тестовые технологии
тест по английскому языку по теме

Овчинникова Надежда Николаевна

в данной разработке собраны различные разноуровниевые задания, цель которых проверить и проанализировать уровень знаний по английскому языку учеников 2-го года обучения


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Предварительный просмотр:

Образцы проверочных и контрольных работ

Form the sentences from the words.

Составь предложения из слов.

two, she, sons, has got.

cars, Rob, have got, and, ten, Bob.

sisters, have got, I, three.

has got, dolls, Nancy, four.

five, they, brothers, have got.

dogs, have got, seven, we.

ten, has got, books, Denis.

 II. Подберите ответы к данным вопросам:

1.     Where is he from?                                .           A.          No, I am not.

2.      What is she?                                        B.         She is fine, thanks.

3.     How are you?                                        C.         They are my aunts.

4.     What is your name?                                D.         I am fine.

5.    Is your family fine?                                 E.        My name is Bab.

6.    Are you a pupil?                                        F.         Yes, it is.

7.    How is your mother?                                G.         He is from Africa.

8.    Who are they?                                        H.         Yes, she is.

9.    Who is he?                                                 I.          She is a doctor.

10.  Is she from America?                                J.        He is my brother.











III.Вставь –is-, -are или –do-, -does.

________you play badminton ?

_________ Kate a good sportsman?

________ you like to play tag?

________ Nick and his brother swimmers?

________his sister go to swim to the swimming-pool?

Раскрой скобки.

My mother and my father (to be) from Moscow. _______

His cat’s kitten (to be) grey. ________

Their friend (to like) to play hopscotch. _________

Pam’s friends (to have got) many toys. _________

Her parents (to get) up at seven o’clock. ________

Our friends (to can) run very well. _________

Their brother (to have) got a little bird. ________

I ( to be) at school. ____________

 V.   Поставьте точку или знак вопроса в конце предложения.

Can you see a cat

We can play sport games very well

White bears can swim very well

My mother can play tennis and football very well

We can’t give you his big doll

Can you take this big crocodile and put it into the box

What can you see under the chair

I can’t skip very well

Can giraffes skate

Dogs can swim and run and jump

What games can you play at the stadium

We can go to the swimming pool with our mother

Where can you see your friends today

I can go to school with you

      15.  Where can you see animals


1. He washed his hands and face but he didn’t __________________________a shower.

a. takes;                 b. take;                c. taking

2.  We often _________________in winter.

a. skate        ;        b. skated;         c. are skating

3.  Mr  Brown __________________________chess with his friend now.

a. is playing;        b. played;        c. play

4. _________________you go to the stadium yesterday?

a. does;                b. is                c. did

5. _____________you like to have a glass of juice?  -Yes, please.

a. do;                b. would;        c. are

6. My brother usually _________________books in the evening.

a. is reading;         b. read;         c. reads

выбери правильный  вариант и подчеркни.

My mother (don’t, doesn’t) go to her office every day.

(Does. Do) Mike often play (s, -) chess?

His friend’s brother (don’t, doesn’t) wash his face.

His parents’ friends (don’t, doesn’t) work.

(Do, does) their children take a shower every day?

VIII .  Составь из слов предложения и запиши их. Обрати внимание на знак в конце предложения.

he, a driver, does, want, to be? - _______________________________________________________________________.

her mother and her father, do, like, to play tag? - _______________________________________________________________________.

what, Mary, does, want? - __________________________________________________.

like, don’t, my friends, cats.- _______________________________________________.

where, she, does, want, with her sister, to play? - _______________________________________________________________________.

can, sledge, where, you? - __________________________________________________.

Open the brackets.

Your mother (to watch) TV in the evening? ____________________________________________________________

Where your parents (to like) to walk? ______________________________________________________________

Why you (to go) to school late? __________________________________________________________________

When your aunt's children (to play hide-and seek? __________________________________________________________________

You (to go) to the stadium every morning? __________________________________________________________________

исправь ошибки, зачеркнув неправильный вариант, напиши правильный рядом на строчке.

Do  their sister go to the Zoo? ___________________

She doesn’t likes this sport game. _______________

My mother and I gets up at o’clock._______________

 Their father don’t like to play badminton. __________

Where does he usually has breakfast? ______________

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