OK (thanks) . / Very well (indeed). / Quite well (really).  / Not too/so bad. / So so.

A.  Hello! – Hello!                               -Hi! – Hi!                -Nice to see you. -  Nice to see you.

 B. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. (formal and informal).

A. Good-bye.   Good night.  See you later (soon).  Bye/Bye-bye.  Seeyou. (formal and informal).

B.  Can reply by using any expression of farewell.

Example:                  A:  Good bye, John.                  B: Bye, see you tomorrow, Pete.

Say good-bye:

  1. To a friend who is going away for a long time;    b) very casually to a friend (call him by name);   c) to someone you’ll see again in the evening.

Greet:    a) a formal acquaintance;    b) a close friend of yours.

Imagine:   a) meeting a friend in the morning on your way to school;    b) in the evening at the appointed place;  unexpectedly;  d) saying good-bye to a friend after classes/ a teacher after a lesson.

Make up short dialogues of greeting or farewell covering the situations.

Поправьте вашего собеседника.

MODEL: - The school is next to the shop. – No, it isn’t. It’s across from the shop.

  1. The department store is across from the bus station.
  2. There is a park between the shop and the museum.
  3. There are no libraries in this street.
  4. The theatre is next to the hospital.


MODEL:  - Why are you going to the doctor? – I am going to the doctor because I’ m ill.

  1. When do you eat? . . .    (голоден)
  2. When do you smile? . . . (счастлив)
  3. When does your father shout? . . . (злой)
  4. When do you walk with your friends? . . . (свободен)

Задайте собеседнику уточняющие вопросы.

MODEL:  - My sister works at school. – Is she a teacher?

  1. Mr. Smith works in a shop.
  2. His daughter works at a theatre.
  3. Her friend works in the hospital.
  4. I work in industry.

Отреагируйте на высказывание собеседника своим советом или предложением:

I wish I were in London now (go). – Let’s go there now.

  1. I wish I had a car of my own (buy).
  2. I wish I lived in Moscow, it’s a very beautiful city (go).
  3. I wish my teacher were not so strict (another).
  4. I wish I had so many books (buy).

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