конспект урока по теме "Спорт"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Чекалова Галина Александровна

конспект  урока по теме " Спорт " по английскому языку  3  класс по УМК " Way Ahead 2"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока:          Спорт

Цели урока:              

1.введение и отработка лексики по теме

2.употребление Present Simple

3.употребление структуры I like+noun/gerund

4. формирование навыков аудирования, говорения.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Т: Hello, children! Nice to meet you!

  1. Warm-up

T: Let s sing a song “I like ice cream”

I like ice cream,

I like ice cream

What about you?

What about you?

Chocolate and strawberry,

Chocolate and strawberry.

I like ice cream, too.

Lemon and banana

Lemon and banana

I like ice cream, too.

(The class can first sing together and then in two groups, taking alternative verses)

III. Speaking- listening

  • Введение лексики: sports, football, basketball, swimming, riding

Write “Sports” on the board.

Put flash cards 15- 18 below this heading and use word cards to teach the names of the sports

  • Ex. 1 p. 21 (Look and Listen)
  1. T:  Where are the children?

           Who are they?

           What is the woman?

  1. Play Tape 14. Children listen and follow
  2. чтение по ролям
  3. отработка структуры I like+ noun/ gerund

(Point to a flashcard and say “I like riding”)

                         Elicit similar statements from the class.

IV Listening- speaking Ex 2, p. 21 (Listen and say)

  • T: The children are going to talk about things they like. You must say who it is.
  • Play Tape 15

(In the pauses children call out  “It’s +/ name/” as in the example)

   Pete: I like riding (pause)

Voice: It’s Pete

           Sue: I like basketball (pause)

Voice: It’s Sue

  Andy: I like football (pause)

Voice: It’s Andy

         Tom: I like swimming (pause)

Voice: It’s Tom

                              Polly: I like playing computer games (pause)

Voice: It’s Polly

V Speaking Ex 3, p21 (Ask and answer)

  • Point to the small pictures and ask children to name the activities

P1: basketball

P2: swimming

     P3: reading book

  P4: football

  P5: riding

  • Ask the questions and elicit the short answers

     T: Do you like basketball?

P1: Yes, I do

           T: Do you like reading books?

P2: No, I don’t

  • Invite the pairs of children to ask the questions and answer them.

P1: Do you like football?

P2: Yes, I do (No, I don’t)

VI Workbook p. 20

  • Reading- matching. Ex 1 (Match)

Children draw lines from the pictures to the appropriate words below

  • Matching- reading- writing, Ex. 2 (Read and write)

Children match the faces to the children in the exercise above. They read the names of their sports and complete the speech bubbles accordingly.

  • Reading- drawing- writing Ex.3 (Draw and write)

Children read the questions. If their answer is “Yes”, they draw a happy face; it their answer is “No”, they draw a sad face. They write the appropriate short answers in the speech bubbles.

VII Итоги урока.


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