Межкультурный туризм
рабочая программа по английскому языку по теме

Блументаль Татьяна Сергеевна

                             «Межкультурный туризм» (“The Cross -Cultural Tourism”) – курс внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку, рассчитанный на учеников 4 класса (9-10 лет).

Он основан на концепции коммуникативного обучения иностранной культуре в школе. Целью курса является вовлечение школьников в общение на иностранном языке по различным  ситуациям, а также знакомство с повседневной жизнью в Британии.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Межкультурный туризм (4 класс)

Пояснительная записка

                            «Межкультурный туризм» (“The Cross -Cultural Tourism”) – курс внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку, рассчитанный на учеников 4 класса (9-10 лет).

     Учащиеся 4 класса занимаются по УМК «Радужный английский»,  авторы О. Афанасьева, И. Михеева, который уделят внимание развитию всех видов речевой деятельности (аудированию, говорению, чтению, письму). Но весь учебный материал строится вокруг вымышленных героев, что вызывает определенный интерес детей, но воспринимается ими как сказка, а в реальных ситуациях, например, при поездках за границу, общение вызывает затруднения даже на элементарном уровне. Кроме этого, после окончания 4 класса дети будут продолжать обучение в разных школах по разным УМК, и это тоже может вызвать у них определенные трудности .Поэтому и возникла необходимость проведения занятий по данному курсу.

Он основан на концепции коммуникативного обучения иностранной культуре в школе. Целью курса является вовлечение школьников в общение на иностранном языке по различным  ситуациям, а также знакомство с повседневной жизнью в Британии.

   Естественный путь изучения языка – это расти в языковой среде, где язык используется в ежедневном общении. Все, что мы можем сделать, это дать знания об иноязычной культуре. Введение в англоязычную культуру-неотъемлимая часть обучения языку.  Оформление кабинета, английские книги, фильмы стимулируют интерес детей к к таким проявлениям культуры, как английские имена, этикет, праздники и традиции, фольклор. На начальном этапе обучения у детей еще недостаточный запас слов и грамматических структур, поэтому на занятиях допускается употребление родного языка. Межкультурные знания охватывают широкий спектр тем, прежде всего касающиеся поведения в общественных местах, повседневное общение людей, детскую литературу, песни и т.д.

 Исходя из функции языка быть средством познания и общения, конечная цель обучения видится в достижении умения общаться, применяя иностранный язык как средство непосредственного живого контакта. И уже на начальном этапе должны закладываться универсальные коммуникативные умения: слушать,реагировать на реплики собеседника, начинать, поддерживать и завершать разговор, извлекать нужную информацию.

Одной из целей образования является формирование личности через приобщение к культуре, истории и быту другого народа, воспитание дружелюбного, уважительного отношения ко всем людям. Одной из целей данного курса является активизация имеющихся в опыте учащихся знаний о культуре англоязычных стран.

Таким образом, данный курс ставит целью не только учить детей общаться на иностранном языке в ситуациях повседневной жизни, но и помочь им овладевать иноязычной культурой, что имеет различные аспекты:

  1. Познавательный. Страноведческое содержание курса направлено на то, чтобы дети познакомились с жизнью зарубежных сверстников. Сравнивая две культуры, учащиеся выделяют общее и специфичное, проявляют свое отношение по разным вопросам.
  2. Развивающий. Обучение строится как процесс решения речемыслительных задач, создавая для учащихся условия для активного «добывания» знаний.
  3. Воспитательный. Воспитание уважения, понимания и толерантности к другой культуре.
  4. Учебный. Обучение устной речи (диалогической и монологической), формирование лексических и грамматических навыков.

    Курс  ориентирован на  интересы детей и их собственный опыт, приобретенный во время зарубежных поездок с родителями. Он также включает в себя игры, песни, различную деятельность, что помогает сделать процесс изучения иностранного языка более эффективным и интересным.

        Занятия проводятся 1 раз в неделю, 34 – за год. Темы занятий по возможности перекликаются с темами УМК. К каждому занятию разработан дидактический материал (Task-sheets). Используются также аутентичные реалии, например, бланки для получения виз, анкеты, видео- и аудиокурсы.

     К концу изучения курса у учащихся формируется представление о диалоге культур, происходит культуроведческое обогащение, формируется и развивается коммуникативная компетенция

Календарно-тематическое планирование



Тема занятия

Раздел УМК




 Вводная беседа. Что такое «культура»

Здороваемся и прощаемся по-английски.

