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Сафиуллина Айсылу Абузяровна

Достопримечательности, национальные праздники, еда Татарстана


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Сколько дорог я прошел, весь мир обойдя, Нежный ветер ласкал мое лицо любя, Но только придя к тебе Родная земля, Грудь сжалась, место радости не найдя… В один день даже если будет разлука, Грусть по тебе это сплошная мука, Без тебя, о Родная земля, Нет жизни, без тебя — нет меня… В один день даже если будет разлука, Я как будто словно сирота! Лишь ты мой смысл жизни, Лишь ты яркий свет отчизны . Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan . How many roads I passed, the whole world having bypassed, The gentle wind caressed my person loving, But only having come to you the Native earth, The breast was compressed, a place of pleasure without having found … In one day even if there will be a separation, The grief on you is a continuous flour, Without you, about the Native earth, There is no life, without you — there is no I … In one day even if there will be a separation, I as though as if orphan! Only you are my meaning of the life, Only you are bright light of fatherland.

Слайд 3

The republic is located in the center of the large industrial area. The total area of the republic makes 67 836,2 sq.km. Extent of the territory – 290 km from the North to the south and 460 km from the West to the east.

Слайд 4

Kazan - the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan , one of the major economic, scientific, cultural centers and ancient cities of our country. Located on the great river Volga.

Слайд 5

Tower to Syuyumbika - a watchtower in the Kazan Kremlin, one of the highest in Europe falling towers. The tower to Syuyumbika is a recognized architectural symbol of Kazan and is widely known far outside of Tatarstan . Some legends beating its national name are connected with a tower. Sights. The Qol Sharif mosque - one of the main Muslim mosques of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan. S ettles down in the western part of the Kazan Kremlin. Construction of the temple was begun in 1996 as a reconstruction of a legendary multiminaret mosque of the capital of the Kazan khanate, the center of religious education.

Слайд 6

Millenium Bridge - the highest bridge in Kazan. Crosses the river Kazanka , connecting Vishnevskogo Street to Amirkhan Avenue. The bridge is obliged by the name to thousand-year anniversary of Kazan on the eve of which it was constructed. The Kazan Kremlin — the most known place of tourist pilgrimage in Kazan and the most widespread view of a photo of tourists. The Belokamenny fortress with a long fortification, the angular towers, located on a high hill — the most picturesque place in Kazan. In spite of the fact that the Kazan Kremlin — this heart of Tatarstan , it was built by Russian masters and bears in itself much more similarity to Kremlyami of the Russian cities. Bauman Street — the foot street in the historical center of Kazan. The street begins from Kazank's river about the Kazan Kremlin and proceeds on the southeast to Tukaya Square where it is crossed with Pushkin Street. Bauman Street is the area of trade, on it there is a set of shops, some restaurants and fast-food establishments.

Слайд 7

The most popular and all favourite Drinking bout. Its roots leave in an extreme antiquity. This spring celebration devoted to the completion of field works was primary. Today the Drinking bout is official state Tatarstan . National holidays. The Tatar national holiday of work of Sembele is connected with the completion of agricultural works. In it communication of the people with the earth, work of countrymen, love for the country, communication of younger and senior generations, maintenance of cultural traditions is figuratively reflected. Cheerful carrying out a holiday accompany celebration of the best workers of agriculture. Navruz Bayram is marked out on March 21 in day , in a spring equinox . New year " Navruz " means «new day» in transfer from the drevnetyurksky . It is the most ancient holiday which has arisen at the same time with creation of the first agricultural calendar. From Navruz the next year on a lunar Muslim calendar is counted.

Слайд 8

Food. Favourite and not less ancient baked dish is belish from fresh or yeast dough with a stuffing from slices of fat meat with grain or potatoes. Belish did the big and small sizes, in especially solemn occasions. Favourite and not less ancient baked dish is belish from fresh or yeast dough with a stuffing from slices of fat meat with grain or potatoes. Belish did the big and small sizes, in especially solemn occasions.

Слайд 9

C hek-chek is an obligatory wedding entertainment . Chek-chek brings in the house of the husband young, and also her parents. Very peculiar product is the gubadiya , first of all characteristic for kitchen of city Kazan Tatars. This round high pie with the multilayered stuffing including rice, dried fruits, and many other — one of an obligatory food at receptions.

Слайд 10

The End. Thanks for attention.

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