конспект урока на тему "Легендарные герои индейского эпоса.Борьба за мир между племенами""
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Купрашвили Ирина Левановна

Цель урока- совершенствование навыков аудирования, совершенствование лексического запаса учащихся, развитие навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного, совершенствование грамматических навыков - Present Perfect Continuous.

Задачи -

1 Обучающая: овладение грамматическим и лексическим материалом

2 развивающая: развитие умения употребления определенных грамматических конструкций на фоне нового лексического материала, развитие коммуникативных навыков, развитие навыков просмотрового и детального чтения, развитие навыков аудирования

3 позновательная и воспитывающая:воспитать в учащихся этику поведения на уроке- трудовую дисциплину, обеспечивающую и способствующую круативному и продуктивному ходу работы


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Предварительный просмотр:

План комбинированного урока

Учитель английского языка         Купрашвили Ирина Левановна

Тема урока        Легендарные герои индейских племен. Борьба за мир между племенами.

Цель урока:

        -        совершенствование навыков аудирования

-        совершенствование лексического запаса учащихся

-        развитие навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного

-        совершенствование грамматических навыков – Present Perfect Continuous


  1. обучающая: овладение грамматическим и лексическим материалом на уроке английского  языка.
  2. развивающая: развитие умения употребления определенных грамматических конструкций на фоне нового лексического материала, развитие коммуникативных навыков, развитие навыков просмотрового и детального чтения, развитие навыков аудирования.
  3. познавательная и воспитывающая: воспитать в учащихся этику поведения на уроке - трудовую дисциплину, обеспечивающую и способствующую креативному и продуктивному ходу работы.

Учебный материал

        -        отрывок  видеоролика “Индейцы” (“Вожди племен”)

        -         МЦ

        -        Диск к учебнику “English World 5“

-        Учебник ученика “English World 6“ (авторы -Liz Hocking, Mary Bowen), изд. Macmillan

-        Рабочая тетрадь “English World 5“(авторы -Liz Hocking? Mary Bowen), изд. Macmillan

-        презентация



Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя (обучающие действия, речь)

Деятельность учащихся

(учебные действия, речь)


Организационный момент

1 min

1 Introduction:

Greeting. Checking attendance

Good  morning!                                                 I am glad to see you in this classroom. I am also pleased to welcome our guests.

Let`s begin our lesson. Who is present / absent today?

Good morning!

Учитель дисциплинирует группу, настраивает на рабочий процесс.

2 min    


 2 min


Warmer : 

Presenting the theme of the lesson: Legendary Heroes of Native Americans. Fight for Peace.                                                      

What do you know about Native Americans? Where did they live?  Did Native Americans live in America before Europeans arrived?        

Children answer the questions.

Native Americans were the people  who lived in America before people from other countries came here.                                                                                  Tribes lived by gathering food, growing food, fishing or hunting.                                                    The name Indian was given by Christopher Columbus who thought he had reached East India.                                                                       Some people think first Americans came from cave men of Asia.                                                           Millions of Indians were killed by European and African diseases and wars with    American settlers.                                                                                                                                  

На экране слайды  1-2



Основная часть



3 min 

2 min  

1 min  

5 min  

Введение в тему

“Legendary Heroes of Native Indians. Struggle for Peace.”

Today we have the representatives of the Native American tribes.

Thank you. As you see the names of the tribes are unusual. The same is with their personal names. Now, let’s start our main part of the lesson. Would you, please, give me words starting with D,E, G,A,N,A,W,I,D,A and ……              Let’s see…..

As yo  s  As we see we got the names of two heroes of American Indian tribes Deganawida and Hiawatha. Let’s listen and watch a presentation about these legendary people.

Pupils speak about their tribes.

Pupils watch Presentation, listening to the text

На экране слайды   3-9

Дети слушают текст и читают его про себя с диктором.


Слайд 10

На экране слайды 

11 - 34

2 min  

Control of Listening

Listen to my statements and show me whether they are True, False or Doesn’t say.

If the statement is “right” raise your right hand, if “not” raise your left hand, if there is no answer shake your head.

