Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» для технических специальностей
книга по английскому языку по теме

Якуба Наталья Анатольевна

Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов технических специальностей, а также всех, кто интересуется техникой и хочет расширить свои знания английского языка.

          В учебное пособие вошли 3 раздела, каждый раздел содержит несколько текстов, к каждому тексту даются словарь и упражнения. Упражнения построены на базовом лексико-грамматическом материале. Представленные задания построены на основе дифференцированного отбора языкового и текстового материалов с учётом особенностей иноязычного общения специалистов в области техники и машиностроения. Система учебных заданий предусматривает последовательное формирование и контроль базовых коммуникативных умений в устной речи и чтении на материале специальности обучаемых.

          Цель учебного пособия – познакомить изучающих английский язык, с различными вопросами устройства автомобилей, а также основными понятиями и терминами машиностроения.

          Основная информация – устройство автомобилей.

        Материалы пособия могут использоваться как в ходе самостоятельной работы студентов над языком, так и на практических занятиях под руководством преподавателя.



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по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»

для студентов по специальности

110809 «Механизация сельского хозяйства»

Разработан преподавателем

Якуба Н.А.

ст. Брюховецкая-2012г.

          Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов по специальности 110301 «Механизация с/х»

 а также всех, кто интересуется техникой и хочет расширить свои знания английского языка.

          В учебное пособие вошли 3 раздела, каждый раздел содержит несколько текстов, к каждому тексту даются словарь и упражнения. Упражнения построены на базовом лексико-грамматическом материале. Представленные задания построены на основе дифференцированного отбора языкового и текстового материалов с учётом особенностей иноязычного общения специалистов в области техники и машиностроения. Система учебных заданий предусматривает последовательное формирование и контроль базовых коммуникативных умений в устной речи и чтении на материале специальности обучаемых.

          Цель учебного пособия – познакомить изучающих английский язык, с различными вопросами устройства автомобилей, а также основными понятиями и терминами машиностроения.

          Основная информация – устройство автомобилей.

        Материалы пособия могут использоваться как в ходе самостоятельной работы студентов над языком, так и на практических занятиях под руководством преподавателя.

Введение                                                                     3

Раздел 1. « The types of engines”                               4

    Topic “ENGINE”                                                                                  4          

     Topic “STEAM ENGINE.”                                                         5

    Topic “DIESEL ENGINE”                                                                       7

    Topic “WНАТ IS AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE?”                 9



    Topic “DRIVER’S CABIN. THE CHASSIS AND THE BODY. “             14

     Раздел 3 “Systems in the construction of a automobile”        16

    Topic “ Cooling system”                                                           16

    Topic “FUEL SYSTEM. BRAKES”.                                                         18

    Topic “DRIVIHG SYSTEM”                                                                20

Используемая литература                                                    23

Раздел 1. « The types of engines”

Topic “ENGINE”

1. Vocabulary.

to make – заставлять

to be referred to as – именоваться, называться

to term – называть

to cause – заставлять, вызывать, причинять

although – хотя

to create – создавать

shaft – вал

engine – двигатель

source – источник

wheel – колесо

internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

combustion chamber – камера сгорания

to take place – происходить

2. Read and translate the text.


The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. It is usually referred to as an internal combustion engine because gasoline is burned within its cylinders or combustion chambers.

This burning, or combustion, takes place an a high speed termed as an ”explosion”. The high pressure thus created causes a shaft to turn or rotate.

This rotary motion is transmitted to the car so the wheels rotate and the car moves. Most automobile engines have four or six cylinders, although some eight-, twelve- and sixteen cylinder engines are in use.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is transmitted to the car so the wheels rotate?

2. How many cylinders have most automobile engines?

3. What is the source of power?

4. What can you say about internal combustion engine?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. This burning, or combustion, takes place an ( большая скорость).

2. Gasoline is (сгорает внутри цилиндров) or combustion chambers.

3. Power that makes the ( колёса вращаются) and the car move.

4. The high pressure thus created causes a ( вал поворачивается)  or rotate.

5. Most (автомобильные двигатели) have four or six cylinders.

5. Translate into Russian:

  1. car moves
  2. high pressure
  3. internal combustion engine
  4. wheels go around
  5. source of power
  6. rotary motion
  7. sixteen cylinder engines
  8. transmitted to the car
  9. Most automobile engines
  10. within its cylinders


1. Vocabulary.

steam chest – паросборник

the more...the more - чем больше….тем больше

mostly - главным образом, большей частью

to invent – изобретать

to boil - кипеть

pipe - труба

steam - пар

valves - клапана

piston - поршень

to reach - достигать

pressure - давление

stroke - ход

speed - скорость

opening - отверстие

2. Read and translate the text.


The steam engine was the first high-speed engine ever invented. The principle of the steam engine is simple. When water is boiled, it changes in to steam. The more the steam is heated, the more pressure it has.