Unit 1


Расскажи о себе английскому другу

«Мое фамильное древо»


Знакомимся с семьей

английского друга


 Не так просто сказать «да» и «нет». Вежливые слова



Звоним по телефону

Unit 2


Рано, вовремя или поздно

Как узнать время


Самые знаменитые часы Англии. Часовые пояса


Английские традиции. Хэллоуин

Презентация №1




Дом англичанина- его крепость.

Unit 3

Презентация № 3


Как вырастить идеальный газон


Зачем англичанам камин



Идем в английскую школу

Unit 4

Презентация №5


 Самые известные англичане.


 Как поздравить друга с Рождеством


Рождственские и новогодние традиции Англии

Презентация №6



Что и когда едят англичане  

Unit 5

Презентация №№9, 10


Накрываем на стол

Правила поведения за столом


 Помоги маме: инструкция на английском



Зонтик нужен каждый день?

Unit 6

Презентация №4


Погода- любимая тема для беседы


Времена года и месяцы


У природы нет плохой погоды



Любимые увлечения англичан

 Unit 7


Англия, Британия или…


Основные достопримечательности Лондона

Презентация №8



Кролевская семья

Презентация №2

Презентация №7


Диалог «В аэропорту»


Диалог «В отеле»


Диалог «На улице»


Диалог « В кафе»



Диалог « В магазине»


Открытое занятие  «Приглашение в Лондон»


Подведение итогов.



  1. «Happy English-1» Т. Климентьева, Б. Монк  (Москва, Просвещение,1992)
  2. « Great Britain and the USA» З. Никитенко (Москва, Менеджер, 1992)
  3. « Welcome to Great Britain» Д. Хиллд, М. Льюис (Москва, Титул, 1997)

 4  Журнал «Английский язык. Все для учителя» 2013-2015гг.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The British Royal family

Слайд 2

F amily tree of the British Royal family

Слайд 3

QUEEN ELIZABETH II Elizabeth II (born 21 April 1926) is the Queen of 16 of the 53 member states in the Commonwealth of Nations. She is Head of the Commonwealth and Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Upon her accession on 6 February 1952, Elizabeth became Head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon. Her coronation service the following year was the first to be televised. From 1956 to 1992, the number of her realms varied as territories gained independence and some realms became republics. Today, in addition to the first four of the aforementioned countries, Elizabeth is Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. She is the world's oldest reigning monarch as well as Britain's longest-lived and second longest-reigning head of state.

Слайд 4

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark on 10 June 1921 ) is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. He is the longest-serving, oldest-ever spouse of a reigning British monarch, and the longest-lived male member of the British royal family. A member of the House of Schleswig-Holstein- Sonderburg - Glücksburg , Prince Philip was born in Greece into the Greek and Danish royal families, but his family was exiled from Greece when he was an infant. After being educated in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, he joined the British Royal Navy in 1939, at the age of 18. From July 1939, he began corresponding with the 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth (his third cousin through Queen Victoria, and the elder daughter and heir presumptive of King George VI) whom he had first met in 1934. During the Second World War he served with the Mediterranean and Pacific fleets . After the war, Philip was granted permission by George VI to marry Elizabeth. Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh

Слайд 5

On November 20, 2007 Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh celebrated "diamond" wedding.

Слайд 6

Anne, Princess Royal KG KT GCVO GCStJ QSO GCL (Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise; born 15 August 1950) is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of her birth, she was third in the line of succession, behind her mother and elder brother. She rose to second after her mother's accession, but after the birth of two younger brothers, six nieces and nephews, one grand-nephew, and one grand-niece, she is currently twelfth in line. The seventh holder of the title Princess Royal, Anne is known for her charitable work, being the patron of over 200 organisations , and she carries out about 500 royal engagements and public appearances per year. She is also known for equestrian talents; she won two silver medals (1975) and one gold medal (1971) at the European Eventing Championships, and is the first member of the British Royal Family to compete in the Olympic Games. She is married to Timothy Laurence, has two children from her previous marriage to Mark Phillips, and has three granddaughters. Princess Anne

Слайд 7

Prince Andrew, Duke of York KG GCVO CD ADC(P) (Andrew Albert Christian Edward, born 19 February 1960), is the second son and third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was second in the line of succession to succeed his mother; he is currently sixth in line. He also holds the actual rank of commander and the honorary rank of vice admiral (as of February 2015) in the Royal Navy, in which he served as an active duty helicopter pilot and later instructor in helicopter flight. He saw active service during the Falklands War, flying on multiple missions including anti-surface warfare, Exocet missile decoy and casualty evacuation. In 1986, Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson; the couple's marriage, subsequent separation and eventual divorce in 1996 attracted a high level of media coverage. As well as carrying out various royal duties, he served as Britain's Special Representative for International Trade and Investment until July 2011. Prince Andrew