Long ago, five tribes lived on the bank of the Amazon River in South America.                                 The tribes suffered greatly because of lives lost in the fighting.                                                              A beautiful young woman dreamed about someone who could stop the war.                                     When Daganawida was 20 he decided to talk to his mother and grandmother                                                                                                                                        His mother didn’t want him to go and bring peace to people.                                                                                                                                            Deganawida had floated for 2 weeks when people saw him.                                                                                                                                                    Hiawatha was a young warrior.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hiawatha couldn’t sleep at night.                                                                                                                                                                                                      The chief of the Onondaga tribe was full of envy and anger.                                                                                                                                                         During his journey Hiawatha fought teddy bears.                                                                                                                                                                                  The chief of the Onondaga tribe became kinder.                                                                                                                                                                               All the tribes made one great nation                                                                                                                                                                              Deganawida went away to his mother

The children act as they were asked







?                                                                           T


 F                                                                                         T                                                                            T                                                                                       ?

Учащиеся слушают вопросы и отвечают на них молча

2  min  

 Answer the questions to the text:

How many tribes lived on the east of the Great Lakes?                                                                                                                                                                     What did the tribes do?                                                      Who was on the other side of the lakes?                           What dream did she have?                                           What did she dream that he would do one day?

When Deganawida grew up, what was he like? When he was a man what did he want to do?    How did the people feel when they saw him in his canoe on the lake?                                                              What was unusual about the canoe?                                  What did people agree to do when he talked to them?                                                                                  Who was the chief of the Mohawk tribe?                           What did Deganawida tell the people?                           What kind of person was the chief of the Onondagas?                                                                          What would he not to do?                                          What bad things happened to Hiawatha?                      Who did he think had caused the deaths?                      What did Hiawatha do?                                                     What was the chief like?          

What happened when the chief said he believed the message of peace?                                                       What was the tree that Deganawida planted called?                                                                        


They fought each other                                      

An old woman                                                                    That her daughter had a son                        Take a message of peace to the tribes across the water                                    He was brave, wise and gentle.                      Bring peace to the five nations


It was made of stone                                            

To put down their weapons and live peacefully                                                  


He told them that they must lay down their weapons                                          

Powerful                                                          Listen to Deganawida                              Three daughters died                                          The evil chief                                                        

He went to find Deganawida and helped to spread peace                                                 More of a monster than a man, hideous, with snakes in his hair                                                His ugliness disappeared  and                          

Hiawatha pulled the snakes from his hair the Great Tree of Peace

Учитель выборочно задает вопросы в зависимости от времени и ответов учеников

2  min

Very good. Now, please, open your pupil’s book, ex 1  at page number 86. Our next task is       ordering the sentences.

Children do the exercise

2  min

Are you tired? let’s have a small break. You can do some physical exercises.

Let`s sing. P.45.

Children dance and sing a song.

3 min

Cовершенствование грамматических навыков.

What have we all been doing for 25 minutes? What tense did we use? How do we form PPC?  

Let’s have some practice doing exercise 3 on page number 87 Pupil’s Book . 

Children tell the class formation of PPC in affirmative, negative sentences and questions.

For                                                       Since                                                               Children open the books and do the exercise orally

Совершенствовать навыки употребления Present Perfect Continuous.

5 min

3 min

Закрепление грамматических навыков.

Let’s have some more practice. Now look at this picture and say who has been doing a certain action and for how long time.

Now you have another type of exercise, where all the words are in disorder.

Students do exercise  from the screen in written form

Students do exercise from the screen orally  

Дети делают задание с экрана

4 min

Cовершенствование  навыков говорения

Well, boys and girls. You have been doing very well. Now there is one more task for you.

Think and answer why peace is so important to you, your family and for the whole world.

If there are no wars and we can live in peace and harmony.                                               Everyone has the right to live in security.                                                                       I want to see peace between all people because without it there is a danger of war.                                                                Peace is a necessary and essential condition for progress and prosperity of mankind.                                                           Peace is the desire of every heart.                                               Peace is the hope of every nation.                                                When we have internal peace at home, there is peace outside.                                      When there is peace in the society there is peace in the country.                                       So when there will be peace in each country there will be peace in the world. Thus, it is important to maintain this harmony.

Дети дают свое представление и выражают свое мнение, почему необходим мир на земле.


1 min

4 min

Подведение итогов урока.