A steam engine has some important parts. One is a boiler where fire turns water into steam. The steam goes through a pipe to the other important part - the steam chest with a cylinder and a piston in it. There are valves, or openings, in the steam chest. As the piston moves in the cylinder, it opens and closes the valves automatically, so that fresh steam enters just when the piston has reached the end of its stroke. A rod from the piston is connected to a wheel.

Now steam engines are mostly used in locomotives.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is connected to a wheel?

2. What are some important parts of a steam engine?

3. What can you say about the principle of the steam engine?

4. Are there are valves, or openings, in the steam chest?

5. How now steam engines are mostly used?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. One is a boiler where __________water into steam.

2. A rod from the piston ___________to a wheel.

3. The steam engine was the first ____________ever invented.

4. As the __________in the cylinder, it opens and closes the_____________, so that fresh steam enters just when the piston has reached the end of its stroke.

Missing words: fire turns,  valves automatically, high-speed engine, is connected, piston moves.

5. Translate into English:

  1. пар нагревается
  2. поршень движется
  3. важные части
  4. огонь превращает воду
  5. высокоскоростной двигатель
  6. паросборник с цилиндром
  7. окончание хода
  8. соединяется с колесом
  9. большее давление


1. Vocabulary.

gallon - галлон  - англ. (4,54 л); амер. (3,78 л).

besides – помимо, кроме

to last - длиться, продолжаться, сохраняться

screw – винт

like - похожий, подобный

directly - прямо, непосредственно

alone     - один, только

immediately - немедленно, тотчас же

spray     - брызги, струя, разбрызгивать, распылять

fuel – топливо

spark plug – искра свечи

to connect - соединять

charging – загрузка

to inject – впрыскивать

to ignite – зажигать

to use – использовать

2. Read and translate the text.


A diesel engine is like a gasoline engine but simpler. Diesel engines are usually larger and can do more work. The fuel used in a diesel engine is oil. In diesel engines only air is blown into the cylinder. It does not need spark plugs. Diesel engines can be four - stroke ones and two - stroke ones.

Diesel engines use a cheaper kind of fuel and give more power for each gallon of fuel burned than gasoline engines. Besides they last much longer. In new trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity. The electricity runs motors which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the ship's screws.

The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. It uses oil as a fuel. The fuel is introduced in the form of spray and the engine requires no special ignition device.

In the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air alone is drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke. This air is being compressed on the return stroke to a very high pressure. The result of the combustion is that the air is heated to a high temperature.

The heavy oil injected into the air at the end of the stroke will be immediately ignited by It. The oil burns rapidly, but without explosion. The compression pressure is much higher than that in any other oil or gas engine.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What happened at the end of the stroke?

2. Is in the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air or petrol drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke?

3. What is the result of the combustion?

4. What is fuel used in a diesel engine?

5. A diesel engine is like a gasoline engine but simpler, isn’t it?

6. How diesel engines are used in new trains and ships?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. The ___________is an internal combustion engine.

2. This air is being ________on the return stroke.

3. The electricity ________which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the _________.

4. Diesel engines use a cheaper _________and give more power for each gallon of ________than gasoline engines.

5. In diesel engines only air ______into the cylinder.

Bank of words: compressed, fuel burned, diesel engine, ship's screws, runs motors, kind of fuel, is blown.

5. True or false:

  1. In new trains and plane diesel engines run large generators which make electricity.
  2. The fuel used in a diesel engine is petrol.
  3. In the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air alone is drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke.
  4. The oil burns slowly, but without explosion.
  5. In new trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity.


