Reading lesson "Chocolate". Урок чтения на тему "Шоколад"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс) на тему

Ольга Владимирова

This is a complete lesson plan with its worksheets and a presentation that is aimed to produce more intensive reading. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to name some chocolate products, to express their opinions and to give advice about eating chocolate, to use words “addiction, addicted”, to find the main idea in the text and to identify the necessary details in the text.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson plan cover page




Olga Vladymyrova

Workshop title

Language. Teaching reading.

Materials and references

Worksheet, handout (a text), PPT “Chocolate”.

Brief description of context, location and time (size of classroom, facilities/resources available, time of day, lesson length, etc)

Private Language Center, 15 sq.m classroom with 3 desks and a computer. The lessons (60 min each) were done in the evening time.

Brief description of learners (how many,  age, level,  special needs/behavioural issues, etc)

The first group was 2 brothers-teenagers with different language level and age (10 and 12 years old). The second group was young people with the same language level and age(17 years old), there were 1 girl and 1 boy.

Brief description of the new idea and why chosen

I chose a reading lesson where I would like to combine reading skills with writing and speaking skills. I think that such a combination should produce more intensive reading and will encourage my students for further reading lessons.

Learning outcome

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to name some chocolate products, to express their opinions and to give advice about eating chocolate, to use words “addiction, addicted”, to find the main idea in the text and to identify the necessary details in the text.

Lesson procedure


Teacher activity

Student activity


Stage aim

10 min

10 min

10 min

10 min

5 min

5 min

10 min

Stage 1. Warm-up.

Shows a PPT “Chocolate” (slide 1and 2) and asks students to say what they see in the pictures and guess the topic of the lessons.

Distributes the worksheet (1 copy for each student), asks students to work in pair and ask each other the questions in part 1.

Stage 2. Pre-reading task 1.

Asks students to imagine a person who eats a lot of chocolate every day; shows slide 3 of PPT “Chocolate” and explains the meaning of “addiction & addicted” by giving examples. Asks students what other things people can be addicted to and elicits to make sentences by describing slide 4 and 5 of the PPT.

Stage 3. Reading task 1.

Tells students they are going to read about a woman, Cheryl, who is addicted to chocolate. Draws their attention to part 2 of the worksheet, asks them to read the choices; gives each student their own copy of the text, asks them to read it fairly quickly and to decide who Cheryl is writing to.

Stage 4. Reading task 2.

Tells students that they’re going to read in more detail to understand each paragraph and decide which summary is the correct one for each paragraph (from part 3 of the worksheet).

Stage 5. Post-reading task 1.

Asks students to decide if the sentences are true or false (part 4 from the worksheet) and then exchange the worksheets with the peer and check each other’s answers.

Stage 6. Post-reading task 2.

Asks students to brainstorm ideas to help Cheryl and writes notes about their ideas on the whiteboard.

Stage 7. Post-reading task 3.

Asks students to sit together and to write a letter back to Cheryl and gives the opening line: “Dear Cheryl, here are some ideas to help you with your problem. Firstly …”

Answer and brainstorm the ideas.

Work in pair, ask and answer the questions in part 1from the worksheet.

Listen to the teacher’s explanation. Elicit examples such as alcohol, drugs, shopping, football etc, make sentences using a new lexical structure.

Read the text, answer the question, compare their answers and consume the correct answer.

Read the text again, read the summaries of the paragraphs in part 3 of the worksheet, decide and write which summary is the correct one for each paragraph. Check their answers together.

Write “true” or “false” in part 4 of the worksheet; check the work of each other.

Brainstorming ideas to help Cheryl.

Create a letter to Cheryl, one of the students writes.


Pair work

Group work


Individual work

Individual work


Group work

To encourage students with the topic; to review the necessary vocabulary; to prepare students for the further work; to personalize the topic.

To pre-teach a new lexical structure needed for the further text reading; to provoke an understanding and correct usage of the new words.

To practice reading skills; to let students read the text for getting the main idea

To focus on the main points of the texts; to produce intensive reading.

To check text understanding; to teach students how to do peer’s error correction.

To encourage students to talk and to produce suggestions; to practice speaking skill.

To consume the suggestions; to practice writing skill.

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