Policy Statement -Обучение слушанию
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Халина Нелли Эдуардовна

Один из трудно-осваемых видов речевой деятельности является аудирование. Успех результатов зависит от правильности выбора упражнений на развитие навыка аудирования. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

To my mind teaching listening gives Students' skills to function communicatively in an English speaking environment.

 Listening for is not used.

So my principle in  teaching listening is  listening is a communicative basis for functioning in an English speaking environment.

The aim of my  teaching is to develop listening for general idea and listening  for details.

Thus I follow to three principles of  developing of  listening skills.

  1. I think carefully about the type-material Sts' are  listening to ( my choice depends on class ( age, level), lenth, content, speed, quality of production, suitability, visual backup, authentic or non-authentic material)
  2. objectives (choice of activities and techniques depends on objectives
  3. the context in which listening occurs ( the classroom situation, the curtain climate, good- teaching learning atmosphere)

I think  carefully about spicific skills and strategies  developing in teaching listening .

My Sts' should be able to:

     1. listen for gist and  for details.

     2. predict vocabulary from topic words

  1. recorgnize words and understand how they are used in a sentence
  2. listen and follow the instruction
  3. listen and trasfer info.
  4. find errors
  5. respond questions
  6. identify and note main points and special details

It helps me to select and design further activities depending on the Sts' ability.

 If I want to teach  listening   for details I use   completing part of a chart, mind-mapping, gap-filling, maching pictures and phrases, spoiling mistakes, true and fales exercise, jidsaw activity, multiple-choice question.

 If I want to teach  listening   for gist I use an informal teacher-talk class discussion, looking at the pictures bofore listening, a  story line picture , summerising- using info. From the listening text for the problem solving.

  I believe these activities provide sharing Sts own experience that is generally communicate in real-life situations.

Now I want to demonstrate a fragment how I teach listening.

Topic: « Living at home»

Information about Students : 6 class, level pre-intermediate.

Objectives: by the end of the lesson my Sts should be

to listen for gist and identify a topic

to  identify the speakers and gender

to compare and discuss experiences and opinions.


We are going to listen to the text and do different execises and discuss what you have understood.

         -Look at the four possibilities and listen to the tape and  identify the topic of our lesson

             Activity 1

  1. Look at the blackboard and match  pictures and phrases
  2. Work with your partner. Listen to the tape. Make a list of things what the boys do and what the  girls do.

Activity 2

  1. Compare your list  with your partner and complete a chart ( boys/girls)




The best things

  1. Make a third list what you do at home
  2. Work in groups and discuss questions

Activity 3

  1. Do Sts in your group do a lot of things at home ?
  2. What are the best things to do?

And complete the last part of a chart

  1. Now tell me your solutions what the best things to do are.

I believe teaching listening is to teach Sts to function successfully in a  real-life situation. It's important to  develop listening skill  for general idea and listening  for details because it provides opportunities to teach Sts to comprehened different listening inputs.

I believe teaching listening should be developed from 3 stages : pre-, while-, post-.

Pre-listening activities should be  communicative, increase Sts motivation to listen, provide linguistic preparation and support.

While-listening  activities  provide  preparation for more creative work

Post-  listening  activities gives Sts opportunities to be  creative.

That was difficult for the Sts to deal with the  activities in the beginning but each time I practiced listening my Sts became more active, relaxed and they were not afraid of getting marks.

From lesson to lesson more Sts wanted to answer and show that they had understood what they had listened.

This way of teaching listening increases the Sts interest in learning English.

By the way my Sts use suitable info from listening text in English speaking situations.

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