1. Vocabulary.

detachable - съемный

secure      - укреплять, прикреплять

to exert – влиять, оказывать влияние

duration - продолжительность, длительность

succession – последовательность

to comprise - включать, заключать в себе

to succeed - следовать за чем-либо

admission – поступление, доступ, вход

motion – движение

to take  place – происходить, случаться

to secure – охранять, предотвращать

internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

mechanical energy – механическая энергия

to consist of – состоять из…..

inside – внутри

crankshaft – коленвал

rotary – вращающийся

flywheel – маховик

inlet valve – впускной клапан

exhaust valve – выпускной клапан

camshaft – распредвал

constantly – постоянно

majority – большинство

revolution – поворот

2. Read and translate the text.


The gasoline engine is that type of machine where power generated within the cylinders. The engine is set in motion by the explosions of a mixture of gasoline and air.

Combustion takes place above the pistons. The detachable head is secured to the top of the cylinder block. It encloses the cylinder block and forms the combustion chamber. When the fuel is burnt within the cylinders the expansion of gases is used for producing piston movement. Such a type of engine is called the internal combustion engine.

In any internal combustion engine the gas charge is drawn into the cylinder.

The internal combustion engine converts heat into mechanical energy by burning a mixture of oil fuel and air within its cylinder or cylinders. The internal combustion engine consists of the following: 1. A cylinder (there may be several). 2. A piston which moves up and down inside cylinder. 3. A crankshaft connected to the piston by a rod known as a connecting rod. The connecting rod turns the up-and-down motion of the piston into a rotary motion of the crankshaft. 4. A flywheel which keeps the crankshaft moving when the pressure is exerted upon the top of the piston. 5. Two valves known as the inlet valve and the exhaust valve. 6. A camshaft which is used to open and close the valves. 'Combustion engines may be divided into types according to the duration of the cycle on which they operate. By a cycle is meant the succession of operations in the engine cylinder which constantly repeats itself. The great majority of modern automobile engines operate on the four-stroke cycle.

It is completed in four strokes of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft. Engines are also being built to operate on a cycle which is completed in two piston strokes. The four-stroke cycle comprises the following four phases or operations, which succeed one another in the order in which they are given: Admission of the charge to the cylinder. Compression of the charge. Combustion of the charge. Expulsion of the products of combustion.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are the operations in the four-stroke cycle?

2. What can you say about gasoline engine?

3.Discribe the internal combustion engine.

4. A camshaft which is used to open and close the valves, isn’t it?

5. Why is such a type of engine called the internal combustion engine?

6. What energy does the internal combustion engine convert?

7. How many valves are there in the internal combustion engine? What    are they?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. It is completed in (четыре хода) of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft.

2. In any internal combustion engine the (топливо) charge is (всасывается) the cylinder.

3. The detachable head is secured to the top of the (блок цилиндров).

4. The (двигатель) is set in motion by the explosions of a (смесь) of gasoline and air.

5. A  (маховик) which keeps the (коленвал) moving when the pressure is exerted upon the top of the piston.

6.It is completed in four strokes of the (поршень) or during two

 ( поворота) of the crankshaft.

5. Translate into Russian:

  1. the inlet valve and the exhaust valve
  2. gasoline engine
  3. combustion chamber
  4. air within its cylinder
  5. close the valves
  6. two revolutions of the crankshaft
  7. in two piston strokes
  8. connecting rod.
  9. great majority
  10. the inlet valve and the exhaust valve
  11. duration of the cycle



1. Vocabulary.

         STARTER MOTOR - Электрический стартер

to be put into engagement  (зд.) – сцепляться

toothed ring – зубчатый венец

periphery – обод

disengagement gear – выключаемая шестерня

to project – выдаваться, выступать

moisture – влага

to arrange – встраивать

dust – грязь

driver’s cabin – кабина водителя

action – действие

   to release pressure on the clutch pedal -отпустить сцепление

   to disengage - выключить

   direct drive - прямая передача

    speed – скорость

    hand brake – ручной тормоз

     lever - рычаг

     clutch pedal – педаль сцепления

    lightly – слегка

    accelerator pedal – педаль газа

to press – нажимать

to increase – увеличивать

gear shift lever –рычаг переключения скоростей

2. Read and translate the text.


The starter motor is mounted on the left side of the engine. It is a small motor enclosed to prevent the dust and moisture from entering. The gear on the starter shaft is so arranged that. It can be put into engagement with a toothed ring cut on the periphery of the flywheel. The starter is only required to work for a few seconds. An automatic disengagement gear is used to put it out of action when the engine is started.

A steel rod connects it with the pedal that projects through the floor of the driver’s cabin. All that is necessary to start the car, is to press the starting pedal.


