Unusual places to visit in Great Britain
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Кинельская Анжела Юрьевна



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Unusual places to visit in Great Britain Кинельская А.Ю. ГБОУ СОШ № 557

Слайд 2

The Thin House, London If you head to Thurloe Square near the V&A museum you'll find this architectural anomaly, which seems impossibly thin at one end. The wedge-shaped house at the end the terrace could be a feat of engineering or a monumental mistake but either way it's highly impressive. Wander to Knightsbridge and ogle the house from the street for free.

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The Forbidden Corner, North Yorkshire The Forbidden Corner bills itself as the strangest place in the world and it might just live up to its accolade. What started as a private folly in 1979 has evolved into a wonderland of sculpted grottos, subterranean chambers, monstrous carved boulders, bizarre statues and secret gardens scattered around Tupgill Park in the Yorkshire Dales. Admission is by pre-booked tickets only, which can be ordered online or over the phone. Adults £11; children 4-15 £9 and concessions £10.

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Ancient Greece? No, this is Cornwall. The Minack Theatre is an open-air theatre, constructed above a gully with a rocky granite outcrop jutting into the sea. The theatre is at Porthcurno, 4 miles from Land’s End in Cornwall, England.

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New Zealand? This is actually a view from the top of the deliciously named Cheddar Gorge in Somerset’s Mendip Hills. No hobbits here!

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No, it’s not actually a location from a video game. This is the spectacular Smoo Cave in Durness, Sutherland (Scottish Highlands). The cave is unique within the UK in that the first chamber has been formed by the sea, and the inner chambers by rainwater.

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The Maldives? this perfect white sandy shore is actually Seilebost Beach in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland.

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Brimham Rocks, North Yorkshire Whether you're a climber or just into strange rock formations, a visit to see the balancing wonders of Brimham Moor will leave you stunned. The weird rocks were formed by water, wind and glaciation eroding them over time and achieving magnificent shapes. You'll need some imagination with Brimham Rocks and to stand in the right position to see some of the shapes named after a monster, a turtle, a ship and even a dancing bear.

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The Crooked House, Dudley This pub and restaurant is not like your usual local. As its name look tipsy. It was built in 1765 but was affected by subsidence due to local mining in the 1800s, leading to one side of suggests, the building leans making it the building being four feet lower than the other! The Crooked House attracts intrigued drinkers from all over to see its leaning walls and glasses slide across the tables. Although the walls are crooked, the floors are straight, creating interesting optical illusions and the owners have annual inspections carried out - just in case it moves!

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The Gnome Reserve, Devon Set in four acres of woodland, meadows and gardens with wild flowers and herbs, more than 1,000 gnomes and pixies reside in North Devon's Gnome Reserve. From fishing gnomes to climbing gnomes and even gnomes sunbathing, you'll be wowed by the number of pottery pixies at the reserve. On arrival, you'll be given a hat and fishing rod, so you can fit in. The kids will love the Gnome Reserve as much as gnome enthusiasts and those looking for a unique day out.

Слайд 11

Portmeiron Village, Wales Why go to Italy when you can find the perfect Mediterranean village on the Welsh waterfront? Portmeirion was the brainchild of architect Clough Williams-Ellis who lovingly constructed it into the hillside on the Dwyryd estuary in the hope that it would pay tribute to the atmosphere of the Med. Some have said that the design was based on the italian town of Portofino, which Williams Ellis strenuously denied. Regardless, this village of brightly-painted buildings and spires built around a central piazza makes the perfect european-flavoured getaway. Admission from £8.50 for adults; £5 for children. Hotel rooms and self catered cottages are available for rent.

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