You have been very active. You have done       your     best and get your following mark               And now look at the screen and write down your Homework.        The marks for the lesson…

As he have got some minutes let’s sing a song about Peaceful World.

Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Ученики записывают домашнее задание в тетрадкe.

Be prepared to speak about other Native Americans still remembered nowadays

WB page 71-74

Если останется время ученики поют песню Peaceful World  Если осталось время учитель обращает внимание на возможные       трудные  или непонятные моменты в дом. задании              

Предварительный просмотр:

Teacher:                What do you know about Native Americans? Where did they live?  Did American Indians live in  America before Europeans arrived?

Pupil         Native Americans were the people who lived in America before people from other countries came here.                                                                                                                                     

Pupil         Tribes lived by gathering food, growing food, fishing, or hunting.

Pupil         The name Indian was given by Christopher Columbus who thought he had reached East India.

Pupil                        Some people think first Americans came from cave men of Asia.  


Pupil                        Millions of Indians were killed by European and African diseases and wars with

                                American settlers.

Teacher:                Today we have the representatives of some Native American tribes. Let listen to them.

Pupils        speak about their tribes.

Pupil        There are many tribes of Native Americans, such as The Iroquois, The Chinook, The Cherokees, , Makahs, The Kiowas  

Слайд        The Iroquois  were not one tribe, but a group of five tribes that

                lived near each other and spoke similar languages.

        Слайд         The Iroquois  tribes were divided into three clans, the bear, turtle, and the wolf.  

        These tribes were all headed by a clan mother.The Iroquois women were a major

        part of  the Indian culture. Women also owned all property.

Pupil                Chinook чинук                                                                                                                                            

                        Слайд        The Chinook tribes  lived near the coast. They were known as Best known traders

                There are lots of other interesting facts about the Chinook tribe. The men are in charge of

                hunting and training dogs. Women were in charge of gathering roots and berries.

                Chinook villages made of rows of long, wooded houses without windows. Several

                families belonging to the same clan lived in each house.  

        Pupil The Cherokees      чероки

                                Слайд         The Cherokees lived in the river valleys of the Southern Mountains. In the

                                                Cherokee tribe, men and women had different jobs. Cherokees were farmers and

                                                hunters. They grew corn, beans, pumpkins, sunflowers, and tobacco.

They hunted squirrel, rabbit, turkey, bear, and deer.The Cherokees built villages of 300 or 400 houses. Each Cherokee Village had its own Chief.  

        Pupil Makahs  мако         

                        Cлайд        The Makahs built canoes to hunt the whales at sea. This was very dangerous. The harpooner stood in the front of the canoe. He always talked to the whale. He promised the whale that if it let itself be killed, it would be rewarded in the village with singing and dancing. Then he raised his harpoon and threw it into the side of the whale.  

        Pupil                The Kiowas  к tribes.        Kiowas used sign language (язык жестов) to communicate. They were one of the poorest of the Native peoples. They lived in the Great Plains. The Kiowas were dependent on the buffalo for their way of life. Their houses, clothing, food, blankets, bedding, and fuel came from the buffalo.

These Indians, like the others depended on the natural resources around them for all of their basic needs.


The Navajos Navajo  навахо  settled in the area of the Southwest known as the Four Corners. The Four Corners is where the four states of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado meet.

  1. The early Navajos were nomads. They often attacked the Hopis and stole
    their baskets, weaving looms, pottery, blankets and farm tools.
  2. The Navajos lived in houses called hogans. A hogan was a cone shaped frame covered with mud or grass. Navajos built their hogans in small, family size groups, miles apart from one another.
  3. The Navajos believed in gods they called them Holy People. The Navajos believed they needed to praise the Holy People or the gods would use their powers against them.
  4. Navaho ceremonies were led by a religious leader and healer called a shaman.  

                Shamans made beautiful sand paintings that were believed to hold healing powers.

  1. Twice a year, the Mandans left their villages and took part in the buffalo hunt.
  2. They had to walk several days to reach the Great Plains.
  3. The Mandans hunted in a group and wore animal skin disguises.

  1. In which region did the Cherokee live?
  2. Name one use for the rivers.
  3. Name one job for the Cherokee men.
  4. Name one job for the Cherokee women.
  5. Who was the Cherokee leader?

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