Low Speed. The driver releases the hand brake lever and presses on the clutch pedal in order to disengage the clutch. He moves the gear shift lever to the left and  back. It is the low speed position. He releases pressure on the clutch pedal and at the same time presses lightly on the accelerator pedal. Now the car is started. He releases the second speed.

Second Speed. The driver released pressure on the accelerator and again disengages the clutch. He moves the gear shift lever through the neutral position. He returns the clutch pedal to its normal position and presses on the accelerator pedal. That is all. He engages the high speed.

High Speed. The driver disengages the clutch as before. He pulls the gear shift lever back from the second position. He increases the speed of the engine. He looks at the speedometer.

3. Answer the questions:

1. How starter motor is mounted?

2. What can you say about an automatic disengagement?

3. How the car is started?

4. Does the driver move the gear shift lever through the neutral position?

5. The driver increases the speed of the engine at the high speed, doesn’t he?  

6. What connects it with the pedal that projects through the floor of the driver’s cabin?

4. Fill in missing words:

The gear on the _________is so arranged that.

A steel _______it with the pedal that projects through the floor of the driver’s cabin.

The driver disengages the ______as before.

He ________the gear ________lever through the neutral position.

He ______pressure on the clutch pedal and at the ___________presses lightly on the accelerator pedal.

An automatic ___________gear is used to put it out of action when the _______is started.

Bank of words: moves ,starter shaft, engine, clutch, releases, disengagement, rod connects, shift, same time,

5. True or false:

The gear on the starter shaft is so arranged that.

The starter motor is mounted on the right side of the engine.

 It cannot be put into engagement with a toothed ring cut on the periphery of the     flywheel.

He releases pressure on the clutch pedal and at the same time presses lightly on the brake pedal.

He moves the gear shift lever through the neutral position.


1. Vocabulary.

burn button – кнопка сигнала

throttle lever – рычаг дроссельной заслонки

lighting switch – выключатель освещения

gear shift lever – рычаг перемены скоростей

head brake lever – рукоятка ручного тормоза

            to Jet in motion - приводить в движение

           drive shaft - карданный вал

           according to - согласно

         capacity (зд.) - величина, емкость, вместимость

          steering wheel – руль

          steering column – рулевая колонка

          chassis -   ходовая часть

          frame – рама

          spring - пружина

     gear box – набор шестерён

     propeller shaft – вал винта

2. Read and translate the text.


There are many control levers in the driver’s cabin. In front of the driver’s seat there are the steering column and the steering wheel. In the middle of the steering wheel there is the horn button. There is also a lighting switch on the steering wheel. What pedal is this? It is the brake pedal. What pedal is to the left of it? It is the clutch pedal. Where is the accelerator pedal? It is to the right of the brake pedal. What pedal is at the foot of the steering column? It is the starter pedal. There is a gear shift lever to the right of the driver. The hand brake lever is beside it.


We divide the car into two capital parts: the chassis and the body. The chassis is the lower part of the car. It consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs, and an engine which transmits the motion through, the transmission, to the wheels. The engine consists of a, cylinder block, crankcase, crankshaft and many other parts. The crankshaft sets in motion the flywheel.

Transmission consists of. the clutch the gear box, drive shafts and propeller shafts. The body is the upper part of the car. It is designed according to the capacity of the frame.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What levers are there in the driver’s cabin?

2. Where is the hand brake lever?

3. Where is the steering wheel?

4. Where is the lighting switch?

5. Where is the gear shift lever?

6. Into what two capital parts we divide the car?

7. What can you say about transmission?

4. Fill in missing words:

The (ходовая часть) is the lower part of the car.

The engine consists of a, (блок цилиндров), crankcase, (коленвал) and many other parts.

       It is designed according to the (величина) of the frame.

       It is to the (справа) of the brake pedal.

       Transmission (состоит из) the clutch the gear box, drive shafts and        (вал винта).

     5. Translate into Russian:

  1. clutch pedal
  2. steering column
  3. brake pedal
  4. control levers
  5. driver’s cabin
  6. chassis and the body
  7. wheels and springs
  8. crankshaft

in motion the flywheel.

