конспект урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Имайкина Луиза Альгисовна

План-конспект урока по теме "Кино.Искусство"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Фрагмент урока по английскому языку на тему «Современное кино»

Цели и задачи:

1.учебный аспект: развитие речевых умений, развитие умений анализировать;

2.развивающий аспект: развитие самостоятельности, творческих способностей, воображения, познавательной активности;

Развитие интереса к самостоятельному просмотру фильмов на англ.языке.

3. Формирование мотивационной среды для изучения иностранного языка

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал по теме, отрывок из кинофильма “Шерлок Холмс”.

Учитель английского языка: Имайкина Луиза Альгисовна, МАОУ Лицей №3, г.Пермь

Класс: 7 б (лингвистический) МАОУ Лицей №3

Ход урока

1.Речевая зарядка

Good afternoon!

Today we are going to speak about a very interesting kind of art.

Art is the  most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. (O.Wilde)(слайд1)

There are different kinds of arts. They can be modern or classical. Tell me please what kinds of arts you know.


2.Игра-отгадай название вида искусства

Can you guess the type of art? Look at the screen,  please. Read the words and  try to guess what art it is.

 So what art is it? (слайды 2,3,4)


3. Тема урока (догадка по иллюстрации).

    I want to say that today our lesson is about a very interesting modern and fascinating kind of art. Look at the pictures, please and try to guess what art it is. (слайд4)


4. Опрос. Жанры фильмов. Предпочтения.

Do you like watching films?

What genres do you know?

What is your favourite genre?

Can you name any film of this genre?

Do you like crime films?


5. Название фильма »Ш.Х.» (догадка по иллюстрации)

I’m very glad that crime films are to your liking, because today we are going to watch a very interesting and up-to-date episode from a crime film.

Look at the pictures, please. (слайд 5)

Do you know who they are?

What is the name of the film?


6. Информация о фильме.

You know, this film is set in this year, in January. So, it is just a fresher.

And it is based on a book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Are there any people who have read the book?

What is it about (few words about the plot)?


7.  Работа с лексикой. Снятие языковых трудностей перед  просмотром.

Thank you. So we are going to watch an episode from this film. The episode is taken from the 2nd chapter of the book, which is called “The Baskerville Dog”

But before watching let’s try to explain some words and expressions from it, which are used there and which can be difficult for you to understand.

Look at the smart board, please. (слайд 6)

Wilderness-an area in which few people live, that is not used for farming and more or less in its natural state.- пустошь, дикая местность

To do one’s own editing- to make changes, to make conclusions in one’s own way.- самостоятельно делать выводы

Bleak- dark, cold, raw- мрачный

Skip-pass away, jump, omit - проскочить

Violently- with extreme force, acting with harmful physical force - насильственно

Landmark-a large object on land that is easy to see and can help a person find a way to it - ориентир

      Hollow-an empty place - пустой

Moor- an area of open land dominated by grasses – местность, поросшая вереском

8. Объяснение заданий после просмотра.

O.k. Now I hope there’ll be no difficulties for you to understand the episode and you’ll enjoy watching.

After watching we’ll do the tasks:

1.Choose the right variant


3,Express your opinion on the episode using the expressions.

Let’s begin watching!

9. Просмотр (3 мин. 40 сек.)

10.Выполнение заданий. Выражение своего мнения.

Do you like this episode?

Have you understood the English dialogue?

So, the 1st task- work in chain, please.

The 2nd task- answer the questions.

The main task-What’s your opinion on the episode, whether you like it or not.? Use the expressions.

11. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

The results of the lesson are the following:….(giving marks)

So your home task for the next lesson will be: To make a kind of a review on this episode. Or you may choose any episode from the film you like and try to describe it.

I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. Thank you for your attention!


1. Choose the right variant.

1. The reporter speaks about ….. in the interview.

a) The Baskerville experiments;

b) The Baskerville workers.

2. The Dark Moor is …. .

a) a theatre;

b) a house;

c) a sort of bleak.

3. Sherlock is ….. in the description of the Dark Moor.

a) not interested;

b) very interested.

4. Henry’s ….. was killed on the moor.

a) mother;

b) father;

c) sister.

5. In Henry’s opinion he saw …. on the moor.

a) a bird;

b) a man;

c) a devil.

6. Watson thought it was …. that killed his father.

a) a cat;

b) a car;

c) a wolf.

7. The accident happened…. .

a) 2 years ago;

b) 20 years ago.

8. Holmes thought it was…. .

a) a joke;

b) a good story;

c) a kind of a dream.


2. Questions:

Where did the dialogue take place?

What did they watch at the very beginning?

Did Holmes believe Henry at first?

What did Henry see on the moor?

Did he want to help Henry? Why?

3. Express your opinion on the episode.

Use the expressions:

As to me

Frankly speaking




Easy to understand

True to life

To be fond of…

To be enraptured with…

It teaches us to…

It makes us think about ….. .

It helps us …. .

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