Слайд 8

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex KG GCVO ADC(P) (Edward Antony Richard Louis; born 10 March 1964)[1] is the youngest of four children and the third son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was third in line to succeed his mother; as of 2015, he is currently ninth in line. Prince Edward made two very public attempts to pursue a career but, after failing at both, returned to his life as full-time member of the royal family. Prince Edward

Слайд 9

Charles, Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George; born 14 November 1948), is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. Known alternatively in Scotland as Duke of Rothesay and in South West England as Duke of Cornwall, he is the longest-serving heir apparent in British history, having held the position since 1952. He is also the oldest person to be next-in-line to the throne since 1714 . Charles was born at Buckingham Palace as the first grandchild of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. He was educated at Cheam and Gordonstoun Schools, which his father, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, had attended as a child, as well as the Timbertop campus of Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia. After earning a bachelor of arts degree from Trinity College, Cambridge, Charles served in the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976. He married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981 and they had two sons: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry. In 1996, the couple divorced, following well- publicised extra-marital affairs. Diana died in a car crash the following year. In 2005, Charles married Camilla Parker Bowles, who uses the title Duchess of Cornwall. Prince Charles

Слайд 10

Princess Diana and Camilla Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances;[ fn 1] née Spencer; 1 July 1961 – 31 August 1997), was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, who is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. Diana was born into an aristocratic British family with royal ancestry as The Honourable Diana Spencer. She was the fourth child of John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer and the Honourable Frances Shand Kydd . She grew up in Park House, which was situated near to the Sandringham estate, and was educated in England and Switzerland. She became Lady Diana Spencer after her father later inherited the title of Earl Spencer in 1975. She became a public figure with the announcement of her engagement. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall GCVO CSM (Camilla Rosemary; née Shand , previously Parker Bowles; born 17 July 1947), is the second wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, who is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. Instead of using the title Princess of Wales, she is styled through her husband's secondary designations as Duchess of Cornwall and, in Scotland, Duchess of Rothesay . These were adopted because of the strong association of the primary title with his first wife, Lady Diana Spencer, who was titled Princess of Wales.Camilla was born into a gentry family as the eldest child of Major Bruce Shand and his wife, the Honourable Rosalind Cubitt , the daughter of British aristocrat Roland Cubitt , 3rd Baron Ashcombe . She was raised in East Sussex and South Kensington, and was educated in England, Switzerland and France. Subsequently, she worked for different firms based in central London, most notably the decorating firm Sibyl Colefax & John Fowler. In 1973, Camilla married British Army officer Andrew Parker Bowles, with whom she has two children and five grandchildren. In 1995, Camilla and Parker Bowles divorced.For many years, Camilla and the Prince of Wales had a controversial relationship, which was highly publicised in the media and attracted worldwide scrutiny.In 2005, it culminated in a civil marriage at Windsor Guildhall, which was followed by a televised Anglican blessing by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

Слайд 11

Prince William Prince William, Duke of Cambridge KG KT ADC(P) (William Arthur Philip Louis;born 21 June 1982), is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. He is second in line to succeed his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, after his father. William was educated at four schools in the United Kingdom and obtained a degree from the University of St Andrews. He spent parts of a gap year in Chile, Belize, and Africa. In December 2006, he completed 44 weeks of training as an officer, being commissioned as a lieutenant in the Blues and Royals Regiment. In April 2008, he qualified as a pilot (earning his wings) by completing pilot training at Royal Air Force College Cranwell . He then underwent helicopter flying training in order to become a full-time pilot with the RAF Search and Rescue Force in early 2009. His more than seven-and-a-half years of full-time service with the British Armed Forces ended in September 2013. William married Catherine Middleton, on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey. Hours prior to the event, he was created Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn , and Baron Carrickfergus . Their first child, Prince George of Cambridge, was born on 22 July 2013, and their second, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, was born on 2 May 2015.

Слайд 12

Prince Henry Prince Henry of Wales (Henry Charles Albert David; born 15 September 1984), known as Prince Harry,[1] is the younger son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. His paternal grandparents are Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was third in the line of succession to succeed his grandmother; he is currently fifth in line. After an education at schools in the United Kingdom and spending parts of his gap year in Australia and Lesotho, Harry chose a military career, undergoing officer training at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst . He was commissioned as a second lieutenant into the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry Regiment, serving temporarily with his brother, and completed his training as a troop leader. In 2007–2008 he served for 77 days in Helmand, Afghanistan, but he was pulled out following publication of his presence there by an Australian magazine. He returned to Afghanistan for a 20-week deployment in 2012–2013 with the Army Air Corps.

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