Раздел 3 “Systems in the construction of a automobile”

Topic “ Cooling system”

1. Vocabulary.

seat (зд.) - гнездо

to force (зд.) - гнать

hollow - полый

water packet - водяная рубашка

      entirely - полностью, всецело

    as long as - пока

    tubular - трубчатый

    honey comb (зд.) – сотовый

variety (зд.) – разновидность

hexagonal - шестиугольный

sock – спускной кран

to drain off – спускать, осушать

   close (здд.) - кристальный

    service brakes - рабочие тормоза

   emergency brake - ручной тормоз (стояночный тормоз)

   side by side – рядом

    majority – большинство

   to fill – наполнять

   bottom – дно

  pump – насос, помпа

   to rise – подниматься

   variety – сорт, вид, разновидность

2. Read and translate the text.


The majority of engines are cooled by means of water. The cylinder head, the combustion chamber and the valve seats are surrounded by hollow spaces known as water jackets. They are filled with water. These jackets are connected by pipes to the top and to the bottom of the radiator. The radiator is mounted at the front of the car. There are two circulating methods: pump and thermo-syphon. In the pump system, the pump is placed in the bottom water passage. It is driven by the engine and forces the cooled water into the jackets. It forces the heated water to the top of the radiator where it is cooled again.

In the thermo-syphon system of water cooling there is no pump. The system is based on the fact; that hot water is lighter than cold water and has a tendency to rise. So when the water in the jackets of a thermo-syphon cooled engine gets hot, it rises to the top and enters the radiator through the upper pipe. Here it is cooled and goes to the bottom of the radiator and from there back to the jackets. The circulation is entirely automatic and continues as long as there is a difference in temperature between the water in the radiator and that in the jackets. There is a variety of designs in the structure of the radiators The two main types are tubular and honey comb type.

In the tubular type а series of flat vertical tubes connect two tanks. The honey comb type is built up of short tubes placed horizontally. Their ends are soldered together, making a labyrinth of narrow spaces between the tubes. These spaces are filled with cooled water. Tubes of various shapes are used round, square, hexagonal. A cock is placed at the lowest point of the radiator to drain off water when it is necessary. Behind the radiator a fan is provided to blow cool air on the tubes containing water. It is driven by a belt from a pulley on the crankshaft.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are surrounded by hollow spaces known as water jackets?

2. Is there pump in the thermo-siphon system?

3. The honey comb type is built up of short tubes placed horizontally,

isn’t it?

4. Is there a variety of designs in the structure of the radiators?

5.  What can you say about connecting of these jackets ?

4. Fill in missing words:

These _______are connected by pipes to the top and to the _______of the radiator.

The system is based on the fact; that hot water is _______than cold water and has a ________to rise.

Here it is ______and goes to the bottom of the ________and from there back to the jackets.

In the _________а series of flat __________tubes connect two tanks.

_______the radiator a fan is ________to blow cool air on the tubes containing water.

Bank of words: bottom, behind, jackets, cooled, lighter, tendency, radiator, vertical, tubular type, provided.

    5. Translate into English:

  1. через верхнюю трубку
  2.  структура радиатора
  3. двигатель становится горячим
  4. головка цилиндра
  5. узкие пространства
  6. разница температур


1. Vocabulary.

to vary – изменять(ся), менять(ся)

to meet the requirements – удовлетворять нужды, требования

pound – фунт

operating conditions - условия работы, режим работы, рабочие условия

       close (зд.) - кристальный

       service brakes - рабочие тормоза

       emergency brake - ручной тормоз (стояночный тормоз)

       side by side – рядом

to store – хранить

to deliver – передавать, доставлять

        intake stroke – ход всасывания

        vapour – пар

        fuel – топливо

        requirement – требование

        tank – бак

        importance – важность

         ordinary – обычный

       2. Read and translate the text.


The fuel system is designed, to store liquid gasoline and to deliver it to the engine cylinders on the intake strokes in the form of vapour mixed with air. The fuel system must vary the proportions of air and gasoline vapour to meet the requirements of the various operations conditions. The fuel system consists of a tank in which the liquid gasoline is stored, a fuel line, or tube, through which the gasoline can be brought from the tank to the engine, a pump, which pulls the gasoline through the fuel line, and a carburetor, which mixes the gasoline with air. The carburetor is designed to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 15 pounds of air under various operating conditions.


It is not necessary to explain the importance of brakes. It is clear that without brakes the car is quite helpless. They must be well and strongly made. It is necessary to give them close and careful attention. There are two sets of brakes, one for ordinary service, called the service brakes, and the other for emergency use, called the emergency brakes. Sometimes both are mounted inside the same drum. Sometimes one is outside and the other - inside The service brake is operated by a pedal. The emergency brake is operated by a lever.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Describe the  fuel system.

