Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Викторина о США"
план-конспект занятия (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Дуганова Евгения Владимировна

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Слайд 1

Game « Do You Know the USA ?» Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Устьянская СОШ»: Дуганова Евгения Владимировна 2012-2013 учебный год

Слайд 2

Правила игры Игра проходит на английском языке, в которой принимает участие 2-3 команды по 3-5 человек. Каждая команда получает очко за каждый правильный ответ. Если ответ неправильный, то очка нет. Команда, которая получит больше очков, становится победителем. Каждая команда отвечает на каждый вопрос. Игра состоит из 6 раундов: Открытие США; История; География; Президенты; Обычаи и традиции; Президенты и домашнего задания.

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

А ) Discovering the USA Fill in the missing information : 1. America's symbol of Freedom is……. 2. The National Symbol of America is ……. 3. The Statue of Liberty is a gift from …….. 4. A large part of the Declaration of Independence is written by…… 5. The symbol of the Republican Party is ……… 6. The fifty stars on the American flag represent…….. 7. Laws are made …… 8. There are (……) senators in the Senate. 9. The tallest building in America is………. 10. There are (….) rooms in the White House. 11. The chairperson in the House of Representatives is ……. 12 .The main head quarters of the United Nations are in……… 13 .The flag of the USA is called ……. 14 . The American Parliament is …….. 15. The tallest building in Washington is …….

Слайд 5

Б ) History Answer the questions : 1. Give the names of the three ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America. 2. What was the name of the Dutch settlement which became New York City? 3. What was the colonists' motto during the « Boston Tea Party»? 4. In which city and state is the Liberty Bell located? 5. Which country presented the USA with the Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion? 6. How many years did the Civil War last? 7. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960s? 8. Who was the commander of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War? 9. Who was the leader of the American army during the War of Independence? 10. Which American general, who later became the 34 - th President, commanded all US forces during World War the second?

Слайд 6

В ) « Geography» Part 1. С hoose the right variant : 1. Which is the biggest state in the USA? a) Texas b) California c) Alaska 2. How many states are there in the USA? a) 48 b) 52 c) 50 3. What state is called « the Magnolia State»? a) Alabama b) Mississippi c) Georgia 4. What is the nickname of Texas? a) the Lone Star State b) the Coyote State c) the Sunshine State

Слайд 7

В ) « Geography» Part 2 . Finish the sentences : 1. The continental US is divided into (…..) time zones. 2. The highest trees in the world grow in (….).They are called(«…..» or «….»). 3. The name of the first US national park is (……). It is located in (……). 4. The highest mountains are (……,…..). 5. The name of the main river in the US ,one of the longest in the world is (……….with the….). 6. The capital of the USA is on the (….) river. 7. You can see 10,000 lakes in (……..). 8. The five great lakes are (………………….). 9. (………) meets the sun first. 10. The state especially rich in coal is (……….).

Слайд 8

Г) « Presidents» Match the portraits of American presidents with their names: Bill Clinton b) John F Kennedy c) Abraham Lincoln d) Thomas Jefferson e) George Washington f) Franklin Roosevelt . 1 2 3 4 5 6

Слайд 9

Д) «Customs and Traditions» Part 1. Answer: 1. What are the ingredients of a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner? 2. What do the terms « melting pot» and «salad bowl» mean to US society and culture? 3. Which American rock-and-roll star lived in Memphis Tennessee? 4. Which American silent – movie star is called the Little Tramp? 5. What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the USA? 6. What university is the oldest in the USA? 7. What is the largest office building in the world? 8. What street in New York is famous for cinemas, theatres, shops ? Why is it called the Great White Way? 9. What is the nickname of the USA government? 10. What American place of interest is known to many children of the world? Where is it situated?

Слайд 10

Д) «Customs and Traditions» Part 2 . Do crossword puzzle : Use the clues to fill in the missing words ( clues are across: July, Columbus, New Years Day, Washington, Mothers day; down: Halloween, green, Santa Clause, discrimination , Irish):

Слайд 11

Д) «Customs and Traditions» Part 3 . Match the holidays with the pictures. Answer : When do Americans celebrate them?

Слайд 12

Е) « Literature» Part 1. Answer: 1. Which 19 th –century American writer is said to be the founder of the detective genre? 2. What pen-name did an American writer William Sydney Porter use to sign the humorous stories which he wrote in prison? 3. Which American family compiled the first dictionary of the American variant of the English language? 4. During which periods in American history was the novel «Gone with the wind» set? 5. Which American author wrote «The Last of the Mohicans» ?

Слайд 13

Е) « Literature» Part 2 . Match : a)Washington Irving А ) The first American writer to earn international b)O Henry recognition . c)Ernest Hemingway B) The author's real name was Samuel Clemens. d)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow C) Surprise endings were this writers characteristic trademark. D) He went to Alaska to find gold. e)Mark Twain E) He was Nobel Laureate in Literature .He f)Jack London wrote « The Sun Also Rises » . F) He was the first American to be honoured with a bust in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey London . 1 2 3 4 5 6

Слайд 14


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