виртуальная экскурсия."Давайте знакомиться!"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Крикунова Валентина Александровна

Чтобы поддерживать положительную мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка, в школе проводятся детские летние лагерные смены. В них нет стандартных уроков английского языка. Детям интересны творческие игровые формы работы и живое общение на английском языке. Экскурсия - это именно то, что интересно и полезно!


Microsoft Office document icon lets_make_friends.doc125.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  Название мероприятия   “LET’S  MAKE  FRIENDS”

Цель: Формировать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка.



  • Совершенствовать навык построения высказывания  на английском языке.
  • Учить общаться в неформальной обстановке.


  • Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.


  • Воспитывать толерантное отношение к культуре и традициям народов своей страны и стран изучаемого языка.

2.     Тип занятия – виртуальная экскурсия

3.  Формы работы обучающихся  – мозговой штурм, работа в парах (диалог), монологические высказывания.

4.    Необходимое техническое оборудование – ПК, экран, мультимедийный проектор.

Этапы занятия и цели каждого из них

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


в мин








Цель– приветствие, настрой на занятие, снятие языкового и психологического барьера.

Цель - включиться в иноязычное общение, отреагировать на реплики учителя.



Введение в сюжет занятия

T: Nice to see you boys and girls! I want to tell you that we are going to meet a group of foreign students. They will come only for a day. And we’ll have a good chance to make friends and to speak with them.

T: Let’s have a brain storm. Any suggestions?

T: Yes, you are right.

P1: Oh, shall we spend the whole day together?

P1: OK! In this case we must to our museum and tell them about our history.

P2: We can play football with them. Are there any boys in this delegation?

P3: Play Football! Are you kidding? Shall we give a concert for them? We can put our Russian traditional folk cоstumes; we can dance and sing Russian folk songs.

P4: Let’s make something like a quiz about national traditions and symbols of our countries.

P5: Everything is good. But remember! It is summer now and we can’t spend the day indoors! You know there is a summer Folk Festival called “Malaniya”

Fantastic! We are all for it! Let’s have an excursion!

P6: I think it will be useful! I can improve my English and our guests will practice Russian.



Постановка цели

Цель - определение совместно с учащимися того, что, для чего и каким образом они будут делать на занятии.

Цель – определить с помощью учителя тему, выявить цель и определить задачи (самостоятельно).


T: We can see folk sights, make friends spend time together and take part in different events.

T: I hope we’ll have great fun together! So all is done!  We are ready for excursion!

P6: I think it will be useful! I can improve my English and our guests will practice Russian.


 Этап изучения новых знаний.

Цель- введение и семантизация лексики по теме  в игровой форме


 Цель– знакомство с новой лексикой в естественных условиях общения; усвоение новых лексических единиц; воспроизведение их в процессе общения


T: Well children we are at right place!

slide 2

P1: How nice are here! The place is wonderful and the nature is perfect.

P2: Look! This is a bus of our foreign friends! And they are here! Nice to meet you! slide 3

F1: Where are we? It is so unusual here!

F2: What do you mean by “Keys”. Keys of Kingdom? It is a joke of course.

F2: Perfect. “KLYUCHI” is a park.

F3: There are a lot of people here.

F4: OK! For fun and profit!

P3: We are in “Keys”.

P2: Don’t translate the names into English.

P3: It is a park “KLYUCHI” – learn our Russian!

P4: It is a large nature park. It is situated in Prokhorovsky district.

P5:  Many people came here to take part in the great Folk festival “Malaniya”. Let’s start our excursion.

slide 5

F1: OK! It is so nice to relax after the trip. What is going on here?

F2: Pardon, I don’t quite catch you!

F3: Why are we sitting? Shall we dance with them?

P1: Here you can see the place where the river Psyol starts.

I think it will be useful to rest by the river and discuss were to start from.

P2: It is gulyanie.            slide 6

P3: Russian people are so hospitable and merry. They show Russian dances and sing folk songs. The guests simply join them. So they sing and dance together!

P4: With pleasure!

slide 7

F1: What do these people do?

P2: They show others what things they can do. Our people are creative. They make different souvenirs. Here are the handmade toys. slide 8

slide 9

F2: Look! To make such a great wooden church is not so easy!

They must be doing it during some months or even more.

F3: They are hardworking, aren’t they! But it looks perfect!

P3: Oh, come here! I have seen a man who is making a wooden lozhka

Slide 10

F1: What did you say?

F1: What for? Do you eat with a wooden spoon?

P3: Lozhka means a wooden spoon.

P3: No, it is a souvenir. Look, it is not so easy to do the spoon. But now you have learnt how to do it.

slide 11

F2: How beautiful are girls in Russian costumes!

P3: They are not Russian ones. They are Belgorod traditional folk costumes. They are typical for our  region.

slide 12

slide 13

F2:  I would like to play games.

P4: Guests from all parts of our region came here to take part in the festival. Here you can find not only different crafts,  folk songs,  dances  but  games are represented ,too.

P4: Let’s do it together! slide 13





F2: I am so tired!

slide 14

F2: Your countryside is wonderful.

F3: I am interested in folk toys and take one as a souvenir.

F4: I’ll never forget how to do a wooden spoon! It is so unusual!

Цель - научиться  использовать изученный лексический материал в речи

P1: You may sit down on the grass and have a rest. I want to take some photos.  Do you like this place? What do you like most?

P2: We are glad to hear it!




Цель – подведение итогов

F1: Good-bye!

Цель  понять достигли ли они на занятии поставленной цели и добились ли нужного результата.

P1: But It’s time to depart! May be we’ll meet somewhere else!

 P2: You have our address and it will be nice to get a letter from you!

 See you soon!


T: Dear friends. I think it was a nice excursion and we had a lot of fun together.  See you next time!

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