Презентация Кембриджа
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Балыкова Галина Алексеевна

История создания Кембриджа


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Structure History Location Organisation Notable people graduated from Cambridge Student life

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Main points Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, England, UK. It is the second oldest university in English-speaking countries (after Oxford). It is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world. <

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History In the first written records Cambridge was already a considerable town. The bridge across the River Cam existed since at least 875, hence the name of the town. <

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History According to the records, the University of Cambridge was created in 1209 by professors of Oxford who decided to leave it because of an Oxford alumnus that killed a woman. In 1214 the first rulebook was compiled. <

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History. Foundation of colleges. No college as old as the university itself. The first college at Cambridge was Peterhouse . It was founded in 1284. The last college to get official university status is Homerton College (achieved its status in March 2010). By far, Cambridge includes 31 constituent colleges Homerton College <

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Location The university is situated in a central location within the city of Cambridge, with the students making up 20% of the town’s population. Most of the older colleges are located nearby the centre of the city and the River Cam. <

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Organisation Cambridge is a collegiate university. It means that the university consists of independent colleges, each with its own property and income. The faculties are responsible for lectures, researches and arranging the seminars. Together with the Vice-Chancellor they make up entire university. Today’s Vice-Chancellor, Leszek Borysiewicz <

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Organisation All students and most academics are attached to a college, however the faculties, departments, research centres and laboratories belong to the university. 3 of 31 colleges admit women only. Originally, most colleges were all-male. The first college to admit both men and women was Darwin. <Слайд 2

Organisation The university is also made up of schools. A ‘school’ in Cambridge is a broad group of related faculties. There are 6 schools: Arts and Humanities Biological Sciences Clinical Medicine Humanities and Social Sciences Physical Sciences Technology <

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Notable alumni and academics Mathematic and sciences: Sir Isaac Newton (physics laws) James Clerk Maxwell (electromagnetic theory) Charles Darwin (theory of natural selection) Francis Crick and James Watson (code of DNA) Stephen Hawking (study of singularities) Sir Ian Wilmut (the first clone, Dolly the sheep) <

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Notable alumni and academics Literature: Lord Byron (Don Juan) Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita) C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia) A. A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh) W. M. Thackeray (Vanity Fair) <

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Student life Upon arrival, all students automatically become members of CUSU – Cambridge University Students’ Union. Sport is an important part of students’ lives. The most popular sport is rowing, there are competitions between colleges and against Oxford – the Boat Race. <

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Student life Cambridge has a lot of societies and clubs to offer to its students. There are: Sport clubs (boat clubs, football league, cricket) Political societies Academic societies Drama clubs <

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Some students from Cambridge run a blog – it’s a public online diary. There information about student life and studying at Cambridge can be found. Visit these sites: http://becambridge.com And http://cam.ac.uk Student life <

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Thanks for viewing! I hope you have learnt something new about Cambridge University. <

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