2. What are the functions of the carburetor?

3. Why the fuel system is used?

4. What are there are two sets of brakes?

5. Is the service brake  operated by a pedal or by lever?

6. Why the car  is quite helpless without brakes?

4. Fill in missing words:

1. (Топливная система) consists of a (бак) in which the (жидкий) gasoline is stored, a (топливо) line, or tube, through which the gasoline can be brought from the tank to the (двигатель).

2. The carburetor is (создан) to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 15 pounds of (воздух) under various operating conditions.

3. It is (необходимо) to give them close and careful (внимание).

4. Sometimes both are mounted(внутри) the same drum.

5. The (стояночный) brake is operated by a (рычаг).

6. It is not necessary to (объяснять) the (важность) of brakes.

5. True or false:

  1. The fuel system is designed, to store liquid gasoline and to deliver it to the engine cylinders on the intake strokes in the form of vapour mixed with air.
  2. Sometimes both are mounted outside the same drum.
  3. They must not be well and strongly made.
  4. The carburetor is designed to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 20 pounds of air.
  5. It is necessary to explain the importance of brakes.
  6. The fuel system consists of a tank in which the liquid gasoline is stored, a fuel line, or tube, a pump and a carburetor.


1. Vocabulary

driving system - силовая передача

at his will - по своему желанию

cone clutches - конусные сцепления

disc clutches - дисковые сцепления

former- первый (из перечисленных)

coil spring – спиральная пружина

multiple disc - многодисковый

single plate – однодисковый

a number of – ряд, несколько

driving – ведущий

driven - ведомый

to mesh - сцепляться

spline - продольный паз

surface – поверхность

coil – катушка

spring – пружина

outer – внешний

to revolve – поворачиваться

to attach – прикрепляться

fixed – неподвижный

to continue - продолжать

       2. Read and translate the text.


When the motor - car has to be sat in motion first of all it is necessary to start the engine. When the engine is running you start the car. By means of a pedal, the operator at his will, connects or disconnects the engine with the transmission. This device is called a clutch. Clutches are divided into two main groups: cone clutches and disc clutches. In the former group two cone surfaces are used to convey the drive. The cones are normally pressed into contact with one or another by means of a single powerful coil spring. This type of clutch is old and is now used only to a limited extent. There exist two types of disc clutches: the multiple disc type, and the single plate type.

There exist two types of disc clutches: the multiple disc type and the single plate type. The, multiple clutch is composed of a number of driving and driven discs. The driving discs have teeth on their outer diameter. They mesh with the internal teeth of: the internal teeth of the flywheel, sliding and turning it. When the flywheel revolves these discs revolve with it. The driven discs have teeth on their inner diameter. They are attached to the clutch shaft by means of splines. They can slide on the shaft. They are so fixed that they must rotate when the clutch shaft revolves. The driving discs continue to revolve with the flywheel while the driven discs rotate at the same speed as the clutch shaft.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Into what groups are clutch divided?

2. What is the cone clutch?

3. What is the disc clutches?

4. Does the flywheel revolve these discs?

5. Is multiple clutches composed of a number of driving and driven discs?

6. They mesh with the internal teeth of  the internal teeth of the flywheel, sliding and turning it, don’t they?

4. Fill in missing words:

  1. When the motor - ___has to be sat in motion first of all it is ______to start the engine.
  2. When the ________revolves these ____revolve with it.
  3. This device is called a _________.
  4. They are ________the clutch shaft by means of_____.
  5. Clutches are ______two main groups: ____clutches and disc clutches.
  6. . The, multiple clutch ______of a number of ______and driven discs.

Bank of words: necessary , flywheel , divided into ,splines, is composed, driving, attached to, car, discs, cone, clutch.

   5. Translate into Russian:

  1. multiple disc type
  2. two main groups
  3. by means of splines
  4. outer diameter
  5. these discs revolve
  6. start the car
  7. at his will
  8. the single plate type.

Используемая литература:


1.П.И. Коваленко « Английский для технических вузов» - Ростов-на Дону, 2012 г.

2. Т.Ю. Полякова «Английский язык для инженеров» - Москва, 2009 г.

3. Сеть Интернет


1. Под ред. Чернухина А.Е. Англо-русский политехнический словарь – Москва, 2010 г.

2. Modern English – Russian dictionary - Москва, 2011 г.

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