Конспект урока"Имидж", учебник Opportunities.Elementary.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Данный урок является одним из уроков по теме"Имидж" в 6 классе.Этот урок обобщающий.На уроке развиваются речевые умения учащихся, развивается умение работать в группах и в паре.Совершенствуются навыки монологической речи, выступая в роли мдоных экспертов, дети дают модные советы, отвечают на блицопрос учителя. Проводят интервьюирование, разгадывают загадки.Этот  конспект урока может быть использовн не только для работы по данному учебнику, но и занимаясь по другим УМК.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок по английскому языку на тему: "Image".

Цель урока:

-  развивать речевые умения учащихся на основе творческого использования ранее усвоенного материала;

- развивать умения работать в группе;

- совершенствовать навыки аудирования;

- совершенствовать грамматические навыки (сравнительная и превосходная степени прилагательных).

 Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент:

1) Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you. You look wonderful today.

2) Who is away today? What's the weather like today? What temperature is it now? What was you home task?

3) Today we are going to speak about clothes and fashion. We'll remember the words of unit 11 and do some exercises, than listen to our pupils who tell us what is in fashion now. So, the subject of our lesson is "Image".

II. Речевая разминка:

Now answer my question. Are you interested or not interested in fashion?

(На доске записывается количество учащихся, интересующихся модой и наоборот.)

Our girls are interested in fashion. None of boys are...  Most boys are...  One boy is...

To speak about clothes we must remember the names of different clothes. Now I'll describe some things we wear and you must say what they are.

- Only girls wear it... (a dress).

- We wear them on our feet when it's cold... (boots).

- Girls wear them in their ears. Sometimes boys wear them too as a decoration... (earrings).

- People of different ages wear them as they are practical... ( jeans).

- We wear them the sun shines brightly... (sunglasses).

What other clothes do people wear? What are your favourite clothes?

III.Проверка домашнего задания:

It's time to check up your homework. You must listen and complete the table. (Дети заполняют таблицу словами, которые выучили дома.)

Now each of you will get a card. Your task to listen and complete the table which words will help you to describe clothes.





IV. Практика аудирования:

It's time to listen to the recording. Listen to three students. Match them talking with people in the photos. Let's check your answers. (ex. 3 p. 83)

V. Развитие речевых умений:

I know that girls read fashion magazines. I’ve asked Mary to inform us about what is in fashion this season. (Рассказ ученицы о современных тенденциях моды.)

Now I’d like you to answer my questions.

  • What do you think of your clothes?
  • Where do you buy your clothes?  ( in the shop, at the market, make myself, have my clothes made)
  • What fashionable shops are there near you?

I know that all of you want to look good. But what shell we do to look good. I invited fashion designers to give us some fashion tips. Come here. You are welcome!

(Выступление учащихся)

Now his assistant will give advice to boys and girls. (Выступление учащихся)

VI. Развитие грамматических навыков:

It’s always difficult to choose clothes. When we want to buy clothes we usually compare them with each other. Now let’s compare the clothes in the picture.

(ex.10 p. 85)

VII. Интервьюирование:

Now you will interview each other. You only have 3 min. to do the task. Ask your friends questions in English.

  • Are you interested in fashion?
  • Who likes dark clothes?
  • Who buys clothes in the shop?
  • How often do they buy clothes?
  • Who likes to wear jeans?
  • Who is interested in fashion?

Your time is over. Say what you’ve found about your friends.

VIII. Подведение итогов:

I suppose we’ve had a good advice about clothes and fashion. No matter whether your clothes are fashionable or not, your clothes must always be clean and neat.

Thank you very much. You are very active today and answered well.

Your marks are …

Your hometask is …

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